Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Дунёда бўлмаса муаллим агар...
Муаллим аввало, ота-она, боғча мураббийси, мактаб ўқитувчиси, олий ўқув даргохи устозлари, энг муҳими ҳаётнинг ўзи эканлигини унутмайлик.
Globalization, Nationalism, and Music Education in the Twenty-First Century in Greater China
My interest in exploring theoretical issues and empirical knowledge about the relationship between nationalism, school music education, and social change in an increasingly globalized world is closely related to my journey as a researcher of contemporary Chinese studies.
Roots of language.
To the people of Palmares, El Palenque de San Basilio, The Cockpit Country, and the Saramacca River, who fought for decency, dignity, and freedom against the Cartesian savagery of Western colonialists and slavemakers; whose tongues, having survived to confound pedagogue and philosopher alike, now, by an ironic stroke of justice, offer us indispensable keys to the knowledge of our species
Surfi ng about Music
This book is a collaborative effort, and I owe many individuals and institutions a debt of gratitude. I am especially grateful to the individu- als who took the time and effort to read and comment on drafts of parts of this book.
Microbial Risk Analysis of Foods
Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues who agreed to give generously of their time in the midst of birth, death, and the responsibilities of their day jobs. This book would not have been possible without all of your efforts.
Instruments for New Music Sound, Technology, and Modernism
This book would not exist without the involvement of many wonderful friends and colleagues. Those I name here are only the foremost. Instruments for New Music began as a PhD dissertation at the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, where it was researched and written from 2010 to 2013.
Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam.
This book series is committed to advancing scholarship on Vietnam and Vietnam-related issues and to nurturing a new generation of Vietnam scholars in arts, human-ities, education and social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. It engages with Vietnam in global contexts and with global Vietnam across time, space and commu-nity. It features new writings and understandings that reflect nuances, complexities and dynamic that Vietnam in all of its possible meanings and constructs has inspired, generated and pushed. It recognises the ever expanding circles of Vietnam scholars around the world whose scholarship can be seen as the products of a new era when knowledge production has become increasingly globalized and decentralized. All of these have been reflected and in motion in the well-established over-a-decade-long Engaging With Vietnam conference series, of which this book series is an offspring. For more, visit: https://engagingwithvietnam.org/global-vietnam-book-series/
Rethinking American Music
No book with as many contributors as this one could have been made without the help and good will of dozens of people behind the scenes, many of whom are unknown even to the editors over the last decade. So the least we can do is thank those whose names are most immediately before us.
Легкая атлетика
Типовая учебная программа рекомендована к обсуждению и изданию Координационным советом при Министерстве физической культуры и спорта, реализующим образовательные программы в области физической культуры и спорта (1 июля 2020 года, Протокол № 1).
The authors would like to thank Emily Hazlewood and the editorial staff at ANU Press, as well as the members of the ANU Press Humanities & Creative Arts Editorial Board, for their work in bringing this book to fruition.
Дақиқа қадри 2
Телебошловчи Абдурасул Абдуллаевнинг навбатдаги «Дак,ик,а кадри 2» китоби ҳам аввал нашр этилган китоблари каби 1001 савол ва унинг 1001 жавобидан иборат. Шунингдек, китобда муаллифнинг «Заковат» интеллектуал уйини нима учун оммалашгани, яна қандай қилса у жозибали уйинга айланиши мумкинлиги х,ак,идаги қизиқарли фикрлари келтирилган.
The employment of music as a form of cultural opposition and transformative power is a multifunctional process that represents an extension to the thematic and disciplinary borders of the complex relationship between music’s cultural, socio-economic, and political contexts.
Music and Revolution Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba
In retrospect, the process of my growing interest in Cuban music and his-tory over the past fifteen years has been somewhat fortuitous and deserves explanation. I grew up in Southern California, surrounded by Latin Amer-ican culture, but, as in the case of far too many Anglo Americans, largely oblivious to it.
Kusamira Music in Uganda Spirit Mediumship and Ritual Healing
This book draws on songs and other components of language from two neighboring language groups, Luganda and Lusoga. My usage of these two languages adheres to several features they hold in common.
Media and Popular Music
In this book, we examine key ways in which media and popular music intersect and help each other do business. When Van Morrison said ‘Music is spiritual; the music business isn’t’ he was merely replying briefl y to a journalist’s question but in doing so identifi ed a central issue for any study of music and the way it is marketed, distributed and mediated.
Classical Music Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges
Laurent Bayle is the General Manager of “Cité de la musique — Philharmonie de Paris,” a public institution inaugurated in January 2015 and co-funded by the French State and the city of Paris. He started his career as Associate Director of the Théâtre de l’Est lyonnais, and was then appointed General Administrator of the Atelier Lyrique du Rhin, an institution which fosters the creation of contemporary lyric opera.