Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Privilege, Economy and State in Old Regime France Marine Insurance, War and the Atlantic Empire under Louis XIV
T he research for this book was conducted thanks to funding from the European Research Council: ERC Grant agreement No. 724544: AveTransRisk – Average – Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth–Eighteenth Centuries). This Grant also supplied the funds for the Open Access publication of this book. I finished the book during my tenure as Postan Fellow at the Institute of Histor- ical Research, for which I am most grateful to both the Institute and the Economic History Society.
Moral Economy at Work
Th e coronavirus has changed the agenda of both European and global politics. Countries that had previously been praised for having tight state budgets (like the Netherlands) or low public spending (including saving on public health services, like Italy and Spain) have come under criticism and found themselves with problems trying to control the spread of the pandemic.
The Main Purpose of this volume is to shed some light on the state of Japanese-German business relations throughout the whole of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the twenty-first.
Money in a Human Economy
This book is the third in a series of volumes (Hart and Sharp 2014; Hart 2015) exploring the idea of a human economy as a way of thinking about a better world. These first two chapters explore the tension between money as a human universal and its historical manifestation as capitalism.
The Internet of Everything Advances, Challenges and Applications
Internet of things (IoT) envisages a deep sense of connectivity and communication between the living and nonliving things. Nowadays, the vision of IoT has expanded to connect everything from industrial equipment, to everyday objects, to living organisms such as plants, farm animals and people. To create a niche for nonliving things to react, respond and work autonomously as and when required and as per their role, position and location in the ecosystem to provide services to the user, IoT is developing rapidly in the industrial settings.
Building Industries at Sea: ‘Blue Growth’ and the New Maritime Economy
The “River Publishers Series in Renewable Energy” is a series of comprehen-sive academic and professional books which focus on theory and applications in renewable energy and sustainable energy solutions. The books serve as a multi-disciplinary resource linking renewable energy with society, fulfilling the rapidly growing worldwide interest in energy solutions. All fields of renewable energy and their possible applications are addressed, not only from a technical point of view, but also from economic, social, political, and financial aspects.
Trinity, Economy, and Scripture Recovering Didymus the Blind
It is a joy to recall the many people who have made this study possible. First of all, I wish to thank my wife, for her joyful and steady labor in the Lord, and our children Ava, Cohen, Caeli, and Judah, for the profound measure of joy they have brought to our home.
Human Evolution and Development
No scientist will doubt nowadays that humans are a biological species, subject to the same evolutionary mechanisms as all other biological species, but how that evolutionary process took place exactly and which selective forces made us into what we are now, is still largely uncertain.
BIO 2010 Transformimg Undergraduate Education For Future Research Biologists
This report continues the National Academies’ efforts in the reform of education by calling on researchers to recognize the importance of teaching and to join together with educators to promote undergraduate learning. The goal in this case is to prepare the next generation of biological researchers for the tremendous opportunities ahead.
Ансамбль Шах- и Зинда
Одно из архитектурных творений этого времени — группа мавзолеев в загородном ансамбле Шах-и Зинда, расположенном на южной окраине Афрасиаба, среди выжженных солнцем холмов и могил. В контрасте с пустырем царский некрополь встает как чудо, застывшей музыкой, полной красок и жизни.
Бегона ўтларга қарши кураш чоралари мавзусини ўқитиш методикаси
Ушбу битирув малакавий ишида ана шу соҳадаги олиб борилган илмий тадқиқотлар ишларининг натижалари бўйича маълумотлар келтирилиб таҳлилий фикр юритилади.
Андижон вилоятининг ўтлоқилашиб бораётган оч тусли бўз тупроқлари шароитида ғўзанинг ўрта толали навларидан юқори ҳосил олиш технологиялари
Тадқиқотлар мақсади: Ирригация эрозиясига учраган ерларда ғўза навларидан юқори ва сифатли пахта ҳосили яратишда янги давлат реестрига киритилган ғўза навларини танлаш, ерларнинг қиялик даражасига боғлиқ ҳолда мақбул кўчат қалинлигини белгилаш, маъдан ўғитлар меъёри ҳамда суғоришда сувдан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини ошириш чоратадбирларини аниқлашдан иборат.
Муттасил шоли етиштириш агротехникасини ўрганиш
Ишнинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Тадқиқот ишида муттасил шоли етиштиришда тупроқнинг табиий унумдорлиги ва турли хил агротехник тадбирларни қўллаш ҳисобига тупроқдаги рўй берадиган физик ва кимёвий жараёнлар ҳамда ҳосилдорлик даражаларини аниқлашдан иборат.
Поехали! Русский язык для взрослых. Начальный курс часть 1
Учебник предназначен для начинающих изучать русский язык.
Комментарий к Налоговому кодексу Республики Узбекистан. Особенная часть
Настоящий Комментарий к Налоговому кодексу Республики Узбекистан разработан с учетом норм действующего законодательства. Издание включает официальный текст Налогового кодекса Республики Узбекистан (с изменениями и дополнениями на 2012 г.), а также подробный постатейный комментарий. В нем использованы законодательные и иные нормативные акты, в том числе ведомственные, касающиеся вопросов налогообложения, а также правоприменительная практика.