Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
“Сомон-само” наслчилик фермер хўжалигида оғиз сутини бузоқларга турли усулларда ичириш технологияси
Тажрибанинг мақсади ва вазифаси: Наслчилик чорва фермер хўжалиги шароитида бузоқларни онасини эмизиб ўстирилганда сут ичиш даврида (8-10 кун) бузоқларнинг ўсишини ривожланишини, касалликни енгишини (резистентность), самарадорликни аниқлаш ва ишлаб чиқаришга тавсия этиш.
This book has benefted from the generosity of many people who were willing to devote their time and attention to helping us refne our ideas and present them more clearly.
Meanings of Public and the Future of Public Services
Critically assessing meanings of the term “public”, this book situates the emergence and expansion of “public services” within market-based forms of production and consumption.
Denkanstöße zu einer anderen Geographie der Ökonomie
Die Wirtschaftsgeographie beschäftigt sich aus räumlicher Perspektive mit der Beschreibung und Erklärung der Herstellung, der Verteilung, des Austausches und des Konsums von Gütern und Dienstleistungen. Diesen Definitionsversuch könnten wohl viele Wirtschaftsgeographinnen und -geo- graphen unterschreiben.
Kant’s Philosophy of the Unconscious
In a recent publication on the history of the unconscious in the nineteenth-century German culture, Angus Nicholls and Martin Liebscher state that “Immanuel Kant arguably determined the way in which unconscious phenomena were understood in nineteenth-century German thought more than any other philosopher of the eighteenth century”.
Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Жиноят кодекси
Ушбу китобда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Жиноят кодексининг 2023 йил 1 февралгача бўлган ўзгартиш ва қўшимчалар ҳақидаги маълумотлар ўзбек ва рус тилида берилган.
Thomas Aquinas and The PhilosoPhy of Punishment
This book presents the moral, political, and legal thought of Thomas Aquinas as capable of providing a justification for the institution of punishment. It does so, in particular, by presenting Aquinas’s theory as a legitimate alternative to the prevailing justifications for legal punishment in the modern era, namely, utilitarianism and modern retributivism.1
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from the publisher.
Саломатлик калити ёхуд кўзойнаксиз ҳаёт
китоб саҳифаларида, қолаверса, ҳар бир сатрлар орасида яширинган маъно-м азмунни англаш, қалб кўзи билан кўра олиш нарсаларнинг асл м оҳиятини англай билиш қобилиятини аниқловчи синовдир
Sustainability and Communities of Place
This major new international series, which continues a series first published by Harwood and Routledge, is a vehicle for publishing up-to-date monographs and edited works on particular issues, themes, places or peoples which focus on the interrelationship between society, culture and environment.
Noananaviy o`g`itlarning g`o`zani o`sishi, rivojlanishi va hosildorligiga ta’siri
Mavzuning maqsadi yerlarga (tuproqga) mineral o‘g‘itlarni qo‘llab tabiiy ma’danlar va kompostlarni unga qo‘shimcha sifatida qo‘llash natijasida tuproq strukturasini, meliorativ holatini, ekinlar hosildorligini oshirishni va mahsulot sifatini yaxshilashdan iboratdir. Shu yo‘l bilan ham ekologik, ham iqtisodiy samaradorlikka erishish ko‘zda tutilgan bo‘lib, bu masala hozirgi kun uchun o‘ta dolzarb masala hisoblanadi.
A World Made for MONEY Economy, Geography, and the Way We Live Today
I’m stopped at a traffic light in the college town where I live. It’s a recently renovated intersection, an expanse of new and very white concrete about a hundred feet square, six lanes crossing four, plus right- and left- turn lanes.
CITY REGIONS AND DEVOLUTION IN THE UK The Politics of Representation
The statements and opinions contained within this publication are solely those of the authors and not of the University of Bristol or Bristol University Press. The University of Bristol and Bristol University Press disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any material published in this publication.
Postwachstumsgeographien Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter der Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Lizenz (BY). Diese Lizenz erlaubt unter Voraussetzung der Namensnennung des Urhebers die Bearbeitung, Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung des Materials in jedem Format oder Medium für belie- bige Zwecke, auch kommerziell.
Мукаммал хотира
Бу китобда инсон хотирасини ўткирлаштириш ва ўрганиш имкониятларининг нималарга қодирлиги ҳақидаги маълумотлар берилган
Замин М ,Байкал М 1, стимуляторини ғўзада қўллаш самарадорлиги
Тошкент вилоятининг типик бўз тупроқлар шароитида Замин М, Байкал ЭМ 1 стимуляторларининг экиш олдидан чигитларга ишлов беришда, ниҳолларнинг униб чиқиши, шоналаш ва гуллаш даврларида ғўзага қўлланилганида ғўзани ўсиши ва ривожланишига ҳамда ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини ўрганиш.