Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Как располагать к себе людей
Данная книга написана с целью познакомить читателей с учением Дейла Карнеги. Она основана на его трудах и содержании курсов, предлагаемых компанией «Dale Carnegie & Associates». Чтобы приблизить издание к реалиям XXI столетия, материал иллюстрирован примерами из сегодняшней жизни.
Жаҳонда олий таълим хизматлари бозорининг шаклланиши ва унинг инфратузилмасини баркарор суръатларда ривожланиши, олий таълим тизимини тижоратлаштириш, олий таълим хизматлари билан меҳнат бозорининг ўзаро алоқаси, таълим сифати ва унинг ривожланиш механизмини такомиллаштириш, олий таълим муассасаларини молиялаштириш тизими, ёшларни олий таълим билан қамраб олиш, давлат- хусусий шериклик асосида олий таълим хизматлари бозорини ривожлантиришнинг методологик-услубий жиҳатлари бўйича муҳим илмий изланишлар олиб борилмоқда.
Semi-Riemann Geometry and General Relativity
This book represents course notes for a one semester course at the undergraduate level giving an introduction to Riemannian geometry and its principal physical application, Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The background assumed is a good grounding in linear algebra and in advanced calculus, preferably in the language of differential forms
Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology— An Introduction for Engineers
This book addresses the engineering student and practising engineer. It takes an engineering-oriented look at semiconductors. Semiconductors are at the focal point of vast number of technologists, resulting in great engineering, amazing products and unheard-of capital growth. The work horse here is of course silicon. Explaining how semiconductors like silicon behave, and how they can be manipulated to make microchips that work—this is the goal of our book.
Ҳозирга вақтда жаҳонда техноген чиқиндиларни қайта ишлаш бўйича замонавий тадқиқотлар инновацияларни, энг янги технологияларни ва модернизацияни ривожлантириш бўйича қуйидаги илмий ечимларни асослаш: металлургия саноати чиқиндиларини кимёвий таркибини аниқлаш, саноат чиқиндилари таркибидан қимматбаҳо ва нодир металларни ажратиб олиш, пирит концентрати ва уни қайта ишлаш маҳсулотларининг кимёвий таркибини физик-кимёвий тадқиқот усуллари ёрдамида аниқлаш; пирит концентратини юқори ҳарорат ва босимда нитрат кислотаси билан эритиш жараёнининг термодинамик ва кинетик қонунларини аниқлаш зарур.
Сила обаяния
Успех и в бизнесе, и в личной жизни напрямую зависит от умения общаться с окружающими. Секрет успеха заключается в использовании надежных методов взаимодействия с людьми. Из этой книги вы узнаете, как исключительно обаятельные люди добиваются успеха в общении с покупателями и клиентами, а также достигают глубокого взаимопонимания в отношениях с друзьями и близкими.
Semiconductor-Laser Fundamentals
Since Fall of 1993, when we completed the manuscript of our book "Semiconductor-Laser Physics" [W.W. Chow, S.W. Koch, and M. Sargent III (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 1994)] many new and exciting developments have taken place in the world of semiconductor lasers. Novel laser and amplifier structures were developed, and others, for example, the VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser) and monolithic MOPA (master oscillator power amplifier), made the transition from research and development to production. When investigating some of these systems, we discovered instances when device performance, and thus design depend critically on details of the gain medium properties, e.g., spectral shape and carrier density dependence of the gain and refractive index.
Zaha Hadid Architects
Esta publicación no puede ser fotocopiada ni reproducida total o parcialmente por ningún medio o método sin la autorización por escrito de los editores. This publication may not be photocopied nor reproduced in any medium or by any method, in whole or in part, without the written authorization of the editors.
Semiconductor Physics and Devices
Donald A. Neamen is a professor emerltus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico where he taught for more than 25 years. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico and then became an electronics engineer at the Solid State Sciences Laboratory at Hanscom Air Force Base. In 1976, he joined the faculty in the EECE department at the University of New Mexico, where he specialized in teaching semiconductor physics and devices courses and electronic circuits courses. He is still a part-time instructor in the department. In 1980, Professor Neamen received the Outstanding Teacher Award for the University of New Mexico. In 1983 and 1985, he was recognized as Outstanding Teacher in the College of Engineering by Tau Beta Pi. In 1990, and each year from 1994 through 2001, he received the Faculty Recognition Award, presented by graduating EECE students. He was also honored with the Teaching Excellence Award in the College of Engineering in 1994
Semiconductor Optics
The aim of this book is to explain the optical properties of semi-conductors, eg, the spectra of transmission, reflection and luminescence, or of the complex dielectric function in the infrared, visible and near-ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We want to evoke in the reader a clear and intuitive understanding of the physical concepts and foundations of semiconductor optics and of some of their numerous applications. To this end, we try to keep the mathematical apparatus as simple and as limited as possible in order not to conceal the physics behind mathematics. We give ample references for those who want to enter more deeply into the mathematical concepts [11-3] In this spirit, this present textbook is not only suitable for graduate and postgraduate students of physics, but also for students of neighboring disciplines, such as material science and electronics.
Radical space. How Zaha Hadid created a 21st-century architecture
Zaha Hadid was a wildly controversial arch1tect whose work rema,ned largely unbu1lt for years. desp1te awards and cntlcal accla1m Dur1ng the latter years of her l1fe. Had1d's darmg VISIOns became a real1ty. br1ng1ng a un1que new architectural language to c1t1es and structures. such as the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art 1n Cmc1nnat1. the Glasgow R1verside Museum. and the Broad Art Museum 1n M1ch1gan At the time of her death 1n 2016. Had1d was firmly establ1shed among the elite of world arch1tecture. work1ng on projects 1n Chma, the M1ddle East. the Un1ted States. and Russ1a.
Semiconductor Optics
The book on Semiconductor Optics has been favourably received by the students and the scientific community worldwide. After the first edition, which appeared in 1995 several reprints became necessary starting from 1997, one of them for the Chinese market. They contained only rather limited updates of the material and corrections. In the meantime scientific progress brought a lot of new results, which necessitate a new, seriously revised edition. This progress includes bulk semiconductors, but especially structures of reduced dimensionality. These new trends and results are partly included in existing chapters e.g. for phonons or for time-resolved spectroscopy, partly new chapters have been introduced like the ones on cavity polaritons and photonic structures.
В этой книге вы ознакомитесь с рядом проверенных на практике методов и приемов, которые можно использовать, чтобы увеличить желание сотрудников попробовать себя в большем количестве задач. Дайте им возможность чувствовать себя великолепно, когда они работают на вас, уменьшая их страх неудачи и страх быть отвергнутым. Только когда люди довольны собой, они мотивированы добиваться успеха.
Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications
All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Artech House cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
Хоразм тарихи
Ушбу асар Олий ва ўрта maxcyc ўқув юртлари талабаларига,мактаб ўқитувчиларн ва ўқувчиларига хамда кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Science of Heat and Thermophysical Studies: A Generalized Approach to Thermal Analysis
Recently I was asked to think over the preparation of an English revision of my book. Although there has been a lapse of twenty years, after a careful reading of the book again, I was satisfied that the text could be more or less reiterated as before, with a need for some corrections and updating. The content had not lost its contemporary value, innovative approach, or mathematical impact and can still be considered as being competitive with similarly focused books published even much later, and thus a mere revision did not really make sense.