Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Плёнка остига чигит экишнинг ғўза ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Битирув малакавий ишида тупроқда нитратли азот, ҳаракатчан фосфор ва алмашинувчан калий миқдорларининг ўзгариши ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
"Олий журналистика курсларида ихтисослашув масалалари" мавзуида I илмий-амалий СЕМИНАР (материаллари)
Мазкур китоб кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Tourism management
In early 2013, the UNWTO, with much fanfare, reported that more than one billion international overnight tourist trips occurred globally during the previous year. Aside from the symbolic power of this impressive number, the achievement was even more remarkable given the lingering effects of the global financial crisis — proof indeed of the tourism sector’s great resilience as well as the continuing explosive growth of mass tourism markets in China and other parts of Asia.
Инсонни ўрганиш илми
Инсоннинг кўринишига қараб, унинг ички оламини билиш учун аввало у инсонни яхши билиш лозим. Бу ҳақда китоб сизга кўмакдош бўлади
Ўз устингда ишла
Бу дарслик, янада аниқроқ айтадиган бўлсак, қўлланма хасталиклари билан видолашишга тайёр бўлганларга, ўз устида астойдил ишлашга қарор қилганларга, руҳият кучи, ирода кучи нималарга қодир эканлигини билмоқчи бўлганларга мўлжалланган.
Занятия по обслуживающему труду в 4 - 8 классах. Работа с пищевыми продуктами. Электротехнические работы.
Книга содержит методические рекомендации и разработки уроков по разделам программы: "Работа с пищевыми продуктами", Электротехнические работы".
Boy bo`lishning o`nta siri
Adam Jeksonning to 'rt kitobidan biri bo'imish mazkur asar sizning boylik haqidagl barcha qarashlaringizni o'zgartirib, hayolingiznl butkul yangl lzga solib yuborishi mumkin. Muallifning qolgan uch kitobi - Baxt. Salomatlik va Muhabbatning o'nta 510ga bag'ishlangan bo'lib, hayot yo'lJanda siznmg ihonch hamrohingizga aylanadi.
Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystem Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions
This book starts by describing the vectors and history of biological invasions in different systems and within different taxonomic groups. Understanding the past and current mechanisms of how invasive species have been transferred to new areas is crucial for the planning of any management measures taken to prevent invasions. The second section focuses on the impacts of biological invasions, especially in hostparasite systems.
Nutq madaniyati va notiqlik san’ati
Ushbu darslik O‘zbekiston Respublikasi maktabgacha ta’lim va maktab ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari Agentligiga qarashli Ijod maktablarida tahsil oluvchi 7-sinf o‘quvchilariga mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, unda nutqning orfoepik, orfografik, leksik, morfologik, sintaktik, puntuatsiya me’yorlari, nutq turlari, o‘quvchi qizlar va o‘g‘il bolalar nutqi, nutqda tana harakatlari
30 сония учун 30 қоида
Бу китоб тингловчининг диққатини жалб қилишга, уни қизиқтиришга ва ундан ўзингиз истаган нарсани атиги ўттиз сония ичида сўрашга ўргатади. Бунинг учун қисқа, таъсирли в а ишонарли гапиришни билсангиз кифоя.
Занятия физической культурой со школьниками, отнесенными к специальной медицинской группе.
В пособии раскрываются задачи, содержание и методика физического воспитания школьников, отнесенных по состоянию здоровья к специальной медицинской группе.
A Unifying Theory of Evolution generated by means of information Modelling
The present study is primarily aimed at an audience of evolutionary biologists in the broad sense for Parts 1-3, as well as at scientists from other professional disciplines looking for new approaches to explore phenomena in nature. However, the content is in general not written as technical text or filled with equations that make it utterly incomprehensible for ‘normal’ people, although they would have to skip strictly professional biochemical and biological terms that are a constituent part of the evidence in a scientific sense.
Nutq madaniyati va notiqlik san’ati 9
Ushbu darslik O‘zbekiston Respublikasi maktabgacha ta’lim va maktab ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari Agentligiga qarashli Ijod maktablarida tahsil oluvchi 9-sinf o‘quvchilariga mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, unda nutqning orfoepik, orfografik, leksik, morfologik, sintaktik, puntuatsiya me’yorlari, nutq turlari, o‘quvchi qizlar va o‘g‘il bolalar nutqi, nutqda tana harakatlari (noverbal vositalar)dan to‘g‘ri foydalanish, oilada, qavm-qarindoshlar orasida, jamoatchilik joylarida jo‘yali gapirish qonun-qoidalari to‘g‘risida nazariy va amaliy ma’lumotlar bayon etilgan.
Axborot xavfsizligi
Axborot xavfsizligi fani bo‘yicha darslik tayanch oliy o‘quv yurti Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitctining “Axborot xavfsizligi” kafedrasi professor-o‘qituvchilari tomonidan tayyorlangan bo‘lib, unda axborot xavfsizligi tushimchasi va uning vazifalari, axborot xavfsizligiga bo‘ladigan tahdidlar, hujumlar va zaifhklar, axborot xavfsiligi sohasiga oid xalqaro va milliy me’yoriy-huquqiy baza, xavfsizlik modellari, axborotni kriptografik himoyalash, identifikatsiya va autentifikatsiya, kompyuter viruslari va zararkunanda dasturlar bilan kurashish mexanizmlari, axborotni himoyalashda tarmoqlararo ekranlarning o ‘rni, operatsion tizim himoyasi, axborot sirqib chiqish kanallari va ulami aniqlash hamda obyektlarni injener himoyalash va texnik qo‘riqlash masalalari keltiriigan.
The Plant Detective's Manual: a research-led approach for teaching plant science
This manual provides a collection of detailed protocols to perform plant physiology experiments. Our aim was to design and implement a series of related experiments for you, the student, to experience a real research project. We expect that these activities will help you to acquire basic experimental techniques and skills in results interpretation.
The Japanese Employment System. Adapting to a New Economic Environment
This book examines the current state of the Japanese employment system from an economic perspective. It also looks at how the changing economy and demography, including the prolonged recession and the rapid ageing of the population, has affected the labour market and its institutions. The main focus of the book is on the increased use of non-standard forms of labour, especially in the labour market for youth. This is seen to be partly a by-product of the long recession, but also a longer-run change in the human resource management strategy of firms. The book also examines the implications these developments will have on the income distribution in the future as many young men in this male-breadwinner society no longer have access to stable long-term jobs. Other topics examined in the book include the impact of increased educational attainment and anti-discrimination legislation on the labour market for women, the declining importance of labour unions, the low rate of immigration into Japan, and the success Japan has had in keeping older workers employed. The final conclusion of the book is that many of the aspects of the employment system for regular, full-time workers remain in place, although the system has become more flexible.