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Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
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Just Medicine A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care
For the past thirty years, medical doctors, social scientists, psycholo-gists, policy analysts, jurists, and a wide spectrum of health care providers have been studying and discussing health inequality in America.
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in sustaining human health, extending healthy life span, enhancing sports performance, and offsetting the challenges of advancing age. As current research improves our understand ing of dietary requirements in different contexts of human function, a comprehensive appraisal of the role of nutrition in human health and performance is warranted. It is this need that has inspired the current volume.
Nutrient Metabolism
It is likely that an understanding of nutrient metabolism will become increasingly valuable as it becomes more necessary to translate from molecular events, to whole body metabolism, to behaviors. This text, providing an excellent systematic overview of nutrient metabolism, provides an outstanding avenue for learning the fundamentals of this important area.
Border Medicine A Transcultural History of Mexican American Curanderismo
Border Medicine Many people helped me in various ways with this book, and I am grate- ful for the opportunity to thank them. I am indebted to colleagues in the School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies at Ari- zona State University.
Маркетингнинг 300 саволи: Филип котлер жавоб беради
Саволлар ва жавоблар шаклида тузилган ушбу китоб - стратегик маркетинг соҳасида жахондаги энг машхур экспертлардан бири, ва янги технологиялар сабабли маркетинг роли қандай ўзгариши, келгусида маркетинг бўлимлари к,андай бўлиши мумкинлигини билиб оласиз.
This report, titled Nutrient Composition of Rations for Short-Term, HighIntensity Combat Operations, is the product of the work of the Committee on Optimization of Nutrient Composition of Military Rations for Short-Term, High Stress Situations under the auspices of the Standing Committee on Military Nutrition Research (CMNR). The CMNR was established in 1982 to advise the US Department of Defense on the need for and conduct of nutrition research and related issues.
Personalized Medicine Empowered Patients in the 21st Century?
From this perspective I saw personalized medicine mostly as a new buzzword, a way of labeling old practices in a different way to open new doors for funding. It was during the European Science Founda-tion’s Forward Look on Personalised Medicine for the European Citizen (European Science Foundation 2012), a two- year long scoping and con-sultation exercise that I had the privilege of helping to lead, that I was convinced of the deeper significance of the idea of personalization.
Novel Food Processing Technologies
This book will be very useful to everyone working in the area of food to upgrade their knowledge regarding various aspects of the latest processing technologies. The compilation, in particular, is not absolutely based on any specific lecture course. However, it will definitely serve as one of the affluent manuscript in supporting too many course outlines related to advanced food technologies prevailing in many academic institutions.
O`tkir zehnlilar kitobi 2
Ushbu kitob orqali o'quvchilar tabiiy va ijtimoiy fanlar bo'yicha egallagan bilimlarini yana bir bor imtihondan o‘tkazib oladilar. Kitobda berilgan qiziqarli test topshiriqlari o'quvchilami tegishli fanlarga oid nazariy bilimlami yanada kengroq bilishlariga yordam beradi. Kitob o‘z bilimini oshirishga qiziquvchi barcha o'quvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan.
From the 20th to 25th of July 2009 the International School of Physics entitled “Radiation and Particle Detectors” was held in Varenna, which involved the use of detec-tors for the research in fundamental physics, astro-particle physics, and applied physics. At the school ten teachers and thirty students were present.
North Carolina in the Connected Age Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy
North Carolina’s economy has gone through many transformations. Agriculture and an agrarian way of life dominated the state from its inception through most of the nineteenth century. Like most of America’s residents, North Carolinians in the 1700s and 1800s lived on small subsistence farms. Turpentine, tobacco, and corn production were the state’s leading industries, while the manufacturing industry consisted of a handful of textile mills that served only local markets.
Review of the Department of Energy's Inertial Confinement Fusion Program The National Ignition Facility
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee con- sisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
National Collaboratories Applying Information Technology for Scientific Research
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee con- sisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
Хоразмшоҳлар сулоласи маликлари (Табақоти Носирий)
Юртимиз азалдан бетакрор тарихи билан дунё олимларини узига мафтун килиб келган. Нафақат сиёсий доирада, балки илмий жамоатчилик, хусусан, тарих илми мутахассислари хам диёримиз утмишига катта кизикиш билан карайди. Зеро, Урта Осиёда хукмронлик қилган салтанатлар тақдири ибратли, бу заминда вояга етган алломаларнинг жахон цивилизациясига кушган ҳиссаси бекиёсдир.
Neuromarketing in food retailing
This book is based on qualified contributions of experts in the field of marketing, neuromarketing and new technologies used in food retailing, services and marketing communication.