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Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Дунёда сўнгги йилларда биоорганик кимё ва биотехнология фанларининг ривожланиши кўп жиҳатдан ўсимликларнинг кимёвий таркибларини тадқиқ қилиш, индивидуал моддаларни ажратиб олиш, тузилиши ва биологик фаоллигини аниқлаш ҳамда уларни амалиётга тадбиқ этиш бўйича кўплаб тадқиқотлар амалга оширилмоқда. Тиббиёт амалиётида қўлланилаётган доривор воситаларининг асосий қисми ўсимликлардан олинади. Чунки, ўсимликлардан ажратиб олинган биологик фаол моддалар, синтетик усулда олинган дори воситаларига нисбатан организм учун зарарли таъсири кам, ўзлаштирилиши осон ҳисобланади.
A fundamental aspect of engineering is the desire to design artifacts that exploit materials to a maximum in terms of performance under working conditions and efficiency of manufacture. Such an activity demands an increasing understanding of the behavior of the artifact in its working environment together with an understanding of the mechanical processes occuring during manufacture.
Маҳаллий хомашёлар асосида самарали олигомер коррозия ингибиторлари олиш технологиясини ишлаб чиқиш ва синфлаш
Жаҳонда кимё ва нефт-газни қайта ишлаш саноатини жадал ривожлантириш даврида металлни кайта ишлаш ускуналари ва конструкцияларини ҳимоя қилиш учун янги юкори самарали коррозия ингибиторларини ишлаб чикиш бўйича илмий изланишлар олиб борилмоқда. Бу борада янги авлод органик коррозия ингибиторларини ишлаб чиқариш йўналишида маълум натижаларга эришилди, жумладан махаллий бозорни импорт ўрнини босувчи кимёвий маҳсулотлар билан таъминлаш соҳасида кенг кўламли ишлар амалга оширилмокда, шунингдек маҳсулотларни божхона экпертизасидан ўтказиш учун коррозия ингибиторларини идентификация килиш, синфлаш ва янги товар кодлари киритишга алоҳида эътибор берилмокда.
Newtonian Physics
We Americans assume that our economic system will always scamper to provide us with the products we want. Special orders don’t upset us! I want my MTV! The truth is more complicated, especially in our education system, which is paid for by the students but controlled by the professoriate. Witness the perverse success of the bloated science textbook. The newspapers continue to compare our system unfavorably to Japanese and European education, where depth is emphasized over breadth, but we can’t seem to create a physics textbook that covers a manageable number of topics for a one-year course and gives honest explanations of everything it touches on.
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory
Quantum field theory is one of most central constructions in 20th century theoretical physics, and it continues to develop rapidly in many different directions. The aim of the workshop “New Developments in Quantum Field Theory”, which was held in Zakopane, Poland, June 14-20, 1997, was to capture a broad selection of the most recent advances in this field. The conference was sponsored by the Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division of NATO, as part of the Advanced Research Workshop series. This book contains the proceedings of that meeting. Major topics covered at the workshop include quantized theories of gravity, string theory, conformal field theory, cosmology, field theory approaches to critical phenomena and the renormalization group, matrix models, and field theory techniques applied to the theory of turbulence.
Ҳозирги вактда жаҳонда чиқиндисиз технологияларни жорий этиб, таркибида рух бўлган хомашёлардан тўлиқ фойдаланган ҳолда юқори навли рух ишлаб чикаришга катта эътибор қаратилмоқда. Дунёда рух ишлаб чиқаришнинг умумий ҳажми йилига 8 млн тоннани ташкил этади. Бу борада рух бирикмалари, жумладан рух хлориди алоҳида ўрин тутади. Рух хлориди антисептик сифатида мато, картонларни шимдиришда, шпал, тиш цементи компоненти, галваник батарейкаларда, пайвандлаш ишларининг сифатини оширишда кенг қўлланилиши билан муҳим амалий аҳамиятга эга.
Думай медленно… решай быстро
Наши действия и поступки определены нашими мыслями. Но всегда ли мы контролируем наше мышление? Нобелевский лауреат Даниэль Канеман объясняет, почему мы подчас совершаем нерациональные поступки и как мы принимаем неверные решения.
The field of nanotubes and nanowires is evolving at a rapid pace, with many potential applications in electronics, optics, and sensors, to name a few. In this special issue, several groups summarize some of these potential applications, although the list is by no means extensive. Rather, it is meant to serve as a flavor of and snapshot of the current state of the art in the field of nanowires and nanotubes. There is an ample mix of experimental, theoretical, and visionary material in this book to give the reader an indication of where the field is now, and where it is going. Two chapters on the electrostatics and quantum properties of Id FETs provide a snapshot of the understanding of device physics. One of the chapters focuses on a particular materials system (ZnO) for nanowire technology. Three chapters point to some of the potential applications, including sensors, memory, and high frequency electronics and systems.
Дунёда ишлаб чикариладиган полимер-металл комплекслар одатий металл катализаторларига қараганда активлиги юқорироқ бўлган катализаторлар сифатида органик реакцияларни олиб боришда кенг қўлланилиб келинмоқда. Бунга сабаб полимерлар сиртига металл атомлари нано ўлчамда эканлиги учун металл атомларининг умумий юзаси одатий ҳолатдаги металларга нисбатан жуда юқори бўлганлигидадир. Бундай полимер-металл катализаторлар ўзининг юқори самарадорлиги ва селективлиги билан ажралиб туради. Шунинг учун кимёвий жараёнларии сифатли ва юкори самарадорликда олиб бориш учун бундай турдаги катализаторлардан фойдаланиш алоҳида аҳамият касб этади.
Магический пофигизм: как перестать париться обо всем на свете и стать счастливым прямо сейчас
Эта книга – о пофигизме. Признаюсь, для испытания моего метода мне пришлось распрощаться с множеством вещей, задач, событий, занятий и людей. Вы можете не согласиться с моим выбором. Дело ваше. Возможно, кто-то узнает себя на этих страницах – особенно это относится к родителям малышей, энтузиастам караоке, моим друзьям, родственникам или бывшим коллегам
Nanotechnology is design, fabrication and application of nanostructures or nanomaterials, and the fundamental understanding of the relationships between physical properties or phenomena and material dimensions. Nanotechnology deals with materials or structures in nanometer scales, typically ranging from subnanometers to several hundred nanometers. One nanometer is 1 0-3 micrometer or meter. Nanotechnology is a new field or a new scientific domain. Similar to quantum mechanics, on nanometer scale, materials or structures may possess new physical properties or exhibit new physical phenomena. Some of these properties are already known. For example, band gaps of semiconductors can be tuned by varying material dimension. There may be many more unique physical properties not known to us yet. These new physical properties or phenomena will not only satisfy everlasting human curiosity, but also promise new advancement in technology. For example, ultra-strong ultra-light multifunctional materials may be made from hierarchical nanostructures. Nanotechnology also promises the possibility of creating nanostructures of metastable phases with non-conventional properties including superconductivity and magnetism. Yet another very important aspect of nanotechnology is the miniaturization of current and new instruments, sensors and machines that will greatly impact the world we live in.
Бутун дунёда чукур нефт ва газ қудуқларини бурғулаш жараёнларини такомиллаштириш бўйича илмий-тадқиқот ишлари олиб борилмоқда, бундай қудуқлардаги юқори ҳарорат металл ускуналарни емирилишга ва уни авариявий ҳолатга олиб келади. Бурғу ва бурғулаш қурилмасининг бошқа айланувчи элементларига юқори ҳароратли таъсирни камайтириш мақсадида уларни, синтетик ва табиий усулларда олинадиган ёғлар билан мойлаш тавсия этилади. Улардан табиий усулда олинган ёғлар нисбатан қулай ва арзонроқ мойловчи хом-ашё ҳисобланади, чунки улар асосан маҳаллий мойлар, шунингдек чиқиндиларидан олинади.
Nanoscale Science and Technology
In the two years since we first started planning this book, so much has been written about nanotechnology that the subject really needs no introduction. Nanotechnology has been one of the first major new technologies to develop in the internet age, and as such has been the topic of thousands of unregulated, unrefereed websites, discussion sites and the like. In other words, much has been written, but not all is necessarily true. The press has also made its own, unique contribution: ‘nanotechnology will turn us all into grey goo’ makes for a good story (in some newspapers at least), and then there’s the 1960s image of nanotechnology, still present today, of Raquel Welch transported in a nanosubmarine through the bloodstream of an unsuspecting patient. This book isn’t about any of that! One thing that the recent press coverage of nanotechnology has achieved is to draw attention to the possible hazards which accompany any new technology and to pose relevant questions about the likely impact of the various facets of nanotechnology on our society. Whilst we would certainly encourage investigation and discussion of such issues, they do not fall within the remit of this book.
Преподавание этики и псохологии семейной жизни в школе.
В сборник включены материалы из опыта преподавания наиболее важных и сложных тем курса "Этика и психология семейной жизни".
Лабораторный практикум предназначен для формирования практических навыков в разработке и оформлении конструкторской документации автоматизированным способом. Лабораторные работы последовательно связаны друг с другом, вариант технического задания выдаётся на лабораторной работе 1, а в качестве исходных данных для выполнения последующих работ используются, в том числе, и результаты, полученные в ходе выполнения предыдущих лабораторных работ. Варианты технических заданий представляют собой фрагменты схем электрических принципиальных реальных устройств (из 40 – 50 элементов) с описанием принципа работы, основными техническими характеристиками и выдаются каждому студенту индивидуально. В лабораторной работе 1 рассматривается методика присвоения полного обозначения проектируемому электронному средству (ЭС) согласно классификатору единой системы конструкторской документации (ЕСКД). В соответствии с полученным вариантом технического задания в лабораторной работе необходимо определить код классификационной характеристики заданного ЭС.
Motion Mountain
The intensity with which small children explore their environment suggests that there is a drive to grasp the way the world works, a ‘physics instinct’, built into each of us. What would happen if this drive, instead of being stied during school education, as it usually is, were allowed to thrive in an environment without bounds, reaching from the atoms to the stars? Probably most adolescents would then know more about nature than most senior physics teachers today. ¿is text tries to provide this possibility to the reader. It acts as a guide in an exploration, free of all limitations, of physics, the science of motion. The project is the result of a threefold aim I have pursued since 1990: to present the basics of motion in a way that is simple, up to date and vivid.