Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
History of national journalism - 2
During the period of renewal of society, when life is filled with new content, the periodical press of independent Uzbekistan becomes a platform often with answers to socio-political, cultural, and educational processes related to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the free fate of a free person and nation. This is a particularly relevant during formation of the foundations of the rule of law and civil society. In particular, the foundation of the information age was created, which has, far as possible, bravely incorporated the processes that upended life, the stages of development of democratic reforms, and through the values of the devastated day, it seems as if independence is growing. It is noteworthy that during the years of independence, our country has pursued a policy of liberalization with the mass media
Quick access to the people's republic of China — the first sixty years (1949-2009)
The Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee, held at the end of 1978, marked a key turning point in the country’s history. The criteria of special economic zones, establishment of a socialist market economy, resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao, accession to the WTO, hosting of the 29th Olympiad in Beijing — China is approaching the center of the world stage at a broad level. In the course of history, 60 years pass in the blink of an eye, but for China there are six ongoing and epoch-making decades. Because of the complications of history, most readers may find it hard to get a comprehensive panorama of contemporary China, and are often left far from satisfied or have no idea how to retrieve the desired information from a sea of chaos. Therefore, a history book with quick access to the major events during China’s 60 years of development might serve as a convenient bridge. Our book is such a tool. Based on the 1949-2009 timeline, the book features key events and figures that influenced China’s historical development, covering the areas of economy, politics, society, culture, technology, and more. Following the timeline, a clear and concise development path for China in these decades is presented with illustrations and diagrams, as well as comparisons with major contemporary events around the world, providing readers with an international lens.
Frazeologiyada zamonaviy yondashuvlar va konsepsiyalar
Frazeologiyaga zamonaviy yondashuvlar va konsepsiyalar fanlar o'zi ega bo'lgan so'nggi yutuqlari orqali quyidagilarni o'z ichiga oladi: − zamoniy frazeologiya sohasi asosiy nazariy qoidalar va zamonaviy tendensiyalar bilimini; − frazeologik birliklarni semantik va funksional, pragmatik va kognitiv jihatdan o'rganish; − pragmatik tilani va o'rta ekildigi ob'ektiv va chegilishi nima frazeologiyaning doimiy muammolari turlari hisoblanadi; − frazeologiyaning va frazeologik birikmalarning o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini hamda qiyinlik muvofiqini anglash; − o'rganish va chegishfrazeologining semantik va stilistik xususiyatlarini muntazam tavsiflash; − jismiy ijtimoiy faoliyatida frazeologik birikmalarning semantik va stilistik xususiyatlarini tavsiflash.
The Concept of Constitution in the History of Political Thought
The aim of the present volume is to discuss the notion of constitution from the perspectives of history of political thought. Its scholarly intention is to go beyond the approach concentrating on the formal understanding of constitution and bring forward more complex historical and philosophic-political interpretations.
Games of History
The Game of the Goose is one of the oldest board games still played today. Since its invention it has been the prototype for numerous race games. It is a roll-and-move race game played on a spiral track of sixty-three spaces, including neutral spaces, goose spaces that advance and hazard spaces that punish the player.
The censorship and persecution of historians, as the present book abundantly illustrates, have been frequent in the past. They continue to be a problem of the present. Given the importance of history and the conditions that govern its political instrumentalization in many parts of the world, they will not go away in the foreseeable future.
Musikgeschichte auf der Bühne – Performing Music History
Für das Beethoven-Jahr 2020 plante das Staatstheater Mainz, ein Stück Musikgeschichte auf die Bühne zu bringen: Das schlicht Beethoven betitelte Stück war alsbiografi sche Collage mit Musik von Ludwig van Beethoven angekündigt.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Machine learning and neural networks are fast becoming pillars on which you can build intelligent applications. The book begins by introducing you to Python and discussing the use of AI search algorithms. You will learn math-heavy topics, such as regression and classification, illustrated by Python examples.
Мазкур китобда "Сулосиётул Бухорий" асаридаги уч ровий оркали ривоят қилинган, санади энг олий бўлган саҳиҳ ҳадислар ҳақида фикр юритилади. Имом Бухорийнинг "Саҳиҳул Бухорий" асаридан мав- жуд олий санадли ҳадислар жамланган. Мазкур таржима Али ибн Ҳижозий ибн Муҳаммад Байюмийнинг “Сулосиётул Бухорий" тўплами қўлёзмасига асосланган. Шунингдек, ушбу китобга мазкур қўлёзма асарида келтирилмаган, аммо "Саҳиҳул Бухорий"да мавжуд бўлган сулосий ҳадислар ҳам киритилган.
В учебно-методическом пособни анализируется соотношение теории и экс- перимента в научном и учебном познании. Раскрываются методологический, ми- ровоззренческий и педагогический аспекты изучения физических теорий и про- ведения учебного физического эксперимента в школьном курсе физики. Рассматривается место теории и эксперимента на разных этапах обучения, в том числе в пропедевтической части и при систематическом изучении курса физики. Предлагаются методические рекомендации по рациональному использованию эксперимента и теории в обучении.
Настоящее пособие предназначается для студентов физико-математических факультетов педвузов. Принимая во внимание потребности будущих препода вателей физики, авторы стремились удовлетворить их следующими мерами