Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
O‘zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi
Mazkur o‘quv adabiyoti 0 ‘zbekistonning mustaqillik davrida sodir boMgan ijtimoiy-siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ma’naviy-ma’rifiy jarayonlar hamda o'zgarishlami, ushbu davrda ro‘y bergan tarixiy voqeliklami bevosita qamrab olgan. Ushbu darslik respublikada yuqorida nomi qayd etilgan fan bo`yicha ilk bora tayyorlanib o‘quvchi e’tiboriga havola qilinmoqda. Unda fan yuzasidan amalga oshirilgan innovatsiyalar, ilmiy tadqiqot xulosalari bevosita o‘rin olgan.
The Archaeology of Iran from the Palaeolithic to the Achaemenid Empire
The Archaeology of Iran from the Palaeolithic to the Achaemenid Empire is the first modern academic study to provide a synthetic, diachronic analysis of the archaeology and early history of all of Iran from the Palaeolithic period to the end of the Achaemenid Empire at 330 BC. Drawing on the authors’ deep experience and engagement in the world of Iranian archaeology, and in particular on Iran-based academic networks and collaborations, this book situates the archaeological evidence from Iran within a framework of issues and debates of relevance today. Such topics include human–environment interactions, climate change and societal fragility, the challenges of urban living, individual and social identity, gender roles and status, the development of technology and craft specialisation and the significance of early bureaucratic practices such as counting, writing and sealing within the context of evolving societal formations.
Ta'limda axborot texnologiyalari
Ushbu darslik bakalavriatning "Jismoniy madaniyat", :Tasviriy san'at va muhandislik grafikasi", "Chaqiriqqacha harbiy ta'lim", "Musiqa", "Maktabgacha ta'lim", "Pedagogika-psixologiya", "Boshlang'ich ta'lim" yo'nalishlarining "Ta'limda axborot texnologiyalari" fani dasturiga mos yozilgan bo'lib, bunda zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari asoslari, zamonaviy shaxsiy kompyuterlar va ularning atrof qurilmalari, sistemali dasturiy ta'minoti, amaliy dasturiy vositalar, zamonaviy kommunikatsion texnologiyalar, dasturlash, Microsoft Officening dasturiy vositalari haqidagi mavzular yoritilgan.
Актуальность темы диссертации. Вопросы денежного обращения эпохи раннего средневековья требуют комплексного привлечения письменных (наи-более информативных, но неизбежно выборочных), нумизматических (дающих массовый материал) и тесно связанных с ними эмблематических источников (тре-бующих особых методов анализа).
Ушбу китобда Самарқанд ва Зарафшон воҳасининг археологияси, тарихи, ман-башунослиги, тарихшунослиги ва этнологияси бўйича янги тадқиқотларнинг на-тижалари мужассамлаштирилган. Унда Зарафшон воҳаси тарихининг қадимдан то бугунги кунгача бўлган даврда иқтисодий, сиёсий ва маданий жараёнлари, сав-до масалалари, дипломатик муносабатлар ўз аксини топган
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
This new third edition of Principles of Electronic Communication Systems is fully revised and updated to make it one of the most current textbooks available on wireless, networking, and other communications technologies. Because the field of electronic communications changes so fast, it is a never-ending challenge to keep a textbook up to date. While principles do not change, their emphasis and relevance do as technology evolves. Furthermore, students need not only a firm grounding in the fundamentals but also an essential understanding of the real world components, circuits, equipment, and systems in everyday use. This latest edition attempts to balance the principles with an overview of the latest techniques.
абота посвящена истории возникновения медного раннемусульманского чекана на террито-рии Центральной Азии, его дальнейшего развития и трансформации. В книге рассматривается история сложения и развития формуляра медных монетVIII-X вв., разработана методика источ-никоведческого анализа данного вида исторического источника.
Ўрта Осиё, неолит, маданият, индустрия, макро-микроиндустрия, учириндили-пластинали индустрия, Калтаминор, Ҳисор, Марказий Фарғона, Сазаған, Қайнар Камар, Тўда-1. Мақола Ўрта Осиё неолит даври маданиятларининг айрим хусусиятлари ва улардаги индустриал комплексларнинг номланиши борасидаги мулоҳозаларга бағишланган
Hozirgi kunda turizmning, nafaqat, tarixiy yoki an’anaviy, balki, yangidan-yangi turlari, shakl hamda ko‘rinishlari vujudga kelmoqdaki, bu yangi tendensiyalar mazkur sohani valyuta kirib keluvchi manba sifatidagina emas, mintaqaviy rivojlanishning asosiy faktorlaridan biri deb qabul qilinishiga olib kelmoqda.
Ушбу мақола2018-йилда Қанқа шаҳристонидан аниқланган бир қатор ноёб топилмаларга бағишланади. Булар орасида нилуфар қиёфасида ишланган, тахтда ўтирган Будданинг кичик бронза ҳайкалчаси муҳим топилма ҳисобланади.
Ежелден тарихы тамырлас, мәдени құндылыктары ортак, гасырлар бойы ынтымағы жараскан бауырлас халыктар, өзбектер мен казактарды егемендік алған ширек ғасыр бойы айнымас достық пен татулық, дін, тіл, тарих, салт-дәстүр сынды ортақ рухани құндылықтар біріктіріп келе жатыр. Сол ортақ құндылықтардың арқасында екі елдің әдеби және мәдени карым-қатынасы тұрактылық пен бейбітшілікті нығайтудың кепілі болып қызмет аткаруда. «...жас ұрпақтың рухани-интеллектуал дәрежесін, санасы мен дүниетанымын арттыру, Отанға және халқына деген шексіз махаббат сезімін оятуда және ұрпақ тәрбиелеуде кітап оқу мәдениеті ерекше манызға ие. Өткізілген бақылау мен талқылаулар нәтижесінде бұл салада өз шешімін табу кажет болған өзекті проблемалар бар екені айқын.
Мақола Ўзбекистон ҳудудида содир бўлган илк антропогенез жараѐнлари тарихининг шартли даврий чегараларини аниқлашга, ўша даврдаги табиий иқлим шароит хусусиятларини ўрганишга бағишланган.
High Frequency Techniques. An Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering
A practical guide for today’s wireless engineer. High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering is a clearly written classical circuit and field theory text illustrated with modern computer simulation software. The book’s ten chapters cover: The origins and current uses of wireless transmission. A review of AC analysis, Kirchhoff’s laws, RLC elements, skin effect, and introduction to the use of computer simulation software. Resonators, Q definitions, and Q-based impedance matching. Transmission lines, waves, VSWR, reflection phenomena, Fano’s reflection bandwidth limits, telegrapher, and impedance transformation equations. Development and in-depth use of the Smith Chart Matrix algebra with Z, Y, ABCD, S, and T matrix applications. An unusually thorough introduction to electromagnetic field theory, step-by-step development of vector calculus, Maxwell’s equations, waveguides, propagation, and antennas. Backward wave, branch line, rat race and Wilkinson couplers, impedance measurements, and detailed even and odd mode analysis.
Wireless Transceiver Design. Mastering the Design of Modern Wireless Equipment and Systems
Building upon the success of the first edition (2007), Wireless Transceiver Design 2nd Edition is an accessible textbook that explains the concepts of wireless transceiver design in detail. The architectures and the detailed design of both traditional and advanced all-digital wireless transceivers are discussed in a thorough and systematic manner, while carefully watching out for clarity and simplicity. Many practical examples and solved problems at the end of each chapter allow students to thoroughly understand the mechanisms involved, to build confidence, and enable them to readily make correct and practical use of the applicable results and formulas. From the instructors' perspective, the book will enable the reader to build courses at different levels of depth, starting from the basic understanding, whilst allowing them to focus on particular elements of study. In addition to numerous fully-solved exercises, the authors include actual exemplary examination papers for instructors to use as a reference format for student evaluation.
Moliya: Korxonalar moliyasi
Mazkur darslikda moliya tizimining shakillanishida korxonalar moliyasining tutgan o'rni,korxonalarining moliya-kredit tashkilotlari bilan munosabatlari,korxona foydasini shakillantirish va taqsimlash tartibi,korxonalarni soliqqa tortish va investitsiyaviy faoliyuatni tashkil etish yo'llari,korxonalarda o'z kapitali va bahoni shakillantirish xusisiyatlari, korxonalarda moliyaviy rejalashtrishning mohiyati keltirilgan.
Wireless Communications. Principles and Practice
As cellular telephones become commonplace business tools, interest in wireless technology is booming. This book responds to that demand with a comprehensive survey of the field, suitable for educational or technical use. Materials are drawn from academic and business sources, numerous journals, and an IEEE professional reader. Extensively illustrated, Wireless Communications is filled with examples and problems, solved step by step and clearly explained.Wireless Communications covers the design fundamentals of cellular systems, including issues of frequency reuse, channel assignments, radio propagation, and both analog and digital modulation techniques. Speech coding, channel coding, diversity, spread spectrum, and multiple access are also discussed.