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Introduction to Differential Geometry & General Relativity
You may be wondering: what holds the neutron star up? Neutrons are chargeless and the nuclear force between neutrons (and protons) is only attractive, so what keeps the neutron star from further collapse? Just as with electrons, neutrons obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Consequently, they avoid one another when they are confined and have a sizable kinetic energy due to the uncertainty principle. If the neutrons are nonrelativistic, the previous calculation for the radius of the white dwarf star will work just the same, with the replacement me ’ mn. This change reduces the radius R0 of the neutron star by a factor of ‡2000 (the ratio of mn to me) and R0 ‡ 10 km. One of these would comfortably fit on Long Island but would produce somewhat disruptive effects.
Kant’s Theory of Biology
Whereas early modern advocates of experimental philosophy, Cartesian mechanism, and Newtonian mathematical physics avoided positing final causes and teleological explanations, many philosophers and natural researchers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries believed that efficient causes and non-teleological explanations were insufficient to explain the processes that regularly occurred in nerves and muscles, and in plant and animal generation, and thus tried to reinstate final causes and teleological explanations.
Gender, Food and COVID-19 Global Stories of Harm and Hope
We would like to thank all of the people who wrote for the blog on Gender, Food, Agriculture and Coronavirus. We wish we could have published all of the blogs, but for the purposes of having a short book that was published in a timely fashion, we could only choose a small selection of authors.
Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology
Between 1971 and 1973 I audited all the courses medical students take in their first two years at the University of Minnesota. I was amazed at the amount of physics I found in these courses and how little of it is discussed in the general physics course. I found a great discrepancy between the physics in some papers in the biological research literature and what I knew to be the level of understanding of most biology majors or premed students who have taken a year of physics. It was clear that an intermediate-level physics course would help these students. It would provide the physics they need and would relate it directly to the biological problems where it is useful.
At one step in the calculation, we note that one million cubic centimeters make one cubic meter. Our result is indeed close to the expected value. Since the last reported significant digit is not certain, the difference in the two values is probably due to measurement uncertainty and should not be a concern. One important common-sense check on density values is that objects which sink in water must have a density greater than 1 g cm3 , and objects that float must be less dense than water.
Impedance Spectroscopy Theory, Experiment, and Applications
The principal audience that will benefit from this book are M.Sc. and Ph.D. students with specialization in physical chemistry, electrochemistry, or physics, as well as researchers and engineers in the field of electrochemistry, particularly in areas of semiconductors, solid electrolytes, corrosion, solid state devices, and electrochemical power sources. Impedance spectroscopy has firmly established itself as one of the most informative and irreplaceable investigation methods in these areas of research. In addition, the book provides a valuable source of information and resource for established researchers and engineers working in one or more of the above fields.
Whose Cosmopolitanism? Critical Perspectives, Relationalities and Discontents
The history of cosmopolitanism is commonly traced from Dio- genes to Kant to Levinas up to contemporary thinkers such as Ulrich Beck, Martha Nussbaum, Kwame Anthony Appiah and Judith Butler.
This book was written with the support of a heterogeneous actor- network, including scholars, cities, comrades, and their bicycles. I’m a slow typist, and the manuscript is already four days late, so I’ll be brief. It couldn’t have happened without financial support from Can -ada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and therefore the intrepid Natasha Wiebe at the University of Windsor, who helped me secure this funding
IMAGE ESTIMATION BY EXAMPLE: Geophysical soundings image construction
We make discoveries about reality by examining the discrepancy between theory and practice. There is a well-developed theory about the difference between theory and practice, and it is called “geophysical inverse theory”. In this book we investigate the practice of the difference between theory and practice. As the folklore tells us, there is a big difference. There are already many books on the theory, and often as not, they end in only one or a few applications in the author’s specialty. In this book on practice, we examine data and results from many diverse applications. I have adopted the discipline of suppressing theoretical curiosities until I find data that requires it (except for a few concepts at chapter ends).
INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Workbook for Flipped-Classroom Teaching
The content of this book was developed over more than 15 years of teaching the course “Introduction to Systems Biology”, first at the University of Stuttgart and then mainly at the University of Luxembourg. This course aims to introduce key mathematical concepts of systems biology to students with mainly biology backgrounds. Easily accessible toy examples are used to illustrate these concepts in a straightforward way. Some of these examples, as well as some of the ideas in the book, come from colleagues, whom we would like to thank very much for sharing their work.
Introduction to Groups, Invariants and Particles
This introduction to Group Theory, with its emphasison Lie Groups and their application to the study of symmetries of the fundamental constituents of matter, has its originin a one -semester course that I taught at Yale University for more than ten years. The course was developed for Seniors, and advanced Juniors, majoring in the Physical Sciences. The students had generally completed the core courses for their majors, and had taken intermediate level courses in Linear Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis , Ordinary Linear Differential Equations, and some of the Special Functions of Physics. Group Theory was not a mathematical requirement for a degree in the Physical Sciences. The majority of existing undergraduate textbooks on Group Theory and its applications in Physics tend to be either highly qualitative or highly mathematical. The purpose of this introduction is to steer a middle course that provides the student with a sound mathematical bas is for studying the symmetry properties of the fundamental particles. It is not generally appreciated by Physicists that continuous transformation groups (Lie Groups) originated in the Theory of Differential Equations. The infinitesimal generators of Lie Groups the refore have forms that involve differential operators and their commutators, and these operators and their algebraic properties have found, and continue to find, a natural place in the development of Quantum Physics.
Options for Estimating Illegal Entries at the U.S.–Mexico Border
The panel held its first in-person meeting (in conjunction with a public workshop) in November 2011. It held a second in-person meeting in Janu- ary 2012. Several panel members participated in a field trip to the Tucson and San Diego sectors of the U.S.–Mexico border prior to the January meet- ing and had an opportunity to meet with U.S.
MOVING PLACES Relations, Return and Belonging
This book is based on the premise that it is not only people who move but that places also shift their locations in what can be seen as a ‘meshwork’ of spatial and social relations (cf. Ingold 2009, 2011). We approach places as produced by, and conceptualized through, social and spatial relations; when movements induce changes in relation configurations, they also alter the places and reposition them in this meshwork.
Солнечные элементы: Теория и эксперимент
Рассмотрены основные физические процессы, происходящие в полупроводниковых солнечных элементах при преобразовании солнечного излучения в электроэнергию. Представлены соотношения, позволяющие оптимизировать конструкцию и параметры солнечных элементов из кремния и арсенида галлия. Дан анализ особенностей различных моделей солнечных элементов. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований по разработке солнечных элементов с высоким КПД преобразования энергии.
The Cultural Politics of Anti-Elitism
This book examines the highly ambivalent implications and effects of anti-elitism. It draws on this theme as a cross-cutting entry point to provide transdisciplinary analysis of current conjunctures and their contradictions, drawing on examples from popular culture and media, politics, fashion, labour and spatial arrangements.
IMPLEMENTING THE NEW BIOLOGY Decadal Challenges Linking Food, Energy, and the Environment
This workshop summary has been reviewed in draft form by persons chosen for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise in accordance with procedures approved by the National Research Council’s Report Review Committee.