Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Mobile Satellite Communications. Principles and Trends
Demand for Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) is on the increase, with a huge surge of interest in mobile communications in recent years and high-paced advancements in the supporting system architectures, devices and applications. This thoroughly revised and updated book provides a comprehensive guide to the MSS technologies and emerging trends. It takes a system level approach, giving in-depth treatment of technical and business related issues. The author, a leading professional in the area, draws on his extensive experience in industry and research, to provide the reader with a sound and informed understanding of the technology.
Satellite Communications Systems Engineering. Atmospheric Effects, Satellite Link Design and System Performance
Provides an invaluable, detailed and up-to-date coverage of atmospheric effects and their impact on satellite communications systems design and performance. Significant progress has been made in the last decade in the understanding and modelling of propagation effects on radio wave propagation in the bands utilized for satellite communications. This book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of all atmospheric effects of concern for today’s satellite systems, and the tools necessary to design the links and to evaluate system performance. This book will serve as an excellent reference to communications engineers, wireless network and system engineers, system designers and graduate students in satellite communications and related areas.
Emitter Detection and Geolocation for Electronic Warfare
This comprehensive resource provides theoretical formulation for detecting and geolocating non-cooperative emitters. Implementation of geolocation algorithms are discussed, as well as performance prediction of a hypothetical passive location system for systems analysis or vulnerability calculation. Comparison of novel direction finding and geolocation algorithms to classical forms are also included. Rooted in statistical signal processing and array processing theory, this book also provides an overview of the application of novel detection and estimation algorithms to real world problems in EW. The book is divided into three parts: detection, angle of arrival estimation, and geolocation. Each section begins with an introductory chapter covering the relevant signal processing theory (either detection or estimation), then provides a series of chapters covering specific methods to achieve the desired end-product. MATLAB® code is provided to assist readers with relevant probability and statistics, RF propagation, atmospheric absorption, and noise, giving readers an understanding of the implementation of the algorithms in the book, as well as developing new approaches to solving problems.
Big data and hadoop: learn by example
Эта книга написана в соответствии с учебным планом различных моделей обучения университетов, и ее цель состоит в том, чтобы сохранить подход к курсу как «обучение на примере». Сложные концепции Big Data Hadoop даются простым и практичным способом, чтобы студенты могли понять это эффективным образом. В этой книге представлены скриншоты практических подходов, которые могут быть полезны студентам.
This is an exciting revision of John Kraus' classic book "Antennas", which has been long known as the "Antenna Bible". A new co-author, Ronald Marhefka has joined the author team for this revision. Many new, modern applications have been added - thus the title change to "Antennas with All Applications". As well, the references have been updated to include recent additions to the literature. Additionally, the book has been reorganized to make it more user-friendly for both students and professionals. The book now covers the fundamentals of various antennas and concepts in the first half of the book and then gets into more details on those same topics later in the book. This allows a one-semester course to just cover the fundamentals if desired, and a professional to focus on advanced topics if he or she wants.
Qishloq xo‘jalik biotexnologiyasi
Ushbu darslik qishloq xo‘jalik oliy o‘quv yurtlarining o‘simliklar himoyasi va karantini, qishloq xo'jaligi ekinlari seleksiyasi va urug‘- chiligi agrokimyo va agrotuproqshunoslik, agronomiya (dehqonchilik mahsulotlari bo‘yicha), qishloq xo‘jalik mahsulotlarini yetishtirish, saqlash va ularni dastlabki qayta ishlash texnologiyasi, kasb ta’limi, o‘rmonchilik va meva-sabzavotchilik bakalavr yo‘nalishlari va magistra- tura mutaxassisliklari talabalari uchun moMjallangan. Darslik 0‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligining qishloq xo‘jalik oliy o‘quv yurtlari uchun Davlat ta’lim standartlari va o‘quv dasturlariga mos yozilgan. Mazkur darslik Davlat tilida birinchi marta chop etilayotganligi sababli talabalarga ushbu fandan nazariy bilimlami va ma’ruza darslarini mustaqil o‘zlashtirishiga to‘ liq imkoniyat yaratib beradi
Davlat va huquq nazariyasi
Akademik darslik yangi avlod darsliklari xususiyatiga ega bolib, unda talabalar uchun kerakli barcha didaktik materiallar, jumladan mavzular matm, mavzu mazmunini yorituvchi chizmalar, talabalar bilimini mustahkamlashga qaratilgan savollar, test topshiriqlari, mustaqil o'qish uchun tavsiya etilgan milliy va xorijiy adabiyotlar ro'yxati taqdim etilgan. Shuningdek, mavzularni yoritish davomida buyuk allomalarning talabalar uchun tarbiyaviy ahamiyat- ga ega hikmatli so’zlari berilgan.
Modern Communications Jamming - Principles and Techniques
The advent of the information age has brought about considerable reliance on wireless electronic communications. Although the cellular phone systems and personal communication systems are bringing wireless radio frequency (RF) communication to the masses, nowhere is this reliance more evident than in the military. For years, the military has depended upon RF communications for execution of command and control of tactical forces. Since tactical commanders use RF communications to exercise control of their forces, an adversary has interest in those communications. This interest lies in two fundamental areas: (1) to intercept the information that transpires over them, and (2) to deny the successful exchange of the information from the sender to the receiver. The former of these provides to the interceptor information about the status and intent of the adversary and is intelligence or combat information. The distinction between these two has to do with for what the information is used and is not important here. The latter is the subject of this book.
Fizik va kolloid kimyo
Mazkur darslik Davlat Ta'lim Standartlari asosida tuzilgan na'munaviy va ishchi dasturga muvofiq yozilgan bo‛lib, O‛zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‛rta maxsus ta‘lim vazirligining 2009 yil 27 oktabrdagi 373-sonli buyrug‛iga asosan Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti va qishloq xo‛jalik oliy o‛quv yurtlarining talabalari uchun darslik sifatida tavsiya etilgan. Bu darslikning I - IX boblarida fizik - kimyo va X - XIV boblarda kolloid kimyoga tegishli materiallar o`z aksini to`liq topgan.
Kolloid kimyo
Ushbu darslik 5140500 – Kimyo fanlari bakalavri ta‘lim yo`nalishida ta‘lim oladigan talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan. Darslikda dispers sistemalar haqidagi asosiy ma‘lumotlar (klassifikatsiya, quyimolekulyar birikmalardan tozalash, molekulyarkinetik xossalar), sirt hodisalari, adsorbsion jarayonlar, elektrik va optik hodisalar va dispers muhitlar, kolloid sistemalarning barqarorligi, struktura va mitsella hosil bo‘lishlari bayon etilgan. Yuqori molekulyar birikmalar va eritmalarining xossalari qaralgan. Masalalarning yechimlari va mustaqil yechish uchun masalalar hamda o‘z-o‘zini tekshirish uchun testlar berilgan.
Университет ва педагогика олий ўқув юртлари филология факультетларининг ўзбек тили ва адабиёти бакалаври ва магистратура йўналиши учун дарслик-қўлланма.