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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Charged Particle Beams
In writing Charged Particle Beams my goal was to create a unified description that would be useful to a broad audience: accelerator designers, accelerator users, industrial engineers, and physics researchers. I organized the material to provide beginning students with the background to understand advanced literature and to use accelerators effectively. This book can serve as an independent reference. Combining Charged Particle Beams with Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration gives a programmed introduction to the field of particle acceleration. I began my research on particle beams with a background in plasma physics. This change in direction involved a difficult process of searching for material, learning from experts, and seeking past insights. Although I found excellent advanced references on specialized areas, no single work covered the topics necessary to understand high-power accelerators and high-brightness beams. The difficulties I faced encouraged me to write Charged Particle Beams. The book describes the basic ideas behind modern beam applications such as stochastic cooling, high-brightness injectors and the free-electron laser.
In the years since the first edition of Electric Machinery Fundamentals was published, there has been rapid advance in the development of larger and more sophisticated solid-state motor drive packages. The first edition of this book stated that de motors were the method of choice for demanding variable-speed applications. 11131 statement is no longer true today. Now, the system of choice for speed control applications is most often an ac induction motor with a solid-state motor drive. DC motors have been largely relegated to special-purpose applications where a de power source is readily available, such as in automotive electrical systems. The third edition orthe book was extensively restructured to reflect these changes. 1lle material on ac motors and generators is now covered in Chapters 4 through 7, before the material on dc machines. In addition, the dc machinery coverage was reduced compared to earlier editions. 1lle fourth edition continues with this same basic structure.
Chaos Theory Tamed
In this book, I assume no prior knowledge of chaos, on your part. Although chaos covers a broad range of topics, I try to discuss only the most important ones. I present them hierarchically. Introductory background perspective takes up the first two chapters. Then come seven chapters consisting of selected important material (an auxiliary toolkit) from various fields. Those chapters provide what I think is a good and necessary foundation—one that can be arduous and time consuming to get from other sources. Basic and simple chaosrelated concepts follow. They, in turn, are prerequisites for the slightly more advanced concepts that make up the later chapters. (That progression means, in turn, that some chapters are on a very simple level, others on a more advanced level.) In general, I try to present a plain-vanilla treatment, with emphasis on the idealized case of low-dimensional, noise-free chaos. That case is indispensable for an introduction. Some real-world data, in contrast, often require sophisticated and as-yet-developing methods of analysis. I don't discuss those techniques. The absence of high-level math of course doesn't mean that the reading is light entertainment. Although there's no way to avoid some specialized terminology, I define such terms in the text as well as in a Glossary. Besides, learning and using a new vocabulary (a new language) is fun and exciting. It opens up a new world.
Chaos and Structures in Geophysics and Astrophysics
Even though our limited perceptions provide us with only a brief glimpse of the Universe, the main lesson that we learn from our observation is that the world is complicated. Very complicated. Every part of the universe interacts with the other parts; the responses of each соmроnе are never proportional to the applied forces, and the feedbacks of one subsystem on another cannot be discarded. As a result, processes are unpredictable, and chaotic behavior in a common occurrence. Disorder and turbulence become rife. Yet from the chaotic background, coherent structures sometimes emerge, patterns form, and local order is generated. In the face of the wealth of phenomena, the myriad of details and the richness of quality and quantity, the quest for scientific understanding might seem to be a hopeless endeavour. Perhaps it is a fundamental human flaw that leads us to challenge this point of view. But challenge it we do. And at end of our struggles, perhaps we will find some comfort in judging how far we have come, and how infinitely further we could continue. At the very least, it may cure the crisis of mid-life. Thus, even if it may be pointless to try to describe what can happen in the universe, in these lecture notes, for reasons obscured to all but the fellows, we begin to do so.
Qo'lingizdagi ushbu kitob bir muncha murakkab hisoblangan fuqarolik protsessual huquqini o'zlashtirishga mo'Ijallangan bo'lib, unda fuqarolik sud ishlarini yuritishga oid protsessual hujaatlarni bilib, to'g'ri, qonun talablari asosida yozishga ko'maklashadi. Kitobda protsessual hujjatlaming namunalarini keltirilishi bilan har bir turkum ishlarni o'zlashtirishni engillashtirish maqsadida sharh berilgan.
The Best Astronomical Events through 2020
There is a widespread impression that the scientific appreciation of the universe must be left wholly to those who have had years of formal training or who devote a large part of their free time to science as a hobby. It isn’t true, of course, and it’s less true now than ever before. Thanks to the Web, volunteers with little specific training are now assisting scientists in tasks as diverse as classifying galaxies, searching for lunar features, and monitoring bird nesting sites. But you don’t need expensive equipment, a steep investment of free time or even a broadband connection to start observing the heavens. All you need are your eyes. Everyone takes a moment to sky-gaze now and then – admiring the colors of a Sunset, pondering the Man in the Moon or playing connect-the-dots with bright stars. And while most of us are denied the awesome pleasure of a clear, dark country sky far from the tawny glow of city lights, we can still observe the solar system’s brightest members – the Sun, the Moon and five planets. Their ever-changing configurations fascinated and puzzled sky watchers for the first few thousand years of human civilization, a time when the human eye was the primary observing tool. Tracking their wanderings through the sky requires nothing more than good weather and some guidance on when and where to look.
Бугунги кунда жаҳонда хитозан ва унинг ҳосилаларини синтез қилиш ва уларнинг физик-кимёвий хоссаларини тадқиқ қилиш ҳамда улар асосида истиқболли препаратлар яратишга бағишланган илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Бу борада хитозанни модификациялаб, сувда эрувчан ҳосилаларини синтез қилиш, тузилиши ва хоссаларини ўрганиш ҳамда унинг асосида ўсимликларнинг ўсиши ва ривожланишида яққол биофаоллик намоён қиладиган, комплекс таъсир қилувчи антимикроб ва иммуннофаоллик хоссаларига эга бўлган экологик хавфсиз, махсус хоссали препаратлар яратиш муҳим ахамият касб этади.
Potential theory has its roots in the physical sciences and continues to find application in diverse areas including electrostatics and elasticity. From a mathematical point of view, the study of Laplace's equation has profoundly influenced the theory of partial differential equations and the development of functional analysis. Together with the wave operator and the diffusion operator, its study and application continue to dominate many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering. Scattering of electromagnetic or acoustic waves is of widespread interest, because of the enormous number of technological applications developed in the last century, from imaging to telecommunications and radio astronomy. The advent of powerful computing resources has facilitated numerical modelling and simulation of many concrete problems in potential theory and scattering. The many methods developed and refined in the last three decades have had a significant impact in providing numerical solutions and insight into the important mechanisms in scattering and associated static problems. However, the accuracy of presentday purely numerical methods can be difficult to ascertain, particularly for objects of some complexity incorporating edges, re-entrant structures, and dielectrics. An example is the open metallic cavity with a dielectric inclusion. The study of closed bodies with smooth surfaces is rather more completely developed, from an analytical and numerical point of view, and computational algorithms have attained a good degree of accuracy and generality. In contradistinction to highly developed analysis for closed bodies of simple geometric shape which was the subject of Bowman, Senior, and Uslenghi's classic text on scattering [6] structures with edges, cavities, or inclusions have seemed, until now, intractable to analytical methods.
Феъл-атвор ва ёзув
Ўзингизни қизиқтирган саволларга қўлингиздаги ушбу китобни мутолаа қилаётиб батафсил жавоб оласиз. Шунингдек, графология соҳасига оид билимларингиз мустаҳкамланиб боради
Асаларичилик хўжаликларини бошқаришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмлари
Ҳозирда жаҳоннинг турли илмий марказлари ва тадқиқот муассасаларида асаларичилик хўжаликлари фаолиятини самарали бошқаришнинг кўплаб илмий йўналишлари бўйича тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Жумладан, асаларичилик хўжаликлари фаолиятини бошқариш механизмларини шакллантириш, бошқаришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмлари асосий ёндашувларини такомиллаштириш, нисбатан кичик миқёсдаги хўжаликлар ўртасида кооперация алоқаларини кенгайтириш, асаларичилик маҳсулотларининг диверсификация даражасини кучайтириш, мазкур хўжаликларда инновацион жараёнларни бошкариш самарадорлигини долзарб масалалардан ҳисобланади.
Фикрлаш устида ишлаш жараёнини тушуниш ва мияни муваффақиятга созлаш. Сиз ҳаётингизда ва бизнесда эришишни истаган нарсаларингизни яратишда визуализация ва медитация қандай ёрдам беришини билиб олиш.
The concepts and ideas of elementary particle physics are abstract, and they are typically expressed in the language of mathematics. However, the goal of elementary particle physics is very simple, and all the efforts of elementary particle physicists are directed toward that simple goal: to identify the basic building blocks of matter and to understand how they interact to produce the material world we observe. This encyclopedia contains articles intended for a broad audience of general readers and is designed to edify and give readers an appreciation for one of the most active and productive areas of physics throughout the twentieth century and to the present time. On the one hand, most of the articles have been written in ordinary language and provide a solid base in particle physics concepts and history for those who are new to the field. On the other hand, some topics in particle physics are difficult to express in everyday words, and in the articles on such topics, symbols appear and even an occasional equation. Even these articles, however, are written so that the reader with little physics background can capture a general sense of the topic covered.
The harmony of colour series. Colourful christmas
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
O'zbek tili ning imlo lug'ati.
Bu lug'at lotin yozuviga asoslangan o'zbek alifbosini joriy etish bo'yicha respublika davlat komissiyasining topshirig'i bilan yangi alifboga va yangi imlo qoidalariga mas holda tuzildi.
Жаҳон амалиётида узок муддат сакланиб етиштириладиган маркали нордон ва юқори сифатли қувватланган вино ишлаб чикариш, оксидантлар таркиб, антиоксидант ҳимоя тизимини ўрганиш, вино технологиясининг мукаммал оксидланиш жараёнларини тадқиқ этишни оптималлаштириш ва моделлаштириш билан рақобатбардош ва экологик тоза табиий ичимликлар ишлаб чиқариш технологияларини такомиллаштириш борасида илмий тадкикотлар олиб борилмоқда.
Plastics materials
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