Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Federal furniture
The waning years of the 18th century marked a n exhilarating period in Arne ricar history. With the end of the Revolutionary War in 1781 and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1788, Americans embarked on one of the most radical political experiments in history. The produet of their struggle was the Federal Republie-an achievement of which they were acutely proud. At the same time they were also unknowingly laying the groundwork in America for what would begin in England and spread elsewhere as another of history's greatest changes: the Industrial Revolution .
Жаҳонда бир йиллик ўсимликлар пояларидан целлюлоза ва унинг алкил-, ацил-, алкоксиҳосилаларини синтез қилиш, физик-кимёвий ва эксплуатацион хоссаларини тадқиқ қилишга алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Бу борада биологик тоза тўлдирувчи ва боғловчилар олиш, антиоксидантлар сифатида қўллаш, техник ва специфик хусусиятлари яхшиланган, ноанъанавий композициялар таркибини яратиш, микрокристалл целлюлоза олиш технологияларини ишлаб чиқиш йўналишларидаги илмий-тадқиқотлар муҳим аҳамият касб этмоқда.
Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing An Introduction
Spin glasses are magnetic materials. Statistical mechanics has been a powerful tool to theoretically analyse various unique properties of spin glasses. A number of new analytical techniques have been developed to establish a theory of spin glasses. Surprisingly, these techniques have offered new tools and viewpoints for the understanding of information processing problems, including neural networks, error-correcting codes, image restoration, and optimization problems. This book is one of the first publications of the past ten years that provides a broad overview of this interdisciplinary field. Most part of the book is written in a self-contained manner, assuming only a general knowledge of statistical mechanics and basic probability theory. It provides the reader with a sound introduction to the field and to the analytical techniques necessary to follow its most recent developments.
Сила веры. 160 дней и ночей наедине с Тихим океаном
Океан спокойный, пасмурно, моросящий дождик. На рассвете опять подходили рыбаки, но держались на почтительном расстоянии, так что сложностей не возникло. Сейчас ветер зашел на север-северо-восток, приходится уходить с генерального курса. Надеюсь, это временное явление.
Оценка земель сельскохозяйственных предприятий
Рассматриваются научно-практические аспекты землеустройства и оценка земель в условиях современных аграрных преобразований в России, внутрихозяйственная оценка земель в решении проблем эффективного развития АПК на основе рационализации ресурсов.
Ранг тасвир
Ўзбекистон тасвирий санъатининг турли авлодлар бадиий услубий йўналишларига мансуб ижодкор ихтидорлардан иборат кўп қирали мозаикага ўхшатиш мумкин ҳар бир рассом санъатда ўз йўлини излайди атроф муҳитига блган хусусий муносабатини ифодалашга ўзининг хис туйғуларини исхор етишга интилади.
Дунё аҳолисининг ўсимлик ёғига бўлган талаби кундан-кун ошиб бормоқда. Чунки ёғдан иқтисодиётнинг деярли барча соҳаларида: озиқ-овқат, консерва, лак-бўёқ, парфюмерия маҳсулотлари ишлаб чиқаришда, линолиум, босмахона бўёқлари тайёрлашда, тиббиётда ва асбоб-ускуналарни мойлашда фойдаланилади. Ёғ инсон саломатлиги учун фойдали ва зарур бўлиб, озиқ- овқат саноатида донли маҳсулотларидан кейин энг кўп ишлатиладиган маҳсулотдир. Шу сабабли уларни турларини кенгайтириш, янада сифатли маҳсулотлар олиш катта аҳамиятга эга.
Хоразм вилояти шароитида ғўзани субирригация усулида суғориш технологияси
Субирригация суғориш усули қўлланилганда, атроф муҳит ифлосланишининг олди олинади, ерларнинг шўрланиш жадаллиги камаяди ҳамда сув танқислиги шароитида ғўза ва кузги буғдойни суғоришда дарё суви 40 % гача иқтисод қилинади.
Statistical Optics
The subjects covered in this book are very physical but tend to be obscured by mathematics. An author of a book on this subject is thus faced with the dilemma of how best to utilize the powerful mathematical tools available without losing sight of the underlying physics. Some compromises in mathematical rigor must be made, and to the largest extent possible, a repetitive emphasis of the physical meaning of mathematical quantities is needed. Since fringe formation is the most fundamental underlying physical phenomenon involved in most of these subjects, I have tried to stay as close as possible to fringes in dealing with the meaning of the mathematics. I would hope that the treatment used here would be particularly appealing to both optical and electrical engineers, and also useful for physicists. The treatment is suitable for both self-study and for formal presentation in the classroom. Many homework problems are included.
Ҳозирги кунда дунёда озиқ-овқат хом ашёси ҳамда маҳсулотларини ишлаб чикариш инқирози ва мамлакат аҳолисининг аксарият қисми сотиб олиш қобилиятининг кескин пасайиши натижасида юзага келадиган рационал овқатланиш бузилишининг олдини олиш мақсадида табиий манбалардан БФҚ ларни ажратиш уларнинг структура ва фаолликларини тадқиқ этиш борасида илмий изланишлар олиб борилмоқда. Бу борада БФҚ ажратиб олишда: Artemia цистаси сифатининг органолептик ва физик- кимёвий хоссаларини ўрганиш, оқсил-пептид компонентларни ажратиш ва уларнинг физик-кимёвий кўрсаткичларини аниклаш, ажратилган компонентларнинг биологик ва фармако-токсикологик фаолликларини аниқлашга алоҳида эътибор берилмоқда.
This book is the end result of a long story that started with my involvement as Coordinator of the Statistical Mechanics section of the Italian Encyclopedia of Physics. An Italian edition collecting several papers that I wrote for the Encyclope dia appeared in September 1995, with the permission of the Encyclopedia and the sponsorship of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-GNFM). The present work is not a translation of the Italian version but it overlaps with it: an important part of it (Ch I,II,III, VIII) is still based on three articles written as entries for theit Encicopledia della Fisica (namely: "Meccanica Statistica", "Tearia degli Insiemi and "Moto Browniano") which make up about 29% of the present hook and, furthermom, it still contains (with little editing and updating) my old mview article on phase transitions (ChVI, published in La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento). In translating the ideas into Engäsh, I introduced many revisions and changes of perspective as well as new material (while also suppressing some other mawriali...
Тадқиқот натижаларининг амалий аҳамияти флотоконцентрат ва рудалар таркибидаги олгин (III) ионларини ажратиш ва танловчан аниқлаш усулларини яратиш, аниқ элемент учун юқори танловчан, кучли оксидланиш муҳитига чидамли, сувли фазада кам эрувчан, таркиби мураккаб бўлган кучли кислотали эритмалардан танловчан ажратиш ва тоза ҳолда олиш усуллари яратилганлиги билан асосланади.
Путь к величию
эта книга очень скоро поможет вам воплотить в реальность ваши мечты об идеальной жизни. «Путь к величию» — одна из тех редких книг, которые на самом деле способны раскрыть ваш потенциал и пробудить лучшие черты вашей личности
Ko‘chat qalinligining “Namangan -77 va Buxoro-6” g‘o‘za navlari hosildorligiga ta’siri
Er suv bebaho boyligimiz bo‘lganligi sababli ularni asrab, tejab tergab foydalanish hozirgi kunning dolzarb muammolaridan biri bo‘lganligi sababli, ekin maydonini oshirmay turib tuproq, iqlim, sifatli nav uchun maqbul ko‘chat qalinligini tanlash muhim ahamiyatga ega.
Фаберже и русские придворные ювелиры
В книге В. Скурлова и Г. Смородиновой рассказано о том, что составляло гордость русского ювелирного искусства рубежа XIX-XX вв. Рассказано и проиллюстрировано полутора сотнями цветных и черно-белых фотографий, на которых запечатлены и драгоценности, и ювелиры, и покупатели - члены царского дома.
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to produce nanostructured materials and sub-micron objects that have applications in the real world. Nanotechnology involves the production and application of physical, chemical and biological systems at scales ranging from individual atoms or molecules to about 100 nanometers, as well as the integration of the resulting nanostructures into larger systems. Nanotechnology is likely to have a profound impact on our economy and society in the early 21st century, perhaps comparable to that of information technology or advances in cellular and molecular biology. Science and engineering research in nanotechnology promises breakthroughs in areas such as materials and manufacturing, electronics, medicine and healthcare, energy and the environment, biotechnology, information technology and national security. It is widely felt that nanotechnology will lead to the next industrial revolution