San’at. San’atshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
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San’at. San’atshunoslik
MUSIC AS MAO’S WEAPON Remembering the Cultural Revolution
This project would not be possible without the willingness of every single individual who sat down to talk with me about the songs, the Cultural Revo- lution, or lived experiences. I am deeply grateful for every person’s time and trust.
Genomes of Foodborne and Waterborne Pathogens
The purpose of this book is to provide a forum for critical analysis and synthesis of genome sequence information from leading foodborne and waterborne pathogens. Chapter authors describe the genome sequencing initiative(s) for each pathogen and discuss the contributions that the genome sequence information has made, and is expected to make, in our understanding of the pathogen’s ecology, adaptations, and evolution, not only from the basic science perspective but also from the perspectives of food safety, public health, and regulatory impacts.
Ona tili va o`qish savodxonligi 1-sinf (1-qism)
mazkur kitobdan to'laligicha, hech qanday o'zgartirishlarsiz nusxa ko'chirib tarqatmoqchi bo'lsangiz, kitobda quyidagi iqtibosni keltiring: kitob USAID/"0'zbekiston barkamollik uchun ta'lim dasturi" doirasida ishlab chiqilgan va Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 xalqaro litsenziyasiga ega asl nusxa asosida qayta ishlangan.
Interpreting Music
This is a book about musical hermeneutics. A generation ago, no one would have wanted to write it. Music by nature seemed to rule it out. Music did not seem to mean the way other things do if it seemed to mean at all. This book tries to show why and how that situation has changed — changed dramatically.
Homer Rodeheaver and the Rise of the Gospel Music Industry
Just before the start of World War I, Homer Rodeheaver reached the pinnacle of his national fame—but not as a politician, athlete, or Hollywood celebrity. Instead, Homer Rodeheaver played the trombone and led mass singing for the revivalist Billy Sunday, a gig that vaulted both men to national prominence.
Fundamentals of Food Science Technology Processing and Preservation
This book in indented primarily for the food science student specially Fundamentals of Food Science technology processing and preservation student. It should be also value of food science student and student applied diploma of nutrition and food science, dietetics and nutrition. There may also be other people, wishing to find out more about Fundamentals of Food Science Technology Processing and Preservation, who would find this book more informative and interesting.
Music and Conflict
This book explores the significance of music for understanding conflict. In partic - ular, it concerns the ways in which ethnomusicology can contribute productively to the identification of intercommunal strife and to the resolution of intergroup hostility.
Soul Music Tracking the Spiritual Roots of Pop from Plato to Motown
It would be more than arrogant of me to suppose that I might have any-thing new and original to contribute to the literature on “soul,” soul mu-sic, or on the soul. I doubt my capacity even to canvass this vast literature, let alone transform it.
Перед каждым преподавателем, приступающим впервые к обучению студентов-иностранцев русскому языку, встает ряд методических вопросов, требующих своего неотложного разрешения.
Fundamental Food Engineering
The issue of burgeoning population and limited natural resources is garnering marked attention in all conventions and conferences of the World. Food and nutritional security issues have become pertinent like never before, especially for the developing world.
"Пульсирующий менеджмент"
Книга докторов экономических наук, профессоров Российской экономической академии имени Г.В.Плеханова А.Ю.Егорова и Л.Ф.Никулина знакомит читателей с новой концепцией росси-йского менеджмента, названного в работе "пульсирующим". Авторы, творчески используя и развивая идеи целого ряда Но-белевских лауреатов (в том числе по экономике, химии и био-логии), учитывая глобальные и национальные тенденции раз-вития современной экономики в направлении институциона-лизма, трансакционности и кон- трактности на основе отечест-венной специфики, обосновывают практически новые подхо-ды к российскому менеджменту неравновесных социально-экономических систем, в том числе рекрема тических.
Французский писатель Андрэ Стиль, активный и страстный борец за дело мира, был награждён Сталинской премией 1951 года за роман «Первый удар».
Hawaiian music in motion Mariners, Missionaries, and Minstrels
My thinking on the subject of this book began more than twenty years ago, and so I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the historians, folklorists, and music scholars who inspired me and taught me at an early age.
This book will trace the current prospects and scenario of the global market for frozen food. The market has been segmented on the basis of geography (APAC, EMEA, and America), channels of distribution (convenience stores, specialist retailers, hypermarkets, and supermarkets) and products (seafood, fish, freezedried meat, freeze-dried beverage, freeze-dried vegetables and freeze-dried foods).
music along the rapidan Civil War Soldiers, Music, and Community during Winter Quarters, Virginia
This musical and personal transformation was some-thing most soldiers experienced during the winter encampment of 1863– 64 in central Virginia.
This book is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference for the general microbiology community, and it may be of particular interest to food and industrial microbiologists and those engaged in microbial ecology research. This includes scientists in industry, university researchers, and those affiliated with regulatory agencies.