Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Узумни мускат навларини етиштириш технологияси ва унинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш йўллари
Битирув малакавий ишнинг мақсади. Узумни мускат навларини етиштириш технологияси ва уларни иқтисодий самарадорлиги илмий-назарий ва ташкилий-услубий жиҳатларини ўрганиш ва қўллаш учун амалий тавсияларини ишлаб чиқиш.
Мустақиллик йилларида мамлакатимиз минтақаларида минерал ҳом ашё ресурсларини ўзлаштириш натижасида йирик рақобатбардош саноат корхоналари барпо этиш, ишлаб чиқариш ва ижтимоий инфратузилмаларни ривожлантиришда ижобий натижаларга эришилди. Бироқ, иқтисодий ўсишни таъминлашда ва аҳоли турмуш даражасини оширишда минтақаларнинг ўзига хос табиий-иқтисодий салоҳиятидан, унинг рақобат афзалликларидан, ички имкониятлари ва ресурсларидан амалиётда тўлиқ фойдаланилмаётир. Шу сабабли минтақалараро ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожланиш даражасидаги тафовутлар, иқтисодиёт таркиби ва тармоқлар ўртасидаги номутаносибликлар сакланиб қолмоқда.
Майндсайт. Новая наука личной трансформации
В этой книге опытный психиатр Дэниел Сигел доказывает, что способность фокусировать внимание на своем внутреннем мире и сознании может изменить жизнь к лучшему. С помощью научных фактов и вдохновляющих историй пациентов автор наглядно демонстрирует, как любой человек способен понять и контролировать процессы, влияющие на мышление, поведение и взаимоотношения.
My planet fetish began, as best I can recall, in third grade, at age eight—right around the time I learned that Earth had siblings in space, just as I had older brothers in high school and college. The presence of the neighboring worlds was a revelation at once specific and mysterious in 1955, for although each planet bore a name and held a place in the Sun’s family, very little was known about any of them. Pluto and Mercury, like Paris and Moscow, only better, beckoned a childish imagination to ultra-exotic utopias. The few sure facts about the planets suggested fantastic aberrations, ranging from unbearable extremes of temperature to the warping of time. Since Mercury, for example, could circle the Sun in only 88 days, compared to the Earth’s 365, then a year on Mercury would whiz by in barely three months, much the way “dog years” packed seven years of animal experience into the dog owner’s one, and thereby accounted for the regrettably short lives of pets.
Ўрта толали ғўзада конвергент дурагайлаш услуби самарадорлигининг таҳлили
Муаммонинг ўрганилганлик даражаси. ПСУЕАИТИ “Ғўза генетикаси ва цитологияси” лабораториясида конвергент дурагайлаш услубларини қўллаш асосида хўжалик белгиларининг ижобий мажмуасига эга генетик жиҳатдан бой рекомбинантлар яратилган.
The Physics of the Early Universe
This book is an edited version of the review talks given in the Second Aegean School on the Early Universe, held in Ermoupolis on Syros Island, Greece, in September 22-30, 2003. The aim of this book is not to present another proceedings volume, but rather an advanced multiauthored textbook which meets the needs of both the postgraduate students and the young researchers, in the field of Physics of the Early Universe. The first part of the book discusses the basic ideas that have shaped our current understanding of the Early Universe. The discovering of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation in the sixties and its subsequent interpretation, the numerous experiments that followed with the enumerable observation data they produced, and the recent all-sky data that was made available by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, had put the hot big bang model, its inflationary cosmological phase and the generation of large scale structure, on a firm observational footing.
Учитесь говорить «нет»
Раз вы читаете эту книгу, значит, вы очень смелый человек. И готовы сделать последний прыжок, чтобы обрести свою внутреннюю силу. Эта сила помогает нам убрать из своей жизни негатив и наполнить ее позитивом
The Physics of Phase Transitions
Without exaggerating, we can say that our view of condensed matter has undergone two revolutions in the 20th century: first, the introduction of quantum physics in 1930, then the recognition of “self-similar” structures and the resulting scaling laws around 1970. It would be na¨ıve to make too much of these advances: despite all of this sophistication, we are still very unsure about certain points – for example, the mechanism governing superconducting oxides or the laws of the glass transition. However, a body of doctrines has been formed, and it is an important element of scientific culture in the 21st century.
G‘o‘zani ildizdan tashqari oziqlantirishning iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish yo‘llari
Tajriba maksadi va vazifalari. Tajribadan asosiy maqsad paxtachilikda fan va texnika yutuqlarini qo‘llash hisobiga ekologik muvozanatni saqlash, o‘simlikning o‘sish - rivojlanishini jadallashtirish, paxta hosildorligini oshirish va maxsulot sifatini yaxshilashdan iborat.
Совершенствование преподавания литературы в школе.
В пособии рассматриваются современные методы и приемы изучения литературы в школе, предлагаются конкретные рекомендации по проведению уроков.
Спасите заложника. Как разрешать конфликты и влиять на людей
Книга Колризера удивительно глубока и многогранна, как и ее автор. Это одновременно и пособие по личностной психологии, и практические советы о том, как вести переговоры и разрешать конфликты, и руководство по лидерству в бизнесе.
The MotorVehicle
Because of the continuing phenomenally rapid rate of progress in automotive technology, the revision for this the thirteenth edition of The Motor Vehicle has been on a major scale. No fewer than seven new chapters have been created. Of these, three are entirely new, while the remaining four comprise mainly new material that could not have been accommodated in existing chapters without making them too long and cumbersome. Of the entirely new chapters, one is on electric propulsion which, owing to pressure of legislation is now beginning to be taken seriously by the industry. It covers all the alternatives, from conventional lead-acid, and other, battery-powered vehicles to fuel cells and hybrid power units. A second covers both static and dynamic safety which, again because of pressure of legislation, is a field in which enormous progress has been made. This progress, which embraces almost all aspects of automotive design, has become possible largely because of the development of computer aided control. The third of these entirely new chapters deals with wheels and tyres. Over the past few decades, wheels and especially tyres have moved on, from being simply components that the designer chose largely on the basis of dimensional and commercial considerations, to becoming an integral part of the tuned suspension system.
O’quv qo’llanma «Suyuqlik va gaz mexanikasi fanidan masalalar to’plami» o’quv qo’llanmasi masalalar yechishga mo’ljallangan bo’lib qo’llanmada har bir mavzu doirasida qisqacha nazariy ma’lumotlar keltirilgan, masalalar yechish namunalari berilgan, mustaqil yechish uchun har bir mavzuga oid masalalar berilgan. Masalalarni yechish qulay bo’lishi uchun, fizik kattaliklarning qiymatlari jadvallari ilova qilingan.
Жаҳон амалиётида бентонит гиллари асосида махсус гидротехник инцюатларнинг қурилишида қўлланувчи рулонли гидроизоляцион материалларни олиш бўйича қуйидаги илмий ечимларни асослаш зарур: бентонит или намуналарининг физик-кимёвий таркиблари, бўкиш кўрсаткичини ошириш, фаоллаштириш ва модификациялашнинг мақбул усулларининг кўрсаткичларини аниклаш, бентонит гиллари асосидаги композицияларнинг гидроизоляцион хусусиятларини яхшилашга урли модификацияловчи қўшимчаларнинг таъсирини аниқлаш ва уларн ни танлаш гидроизоляцион композицияларнинг асосий хоссалари ва уларнинг таркиби, ҳамда фаоллаштириш ва модификациялаш шароитлари ўртасидаги функционал боғлиқликни аниклаш зарур.
The Modern Revolution in Physics
Complaining about the educational system is a national sport among professors in the U.S., and I, like my colleagues, am often tempted to imagine a golden age of education in our country’s past, or to compare our system unfavorably with foreign ones. Reality intrudes, however, when my immigrant students recount the overemphasis on rote memorization in their native countries, and the philosophy that what the teacher says is always right, even when it’s wrong. Albert Einstein’s education in late-nineteenth-century Germany was neither modern nor liberal. He did well in the early grades, but in high school and college he began to get in trouble for what today’s edspeak calls “critical thinking.”
Кузги ва баҳорги муддатда экилган нўхат навлари ҳосилдорлик кўрсаткичлари таҳлили
Ушбу битирув малакавий ишини тайёрлаш жараёнида ТошДАУнинг «Ўсимликшунослик» кафедраси доценти Ж.Б. Худайқулов илмий тадқиқот иши натижалари бир қисмидан ҳамда қишлоқ хўжалигига оид конференция тўпламлари, журналлари ҳамда интернет сайтларидан шу экинга мос келадиган маълумотлардан фойдаланилди.