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The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language
This book has grown over several years out of many contexts, too many indeed for me to acknowledge them all. First, it hasdeveloped from my doctoral thesis and I owe profound thanks to my supervisor, Roger Simon, who helped me to find ways of articulating and organizing the myriad of mixed thoughts that I brought to him. Jim Cummins and David Cooke, the other members of my committee, were also most helpful and supportive and, with Roger, played a crucial role in encouraging me to pursue my diverse and often contentious interests.
CONGRESS Games and Strategies
Explaining Congress to undergraduates can be a difficult task, so we want to support instructors in every way possible. Accordingly, our support instructors more instructional aids than its competitors. Our “In Depth” sections at the end of each chapter provide a battery of possible paper topics and class projects. The computer simulations included with this volume have many class applications. We also believe our text is the first to include an instructor’s manual with lecture, exam and assignment suggestions.
Taking sides
Mass communication is one of the most popular college majors in the country, which perhaps reflects a belief in the importance of communications systems as well as a desire to work within the communications industry. This book, which contains 36 selections, presented in a pro and con format, addresses 18 different controversial issues in mass communications and society. The purpose of this volume, and indeed of any course that deals with the social impact of media, is to create a literate consumer of media—someone who can walk the fine line between a naive acceptance of all media and a cynical disregard for any positive benefits it may offer.
Justice, Ideology, and Education
Justice,ideology, and education are provocative words in the English language. Volumes have been written on each of these terms, and we still argue vehemently about what each of them means. Who should decide the purposes of schools? Does it make a difference what kinds of schools exist for different students? How is justice a dominant consideration in providing schooling? What ideologies lie behind our efforts at mass education, and which ideologies are to be taught? How do the current reforms in education fit with our traditions—most particularly, our traditional ideology of democracy and its attendant concern for justice? Why does the pressure for "excellence" in school reform literature pose serious justice problems for a democracy?
With the rise of agriculture and industry, the way people learn changed. Life became mechanical, and a universal system of schooling replaced free exploration. Study Abroad 101 is for those who are not satisfied with mechanical living, for those who need to explore. From fmding a study abroad program, to planning your trip, to maximizing your experience, to establishing an international career, this book will help you go. One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. — Henry Miller
The Fourth Dimension
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. This information is given with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
This new series is designed to meet the growing demand for current, accessible information about the increasingly popular wellness approach to personal health. The result of a collaborative effort by a highly professional writing, editorial, and publishing team, the Wellness series consists of 16 volumes, each on a single topic. Each volume in this attractively produced series combines original material with carefully selected readings, relevant statistical data, and illustrations. The series objectives are to increase awareness of the value of a wellness approach to personal health and to help the reader become a more informed consumer of health-related information. Employing a critical thinking approach, each volume includes a variety of assessment tools, discusses basic concepts, suggests key questions, and provides the reader with a list of resources for further exploration.
What Future for the State?
For those whose eyes are principally on Masaru Tamamoto, imagining all that the “information superhighway” will soon bring, acknowledging but rendering almost secondary the invention of new and more powerful weapons of mass destruction that wrought such havoc in the world, it is the science and technology that created wholly new life possibilities for hundreds of millions that provides the excuse for exultation. The satisfaction and Preface to the Issue “What Future for the State?” I Ii VI Dtzdalus pride felt about human inventions that transformed existing institutions and practices, in medicine, communications, and transport, to cite only three of the more obvious areas, are but a small part of a larger achievement thought to be significant.
Trotsky relates that shortly after the October Revolution, Lenin tumed to him and in German proclaimed, “My head is swimming.” So we too, specialists and students of the former Soviet Union, may wish to exclaim that our heads are swimming in the wake of the dizzying revolutionary events of the last decade. In the last eleven years the central regime in Moscow has had five leaders (Brezhnev, Andropov, Chemenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin). Fifteen independent states, many of them quite unfamiliar to us (who can say anything about Kyrgyzstan or Turkmenistan?), have replaced one unified central state. The Soviet Union is gone, the Cold War is over, the once powerful Soviet military has fallen apart and splintered, and Russia and Ukraine are even quasi-allies of the United States. These revolutionary changes have destroyed our familiar postwar world and planted us firmly in teri'a incognita.
This anthology attempts to harmonize these two critical aspects of ethics. The book's aim is to serve as a basic text for an introductory course in ethics that will shortchange neitherthe instructor's desire for conceptual sophistication nor the students' demand for relevance. The first section takes up fundamental issues of broad significance: the authority of conventional morality, moral psychology, basic approaches to ethical theory, justice, and morality and the law. The remaining sections explore topics of special contemporary relevance: censorship and sexual ethics, abortion, euthanasia, punishment and the death penalty, prejudice and equality, economic responsibilities, and nuclear deterrence.
Смерть империи. Взгляд американского посла на распад Советского Союза
Советский Советских Социалистических Республик отошел в историю - стремительно, безо всякой подготовки, но тем не менее окончательно.
В книгу входит один из самых знаменитых диалогов Платона "Государство", давно ставший классикой философской мысли. Проводится подробный сравнительный анализ "Государства" Платона и "Политики" Аристотеля - двух вершин античной мысли.
100 великих дипломатов
Книга рассказывает о самых известных и удачливых дипломатах всех времен и народов. Перед читателем пройдет яркая портретная галерея профессионалов - от Перикла до президента Рузвельта, от Сигизмунда Герберштейна до Александры Коллонтай, от князя Горчакова до графа Чиано (зятя Муссолини). и т. д.
Экспериментальные исследования и расчет напряжений в конструкциях
В сборнике рассмотрены новые методы экспериментального определения полей и величин деформаций и напряжений на моделях и натурных конструкциях. Рассмотрены также разработанные методы и данные расчета напряжений и перемещений в типовых узлах корпусов сосудов, основанные на использовании результатов экспериментальных исследований и расчетов на ЭЦВМ по приводимой программе. Изложенные методы и результаты исследований применимы к задачам силовых и температурных напряжений.
Переработка природного и попутного газа
Настоящий информационно-технический справочник по наилучшим доступным технологиям «Переработка природного и попутного газа» (далее - Справочник НДТ) разработан на основе анализа технологических, технических и управленческих решений, применяемых для обеспечения высокой ресурсо эффективности и экологической результативности переработки углеводородного сырья.