Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Concern about the dramatic increase in childhood obesity in the United States prompted Congress to request that the Federal Trade Commission conduct a study of food and beverage marketing to children and adolescents. The results of that study – an analysis of 2006 expenditures and activities by 44 companies – are presented here.
Мифы и легенды народов мира
Долго и шумно мчался мудрый певец финнов по пути к своей родине; ничто не отвлекало его внимания от мысли, что он вскоре опять увидит все дорогое, милое и близкое ему, когда вдруг, на одном повороте дороги, он явственно расслышал вверху, над своей головой, стук колеса прялки.
Буюк донишманд ва алломалар жисмоний тарбия ва саломатлик хусусида
Ушбу китобда буюк мутафаккирлар ва донишмандларимизнинг қимматли фикрлари, инсон соғлиғи, бадантарбияси, кишининг соғломлиги кўпроқ ўзига ва турмуш тарзига боғлиқлиги ҳақида сўз юритилади. Буюк мутафаккирлар ғоялари, саломатликнинг зарур шарти ҳисобланган бадантарбия ва уйинлар, жисмоний машқ ва спорт турларининг аҳамияти х,ақида қиматли маълумотлар берилган. Мутафаккирларнинг фикр ва мулоу,азалари ўқувчилар учун муҳим манбаа бўлиб хизмат қилади деган умиддамиз.
Қодирийнинг сўнгги илтижоси
Қўлингиздаги мўъжазгина рисолада улуғ адибнинг шахсияти, мустаҳкам имон-эътиқоди ҳақида янги маълумотлар билан, авлодлари ва замондошларининг ёзувчи ҳақидаги ўчмас ёдномалари билан, адибнинг ўлмас асарлари дунёга келишининг айрим тафсилотлари би- лан танишасиз.
Music – Media – History Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media
This volume of Music—Media—History deals with a number of topics relating to digital humanities, more specifi cally to musicology, collecting contribu- tions by a group of international experts from a variety of fi elds.
Indigenous Knowledge of Namibia
Why this book, Indigenous Knowledge of Namibia? Nowadays, indigenous knowledge has gained prominence and attracted public interest due to its numerous applications in science and innovation: biotechnology, health, bioprospecting, pharmaceuticals, medicinal plants, agriculture, food preparation, mathematics, natural resource management, climate change and astronomy.
Radical religious thought in Black popular music.
Popular music has always drawn part of its attracting powers from referring to religiously connotated sources, obscure movements or charismatic characters in content and symbolism (Till, 2010).
Music and Democracy Participatory Approaches
However, the addressed dichotomy—the existence of a causal link between governmental repression and the formation of protest movements—is anything but new.
The book is targeted at professional food technologists working in the food industry, academic staff members responsible for the delivery of food preservation operations courses and upper-level undergraduates and masters-level students taking degrees in Food Technology or Food Science. The authors are all highly regarded in the field of HILP and have made a significant contribution to knowledge on this field with numerous publications in this technology.
Popular Music and Public Diplomacy Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
This book results from a larger research project between TU Dortmund Uni- versity and the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg which started with an international conference on “Popular Music and Public Diplomacy” in 2015
Guide to Food Safety and Quality During Transportation Controls, Standards and Practices
This book is not specific to any particular type of food or country, but it is intended to provide pro fessionals and advanced students with a sound foundation for the improvement of the transportation sector responsible for the movement of perishable food. It focuses primarily on the food at load and un load operations, in-transit, food movers, container sanitation, maintenance and traceability, food safety and quality controls. The book is intended to outline delivery monitoring and control solutions and to provide a standard approach for protecting the food transportation industry, those paying for quality transportation practices, and consumers.
Arab Music A survey of its history and its modern practice
Around the middle of the nineteenth century the first monograph of Arabic music appeared in German. The material that the author, Rafael Georg Kiesewetter, had at his disposal, consisted of a number of treatises on Arabic musical theory and a few musical notations made by European researchers and travelers during their stay in the Arab world.
Большая книга научных опытов для детей и взрослых
Это настоящая книга энциклопедия экспериментов, которая откроет для тебя новый яркий и удивительный мир с его особенными законами
Буюк шахмат тахтаси
Ушбу китоб тарихчилар, жах,он сиёсати ва халкаро муносабатлар, геосиёсат, хавфсизлик сох,аси билан шугулланувчи мутахассислар, укитувчилар, тадкикотчи ва олимлар, талабалар, умуман, мазкур масалаларга кизикувчи барча китобхонлар оммаси з^ун мулжалланган.
MUSIC AS MAO’S WEAPON Remembering the Cultural Revolution
This project would not be possible without the willingness of every single individual who sat down to talk with me about the songs, the Cultural Revo- lution, or lived experiences. I am deeply grateful for every person’s time and trust.
Genomes of Foodborne and Waterborne Pathogens
The purpose of this book is to provide a forum for critical analysis and synthesis of genome sequence information from leading foodborne and waterborne pathogens. Chapter authors describe the genome sequencing initiative(s) for each pathogen and discuss the contributions that the genome sequence information has made, and is expected to make, in our understanding of the pathogen’s ecology, adaptations, and evolution, not only from the basic science perspective but also from the perspectives of food safety, public health, and regulatory impacts.