San’at. San’atshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Qurilish. Arxitektura
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The Lagrangian method of dynamics is applicable to a very extensive field of particle and rigid body problems, ranging from the simplest to those of great complexity. The advantages of this procedure over conventional methods are, for reasons which follow, of outstanding importance. This is true not only in the broad field of applications but also in a wide area of research and theoretical considerations.
The eye of the painter and the elements of beauty
There can be little doubt that the chaotic condition of art today has caused confusion in the minds of artists, young and old. We are all asking: By what qualities, according to present standards, can a painting be judged? Is there still a solid foundation on which to base the teaching of art? Is art deteriorating, or is it being revitalized by new concepts? It would seem that, the most important problems now facing the artist are to achieve a clear personal understanding of what art is, to hew a pathway for his own creativeness, and to concentrate his efforts toward individual goals. He must realize that art can no longer be bound by theories other than individual theories; that is, it cannot be pigeonholed into prescribed method and practice. Art is having its growing pains. At long last, art has flung open its doors to individual creativeness in a way it has never done before. It has become a broader means of individual expression.
Жаҳонда оилавий бизнесни ривожлантиришнинг иқтисодий механизмларини такомиллаштириш, жумладан, тадбиркорлик мазкур шаклининг рақобатбардошлигини ошириш, «ишбилармонлик цикли»нинг барқарорлигини таъминлаш, оилавий муносабатлар ўзининг ижобий тавсифини тўлиқ намоён эта олувчи ташкилий-ҳуқуқий шаклларни таркиб топтириш, хўжалик юритишнинг бошка шакллари билан ўзаро таъсир ва алоқаларни тартибга солиш каби масалалар тадқиқига алоҳида эътибор каратилмоқда. Оилавий тадбиркорликнинг ишсизлик даражасини пасайтириш, аҳоли даромадларини ошириш, ўрта мулкдорлар қатламини ўстириш орқали мамлакатдаги ижтимоий-иқтисодий барқарорликни таъминлашдаги иштирокини кенгайтириш илмий тадқиқотнинг долзарб йўналишларидан ҳисобланади.
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid is one of the most distinctive creative talents of her generation. born in baghdad in 1950, she first came to London to study architecture in 1972, and this year celebrates 30 years in practice. She runs an office of 250 people, working on projects that range in scale from urban masterplans in Singapore and Istanbul, to domestic objects and furniture.
Мозгоускорители. Как научиться эффективно мыслить, используя приемы из разных наук
Ричард Нисбетт — мыслитель, оказавший наибольшее влияние на меня; моя картина мира основывается на его суждениях.
Хоразм тарихи 1 жилд
Ушбу китоб олий ва ўрта ўқув юртлари талабаларига, мактаб ўқитувчилари ва ўқитувчиларига кенг китобхонлари оммасига мўлжалланган.
Applied Physics
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Менеджер 80/20: главный принцип высокоэффективных людей
Достоинство этой книги в ее удивительной практической применимости. Вы начинаете осуществлять полученные знания практически сразу после того, как приступаете к чтению. Вы готовы поднять свою жизнь и свое дело на новые высоты? Магия принципа 80/20 – в его парадоксальности. Волшебный дар Ричарда Коха состоит в умении понятно объяснить парадокс.
College Physics
A vector is a quantity that possesses both magnitude and direction. Examples of vector quantities are displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force. A vector quantity can be represented by an arrow drawn to scale. The length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the vector quantity. The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the vector quantity.
The second edition of Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics offers three new chapters in transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. These have been included to make the book a more powerful tool for students and practitioners of electromagnetic field theory. I take pleasure here in thanking my colleagues M. L. Kult and K. F. Lee for their contribution of this valuable material. The basic approach of the first edition has been retained: "As in other Schaum's Outlines the emphasis is on how to solve problems. Each chapter consists of an ample set of problems with detailed solutions, and a further set of problems with answers, preceded by a simplified outline of the principles and facts needed to understand the problems and their solutions. Throughout the book the mathematics has been kept as simple as possible, and an abstract approach has been avoided. Concrete examples are liberally used and numerous graphs and sketches are given. I have found in many years of teaching that the solution of most problems begins with a carefully drawn sketch." Once again it is to my students-my former students that I wish to dedicate this book.
Бизнес как игра. Грабли российского бизнеса и неожиданные решения
С инвестициями так: мы пишем некий бизнес-план – оба партнера (тот, у кого бабки, и тот, у кого идея и запал) относятся к делу придирчиво. Нужно взять верный курс сразу
Zaha Hadid. The complete buildings and projects
Any copy of this book issued by the publisher as a paperback is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including these words being imposed on a subsequent purchaser.
Explanations and step-by-step solutions are deliberately detailed so that the text can stand alone. Thus it also may be used as a home-study or reference book. A knowledge of basic algebra and trigonometry is assumed. Designed to provide a broad and deep background in the nature of electricity and the operation and application of electric circuits, the text uses numerous and easy-tofollow examples accompanied by diagrams. Starting with the physics of electric current flow, the book describes and analyzes both direct-current and alternating-current electric circuits, generators and motors, transformers, and measuring instruments. To assure correlation to modern practice and design, illustrative problems are presented in terms of commonly used voltages and current ratings, covering circuits and equipments typical of those found in today’s electrical systems.
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Книга Гарри Беквита, основанная на двадцатипятилетнем опыте работы автора с тысячами профессиональных бизнесменов, доносит до читателей маркетинговые знания через рассмотрение практических примеров работы как крупных компаний, таких как Federal Express и Citicorp, так и небольших частных предприятий.