Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Tabiiy va aniq fanlarning umumiy va kompleks muammolari
Raqamli texnologiyalar va Sun'iy intellekt
Ushbu darslikda raqamli texnologiyalar, Smart va IOT texnologiyalari va ularning ta'lim jarayonidagi ahamiyati haqida so'z yuritiladi.
Linear Systems and Signals
This book, Linear Systems and Signals, presents a comprehensive treatment of signals and linear systems at an introductory level. Following our preferred style, it emphasizes a physical appreciation of concepts through heuristic reasoning and the use of metaphors, analogies, and creative explanations. Such an approach is much different from a purely deductive technique that uses mere mathematical manipulation of symbols. There is a temptation to treat engineering subjects as a branch of applied mathematics. Such an approach is a perfect match to the public image of engineering as a dry and dull discipline. It ignores the physical meaning behind various derivations and deprives students of intuitive grasp and the enjoyable experience of logical uncovering of the subject matter. In this book, we use mathematics not so much to prove axiomatic theory as to support and enhance physical and intuitive understanding. Wherever possible, theoretical results are interpreted heuristically and are enhanced by carefully chosen
Odam Anatomiyasi
Odam anatomiyasi darsligi Oliy o'quv yurtlari, meditsina yo'nalishidagi talabalar uchun yangi dastur asosida yozildi
Electronic Communications. A Systems Approach
The electronic communications field, the largest business sector in the industry and the original application from which the discipline has evolved, is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Thanks to the computer revolution and advances in large-scale integration, functions traditionally performed by analog circuits built from discrete components are now largely carried out within integrated circuits executing digital signal-processing operations. Such wholesale changes in system implementation bring with them an increasing need for a new approach to study. In contrast with the traditional emphasis on individual circuits embodied by many texts, the primary objective of this book is to foster an in-depth understanding of communications systems by providing a comprehensive description of how functional blocks work together to perform their intended tasks.
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
The past decade has seen many advances in physical layer wireless communication theory and their implementation in wireless systems. This textbook takes a unified view of the fundamentals of wireless communication and explains the web of concepts underpinning these advances at a level accessible to an audience with a basic background in probability and digital communication. Topics covered include MIMO (multi-input, multi-output) communication, space-time coding, opportunistic communication, OFDM and CDMA. The concepts are illustrated using many examples from real wireless systems such as GSM, IS-95 (CDMA), IS-856 (1 x EV-DO), Flash OFDM and UWB (ultra-wideband). Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between concepts and their implementation in real systems. An abundant supply of exercises and figures reinforce the material in the text. This book is intended for use on graduate courses in electrical and computer engineering and will also be of great interest to practising engineers.
Radio Waves in the Ionosphere
First published in 1961, this book gives the full mathematical theory of the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere and their reflection from it. It is complementary to J. A. Ratcliffe's books The Magneto-ionic Theory, which concentrates on the physical principles involved, since Dr Budden gives the mathematical development of many topics mentioned by Ratcliffe. The book will serve as a textbook for those comparatively new to the subject and as a reference book for practising engineers and research workers in the field of radio communication, for whom an understanding of the mathematical methods is important in solving practical problems.
Remote Working. Linking People and Organizations
As more people choose to work from home, the challenges for both the home worker and traditional management increase. Many questions arise regarding how to appraise the remote worker, the logistics of home working, and productivity. The authors focus on developing the right skills to cope with this new environment and stress the importance of knowing what the homeworker needs.Other issues addressed are finding the right balance between the office, home and client sites, dealing with the creation of workable home office environment, and technological and legal issues. *Provides guidance as to the best practice in terms of supporting remote workers. Shows how to help employees develop skills needed to work at home successfully*Focuses on the issues surrounding work life balance
RF and Microwave Oscillator Design
This groundbreaking book is the first to present the state of the art in nonlinear microwave oscillator design. A compilation of pioneering work from leading experts in the field, including Kaneyuki Kurokawa, Juan Obregon, Vittorio Rizzoli, the book also provides rigorous theory and historical background. Invaluable for professionals at all levels of design expertise, this volume helps you to bridge the gap between design practice and new powerful design methods, learn all aspects of modern oscillator design and review practical designs and experimental results of fixed-frequency, high-Q, low-noise oscillators. Key discussions include: progress in measurements and mathematical analysis, the most advanced design methods of microwave design low noise VCO and MMIC oscillators, and modern simulation methods and software tools. This practical resource is supplemented with more than 200 equations and 100 illustrations.
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma talabalaming Psixodiagnostika fanidan amaliyot darslarida qoilashga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, unda shaxsni psixologik tashxis qilish usullari, shaxsga xos xususiyatlami o'rganuvchi turli test va metodikalar, o'zni va o'zgalarni tushunishga qaratilgan autogen va trening mashg'ulotlaridan namunalar keltirilgan.
Миллий ғоя асосида узлуксиз таълимни инсонпарварлаштириш технологияси
Биз танлаган ушбу мавзу, мазкур масала буйича илгари сурилган фикр-мулоха- заларии ва тавсияларни таълим тарбия тизимига жорий этиш, ижтимоий-гуманитар фанлар мазмунига киритиш йул-йурикларини узида ифода этади.
Ушбу тўплам "Биология фанининг долзарб муаммолари ва уни укитишда инновацион технологиялар’" мавзуси бўйича илмий ва илмий-методик муаммоларга бағишланган. Мақола муаллифлари - табиий фан сохаларининг турли йўналишларида тадқиқот олиб бораётган таниқли олимлар бўлиб, уларнинг тадқиқот ишлари натижалари бевосита конференция мавзуси билан боғлиқ.
Ushbu Kimyodan masalalar yechish metodikasi fanidan uslubiy qoilanm a Kimyo ta’lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib. 3 va 4 kurslarda fan sifatida o‘qililadi. Unda mavzular ketma-ketligida har bir mavzu uchun ma'Iumot, mavzuga doir masalalaming yechimi ko'rsatilgan. Qo'shimcha siiatida har bir mavzuda mustaqil ishlash uchun masalalar berilgan.
Русский язык за 2 месяца
Til o'rganish ilmning eng afzallaridan biri. Ushbu kitobni til o'rganish ishtiyoqidagi yoshlar, qiziquvchilar uchun nashrga tayyorladik. O'rganilishi oson bo'lishi uchun jadvallar, figuralar va mavzulashtirilgan lug'atlar keltirdik. Kitob so'ngida olgan bilimlaringiz mustahkamlanishi uchun turli xil mavzulardagi matnlarni keltirdik.
Pedagogika nazariyasi
Mazkur darslik Pedagogika oliygohlari bakalavr yo'nalishining barcha sohalari bo'yicha tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo'lib, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim davlat standartlari talablari asosida tuzilgan. Har bir mavzu matnlaridan so‘ng takrorlash va munozara uchun savollar, topshiriqlar berilgan.
Zoologiya (umurtqasiz hayvonlar)
Darslik talabalaming mustaqil bilim olishi va olgan bilimlarini o‘zlari baholashi uchun moijallangan pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida yaratilgan. Buning uchun har bir mavzuga ko‘p tanlov javobli test topshiriqlari ilova qilingan. Darslikdan samarali foydalanish uchun ko‘p tanlov javobli topshiqlari bilan ishlash qoidalarini yaxshi bilib olish va ularga amal qilish zarur. Aha shunday qilinganida darslik talaba uchun haqiqiy repetitorlik vazifasini bajaradi.
Подготовительные процессы обогащения полезных ископаемых
Даны рекомендации по выбору схем дробления, измельчения, грохочения и классификации, а также соответствующего оборудования. Показаны основные направления совершенствования и повышения эффективности процессов рудоподготовки. Приведены основные правила эксплуатации оборудования.