Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
The technical literature devoted to perturbation methods in me chanics has burgeoned since this book appeared in 1964. Techniques for treating singular perturbation problems, then unfamiliar and esoteric, are now part of the analytical apparatus of anyone interested in research. Applications in continuum mechanics, first limited mainly to classical fluid dynamics and linear elasticity, have spread over a wide range of fields, and new techniques are being developed while older ones are refined. The resulting research papers, even if restricted to fluid mechanics, number in the thousands. Other books have meanwhile appeared to codify and guide this body of work. Those of an applied character similar to this one are the books of Bellman (1964), Cole (1968), and Navfeh (1973). More mathematically oriented treatments include O'Malley (1968, 1974) and Eckhaus (1973).
Ordinary people, extraordinary lives
My relationship to Tōhoku began in 1974 and came about as a result of two years spent at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies from 1969 to 1971. This relationship with Tōhoku intensified following my academic appointment to the faculty of the East-West Center, where I was able to closely observe and participate in the transformative changes occurring in Japanese society. This book recounts the extraordinary adaptations and contributions of ordinary villagers in Tōhoku, Japan, documenting their political and economic transformations and their intricate interactions within the community across several decades.
Путешествие на всю жизнь.
Как-то в руки мне попала очень красивая книга. Я долго расматривал картинки и фотографии. Что было изображено на одних - понял, что на других - нет.
Japan's technical standards: implications for global trade and competitiveness
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the Japanese technical standards system and its implications for global trade and competitiveness. It explores the role of standards in different industries, the impact of globalization, and the specific challenges and opportunities faced by Japanese enterprises. Through a collection of essays and studies, the book offers valuable insights into technological infrastructures, R&D, and policy issues in Japan.
Perfect Symmetry
In preparing this book I have been fortunate in having friends and colleagues who can offer open criticism or who have made suggestions that found their way into the text. I have benefited from comments by Jeremy Bernstein, John Brockman, Malcolm Diamond, John Faulkner, Randall Furlong, George Greenstein, Alan Guth, Edward Harrison, Joseph H. Hazen, Nicolas Herbert, James McCarthy, Richard Ogust, Jim Peebles, Anthony Tyler and Anthony Zee. I am especially grateful for the detailed criticism of George Field and Engelbert Schucking in the sections of the book dealing with astrophysics and cosmology. Alice Mayhew and Catherine Shaw did the major editorial work on the text and helped turn my English into English. Matthew Zimet's inventive illustrations delight the eye and do much to enhance the text. Finally, I want to thank the Board of Governors of The New York Academy of Sciences for their sympathetic appreciation of my interest in science writing.
GARBAGE CITIZENSHIP Vital Infrastructures of Labor in Dakar, Senegal
This book would not have been possible without the support, inspiration, collaboration, and critique of many people. I am deeply indebted to the peo- ple in Dakar who so graciously opened their homes and entrusted me with their stories.
Узун тарихий жараёнда турли давр, шарт-шароит ҳамда эҳтиёжлар тақозоси билан улар шаклан, услубан ва мазмунан тобора ўзгариб борганини қисман тегишли манбалар ёрдамида кузатиш мумкин. Бизгача етиб келган мақом туркумлари ўтмиш бастакорлик ижодиётининг ноёб маҳсули экан, бир жиҳатдан росмана эл мусиқаси билан узвий боғлиқ ҳолда ривожлана боргани аён. Шарқ халқлари, хусусан ўзбек мақомоти тарихий-назарий жиҳатдан (ўша давр талаби даражасида) тадқиқ этилган ўрта аср муаллифларининг мусиқий рисолалари устозона мусиқамизни имконқадар атрофлича ўрганиш, янада чуқурроқ идрок этиш ва тадқиқ этишда муҳим манба бўлиб хизмат қилади.
Hidden horrors: Japanese war crimes in world war ii
This indispensable volume documents war crimes attributable to Japanese forces during World War II. Tanaka Yuki, renowned Japanese historian and human rights activist, invokes extensive historical resources, hundreds of personal testimonies, and sound methodologies in producing this compilation. The book explores and accounts for the numerous atrocities committed against Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Indonesians, and other peoples across East and Southeast Asia by Japan’s Imperial Army. Through an in-depth analysis, Tanaka importantly addresses the cultural, political, and social frameworks that allowed such conduct to occur. A foreword by John W. Dower frames the work within its broader historical context.
Path Integrals in Physics Volume II
In the second volume of this book (chapters 3 and 4) we proceed to discuss path-integral applications for the study of systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. An appropriate description of such systems requires the use of second quantization, and hence, field theoretical methods. The starting point will be the quantum-mechanical phase-space path integrals studied in volume I, which we suitably generalize for the quantization of field theories. One of the central topics of chapter 3 is the formulation of the celebrated Feynman diagram technique for the perturbation expansion in the case of field theories with constraints (gauge-field theories), which describe all the fundamental interactions in elementary particle physics. However, the important applications of path integrals in quantum field theory go far beyond just a convenient derivation of the perturbation theory rules. We shall consider, in this volume, various modern non-perturbative methods for calculations in field theory, such as variational methods, the description of topologically non-trivial field configurations, the quantization of extended objects (solitons and instantons), the 1/N-expansion and the calculation of quantum anomalies. In addition, the last section of chapter 3 contains elements of some advanced and currently developing applications of the path-integral technique in the theory of quantum gravity, cosmology, black holes and in string theory.
Идеальный руководитель
Книга, которую вы держите в руках, написана одним из самых влиятельных специалистов нашего времени по менеджменту. Но Ицхак Адизес еще и очень интересный человек. Его взгляды на менеджмент и людей, занятых управленческой деятельностью, складывались на протяжении десятилетий, богатых разнообразными и подчас трагическими событиями.
Anticompetitive practices in Japan: their impact on the performance of foreign firms
Anticompetitive Practices in Japan: Their Impact on the Performance of Foreign Firms examines the influence of Japanese market dynamics on foreign companies. This book discusses barriers and other anticompetitive practices that foreign firms encounter in Japan's trade environment, further analyzing how these practices impact business operations and performance. Through empirical research and in-depth analysis, the authors explore various strategies employed by foreign firms to navigate these challenges and provide recommendations for future business practices. This comprehensive study is essential for understanding the complexities of Japan's international trade practices and their implications on global commerce.
Algebra tenglamalar yechish
Ushbu qo 'llanma sodda va murakkab algebraik tenglamalar, ко ‘phadlar va funksional tenglamalarni yechish bo 'yicha dastur asosida akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun tuzilgan. Unda mavzuga oid amaliy masalalar avvalo yechib ко‘rsatilgan va mustaqil yechish uchun shunga monand misol, masalalar berilgan. Qo ‘llanmada DTM axborotnomalari savollaridan va mavzuga oid adabiyotlardan foydalanilgan.
This is the LaTeX version of my book “Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology” (Harwood, Chur, Switzerland, 1990). I decided to put it to hep-th, to make it easily available. Many things happened during the 15 years since the time when it was written. In particular, we have learned a lot about the high temperature behavior in the electroweak theory and about baryogenesis. A discovery of the acceleration of the universe has changed the way we are thinking about the problem of the vacuum energy: Instead of trying to explain why it is zero, we are trying to understand why it is anomalously small. Recent cosmological observations have shown that the universe is flat, or almost exactly flat, and confirmed many other predictions of inflationary theory. Many new versions of this theory have been developed, including hybrid inflation and inflationary models based on string theory. There was a substantial progress in the theory of reheating of the universe after inflation, and in the theory of eternal inflation.
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Fission of radioactive elements was already well established in the early part of the century, and activation by neutrons, to generate more unstable isotopes, was investigated before fission of natural isotopes was seen. The inverse process, fusion, was understood somewhat later, and Niels Bohr developped a model describing the nucleus as a fluid drop. This model - the collective model - was further developped by his son Aage Bohr and Ben Mottelson. A very different model of the nucleus, the shell model, was designed by Maria GoeppertMayer and Hans Jensen in 1952, concentrating on individual nucleons. The dichotomy between a description as individual particles and as a collective whole characterises much of “low-energy” nuclear physics.
Gente Como Uno Class, Belonging, and Transnationalism in Jewish Life in Lima
The research behind Gente como Uno: Class, Belonging, and Transnationalism in Jewish Life in Lima was made possible by a grant from the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.
A Dictionary of Astronomy
A book like this would not exist without its contributors. My grateful thanks go to those listed on p. vi, who wrote their entries skilfully and then had to endure what must at times have seemed a near-endless stream of editorial queries. My thanks go also to those staff members of observatories who provided information on their facilities. I owe a special debt to those who freely helped in tracking down biographical information, notably John Woodruff, Christof Plicht, and Thomas R. Williams. As ever, the resources of the Royal Astronomical Society proved invaluable, and the help of its librarian, Peter Hingley, is gratefully acknowledged.