Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Уқув қулланма «Гидротехника иншоотлари» фани дастури асосида ёзилrан булиб, унда қоя замииларда юқори босимли бетон туғонларии асосий принциплари баён қилинган. Бетон фонларнинг гидравлик, фильтрация ва статик хисоблари келтирилrан.
Vatan tarixi (O'zbekiston sovet mustamlakachiligi davrida) uchinchi kitob
Mazkur kitob 1997-yilda nashr etilgan "Vatan tarixi" (Birinchi kitob) o'quv qo'llanmasi va 2003-yilda nashr qilingan "Vatan tarixi" (XVI-XX asr boshlari) (Ikkinchi kitob)ning dfvomi bo'lib, o'zbek va jaxon tarixshunosligining hozirgi bosqichdagi yututqlariga hamda milliy istiqlol mafkurasi g'oyalariga asoslangan holda O'zbekistonning 1917-yilda fevral inqilobidan to 1991-yil 31-avgust -O'zbekiston Respublikasining davlat mustaqilligiga erishgandavriga qadar sodir bo'lgan muhim tarixiy voqealari yoritilgan.
Ўқув қўлланмада педагогика фанининг асосий тушунчалари, таълим ва тарбия жараёнининг хусусиятлари, усуллари, тамойиллари очиб берилган. Ўқу қўлланма қўлланма олий ўқув юртлари талабалари учун мўлжалланган.
Pragmatic Markers in oral Narrativa
Several people have made the writing of this book possible. I am greatly indebted to Professor M.Teresa Turell of Pompeu Fabra University for having oŸered me valuable ideas and suggestions that have inspired me throughout the whole research process and have ªnally resulted in the writing of this book.
Ushbu o'quv-uslubiy majmua geografiya yo'nalishi talabalari uchun Turizm geografiyasi fanini o'qitishda foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Undan fanning o'quv va ishchi dasturi, kalendars reja, dars jarayonida foydalaniladigan o'quv- metodik materiallar, nazorat savollari o'rin olgan. O'quv-uslubiy majmuadan o'qituvchi va talabalar o'quv mashg'ulotlarini tashkil etish hamda ularga tayyorgarlik ko'rishda foydalanishlari mumkin.
Destination B1 Grammar & Vocabulary
Destination B1: Grammar and Vocabulary has been designed for intermediate students at B1 (Threshold) level on the Council of Europe's Common European Framework scale. It is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B1 level exam: e.g. Cambridge PET and for students working towards B2 level exams in the future.
Cognitive Linguistics an Introduction
This book represents a general introduction to the area of theoretical linguistics known as cognitive linguistics. It consists of three main parts. Part I provides an overview of some of the main aims, assumptions and commitments of the cognitive linguistics enterprise, and provides an indicative sketch of some of the descriptive analyses and theoretical positions that are representative of cognitive linguistics
O'zbekistonning tarixiy obidalari
Yurtimizda hamon butun dunyo ahlini o`ziga rom etib kelayotgan minglab tarixiy obidalar qad ko’targan bo’lib, ular xalqimizning asrlar davomida shakllanib kelayotgan boy ma’naviy qadriyatlari, hamda yaratuvchanlik va bunyodkorlik salohiyatini mujassam etgan, ajdodlarimizdan biz kelajak avlodlarga qoldirilgan bebaho va nodir merosdir.
Ушбу китоб таржимонлик соҳасига қизиққанлар, олий ўқув юртларининг таржимонлик факультетлари талабалари учун мўлжалланган. Мазкур дарсликни ўкувчи таржиманинг кадимий замондан бошлаб хозирги давргача ривожланиши, таржима сохасига ҳисса кушган Европа ва Марказий Осиёнинг машхур таржимонлари хакидаги маълумотга эга бўладилар. Таржима тарихи фанига булган талаб ва қизикувчиларнинг сони ортиб бораётганлигини хисобга олиб, мазкур дарслик кайта нашр қилинмокда.
Ўқув қўлланма экологик туризмни ривожланишини ўрганиш, таҳлил қилиш ва уни ташкилаштириш жараёнларини ҳамда ривожланиш босқичларини аниқлашга бағишланган.
Истиқлолнинг илк кунлариданоқ Узбекистонда жамиятнинг барча сохаларини демократлаштириш, маънавий қадриятларни тиклаш, узликни англаш, демократик хукукий давлат қуриш ва фукаролик жамиятини барпо этиш тизимли тарзда амалга оширилмокда.
Мазкур дарслик-мажмуа талабаларда таржима жараёни ҳақидаги назарий ҳамда амалий билим ва кўникмаларни шакллантиришга доир мавзуларни қамраб олган.
This text book is intended for the students of higher educational establishments. The aim of the book is to give information about the UK and the USA to students studying English. The text book covers The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. The texts deals with territories, history, population, state system, cities, places of interest, education system, universities, holidays of the above mentioned countries
Tourism Geography
For human geographers, a central theme within the discipline is interpreting and understanding our changing world – a world in which geographic patterns are constantly being reworked by powerful forces of change. These forces include population shifts, new patterns of economic production and consumption, evolving social and political structures, new forms of urbanism, and globalisation and the compressions of time and space that are the product of the ongoing revolutions in information technology and telecommunications.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
The process of translation has existed for millennia, thus facilitating both linguistic and cultural transfer. As a discipline, however, it began to develop in the second half of the twentieth century under the name “translation studies” which was proposed by the scholar James Holmes (1972). This term was widely accepted because it envisaged translation as a broad discipline shifting emphasis to neglected areas of translation such as interpreting and translator training.
Flash on English for Tourism
Specifically designed for students who are studying for a career in the tourism industry. It introduces the vocabulary and the language functions specific to this language sector, and includes practice exercises in all four skills. Coursebooks Free-standing modules cover the major content areas required by the particular profession. Exercises and activities practise language functions and encourage vocabulary acquisition. Recordings in MP3 format available online. Online Teacher's Resources Teacher's Answer Key and transcripts of all recordings. All listening material in MP3 format.