Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Cusack's freehand ornament
A charming mixture of figures and pleasantly forthright written advice on the appropriate technique for freehand sketching and drawing a range of subjects. Cusack?s Freehand Ornament takes the student of freehand drawing as it finds them, endowed with a great deal of natural flair or indeed utterly lacking it. For the complete beginner or the would-be artist wishing to gain a theoretical grounding, the initial chapters focus primarily on describing the ideal technique for drawing the primary three dimensional shapes the artist will wish to represent in drawing any common or unusual scene or object. Where many drawing manuals begin with tedious figures for copying, that appear to be art as much as a grammatical exercise appears to be dramatic prose, this book starts with beautiful details observed on great buildings, art works and abstract patterns taken from classical artefacts. Greek vases, Parisian architecture and the patterns of ionic columns abound. It is to be remembered that not the fact of being born clever makes a genius but that infinite trouble is the mother of genius? says Charles Armstrong. This is where Cusack?s Freehand Ornament?s true genius lies. For the less than natural artist, the recognition of and provision for a longer learning curve allows for the natural and unpressured development of skill, which if not the same as born talent, is at least indistinguishable from it. Offering hope to the silent majority of us who would otherwise throw up our hands and tell anyone who asked, ?I?m hopeless at drawing?. No longer, readers, no longer.
International Finance. Fourth edition.
This book is intended for use in MBA and senior-level undergraduate business courses in international finance and international business. It is comprehensive, covering both the markets and management of multinational business. It is designed to be used in its entirety in courses that cover all areas of international finance, or to be used selectively in courses dealing only with international financial markets or only with international financial management. To the extent possible, the two major subdivisions of international finance are self contained, being delivered in separate segments.
The improvement soil fertility and crop productivity by inclusion of soybean in cotton-wheat crop rotation system
The degraded cropland of Uzbekistan which affected with salinity and drought can be prioritized for rehabilitation measures through appropriate crop rotation and conservation technology measures. In this study we assessed the comparable effect of CT and RT based crop rotation system to different crop yield and soil fertility in salinated arid land of Uzbekistan. Conservation Tillage, Conventional Tillage, Cotton, Reduced Tillage, Maize, Wheat, Soybean.
This volum e is about the foundation o f m athem atics, the way it w as conceptualized by Russell and W hitehead [56], H ilbert (and Bemays) [22], and Bourbaki1 [2]: Mathematical Logic. This is the discipline that, much later, Gries and Schneider [17] called the “glue” that holds mathematics together. Mathematical logic, on one hand, builds the tools for mathematical reasoning with a view o f providing a formal methodology— i.e., one that relies on the form or syntax of mathematical statements rather than on their meaning— that is meant to be applied for constructing mathematical arguments that are correct, well docum ented, and therefore understandable. On the other hand, it studies the interplay between the written structure (syntax) of mathematical statements and their meaning: Are the theorems that we prove by pure syntactic manipulation true under some reasonable definition of truel Are there any true mathematical statem ents that our tools cannot prove? The form er question will be answered in the affirmative later in this book, while the latter question.
Использование экранных и звуковых средств на уроках литературы.
Книга предлагает учителям литературы варианты использования экранных и звуковых средств при изучении произведений различных родов литературы в 5 -7-х классах в зависимости от уровня развития учащихся, возможностей учителя.
Эрозияга учраган тупроқларда кузги буғдойни етиштириш агротехникаси
Минерал ўғитларни даланинг тупроғи ювилмаган қисмида N200P120K80, тупроғи кучли ювилган қисмида кузги буғдой уруғлари экилгандан кейин тупроқ юзасини 5 т/га чириган гўнг билан мульчалаш ва N160P96K64+20 т/га гўнг меъёрларида табақалаштириб қўллаш тавсия этилади.
Изучение сложной гибридизации в селекции хлопчатника
Селекция как наука все больше основывается на принципах генетики. Это отчетливо заметно на совершенном этапе, когда создание новых сортов и форм растений связано с использованием более сложных методов отдаленной, межвидовой и межродовой гибридизации на организменном, так и на клеточном и молекулярном уровнях для получения нового исходного материала, синтеза новых генетических форм. Успех селекции связан также с разработкой генетических систем управления гетерозисом и его закрепления в поколениях, повышение эффективности отбора на основе выявленных закономерностей наследования важных хозяйственно-ценных признаков как скороспелость, урожайность, качество продукции и другие полезные свойства.
Geometric and Engineering Drawing
Our world has become one where computers are used to solve many problems quickly and accurately. We use calculators to solve arithmetical problems, word processors to check spelling and grammar in texts and computer-aided design (C.A.D.) programs to do much of our drawing for us. However, in the same way that we need to know what + , —, X and -r mean when we press that symbol on a calculator, and we need to be able to write a text before we can ask a word processor to check it, in the same way we need knowledge and understanding of geometric and engineering drawing before we can use computers to help us with design. These understandings can come through studying and using this book. This third edition starts with and introduces the tools needed for technical drawing, with some basic exercises that will help you to practise these skills. Part 1 is almost unchanged from earlier editions. It shows specific drawing solutions to many geometric problems. Part 2, engineering drawing, has been updated to the latest recommendations in BS 308, the British Standards Institution publication about engineering drawing practice. There is a new Appendix C, which shows the recommendations given in BS 308 for the simplified representation of threaded fasteners.
Буғдой экиш муддатининг уруғлик сифатига таъсири
Илмий ишнинг мақсади: Тошкент вилоятининг эскида сугориладиган типик буз тупроклари шароитида кузги бугдойнинг четда келтирилган навларидан сифатли ва юкори дон хосилини олиш учун экиш муддатларини ўрганиб, мақбулини аниклаш илмий ишнинг асосий максади хисобланади.
Тупроқнинг агрокимёвий хоссаларига агротехник тадбирлар қўллаш самарадорлигини таҳлили (Қизирик тумани мисолида)
Шеробод чўли (текислиги) худудлари ҳамда дала-тажриба объекти –Қизириқ тумани ва собиқ Й.Охунбобоев номли ширкат хўжалиги суғориладиган тупроқларининг асосий хоссалари ва ҳозирги мелиоратив ҳолатини ўрганиш, узоқ йиллар суғориш таъсирида содир бўлган ўзгаришлар динамикасини аниқлаш, хўжалик ерларини агроишлаб чиқариш гуруҳларга ажратиш ҳамда тупроқ унумдорлиги ва пахта ҳосилдорлигини оширишда табиий маъданлар ва ноанъанавий ўғитларнинг суғориладиган тупроқлар ишлаб чиқариш қобилиятига таъсирини қайд этиш ва ниҳоят олинган натижалар таҳлили асосида илмий асосланган тавсиялар ишлаб чиқишдан иборат.
Step by step knifemaking you can do
A knife is the most basic tool, and the average adult uses a knife almost every day. Yet there are very few individually made knives in existence, and few people who know how to make knives. Step by Step Knifemaking, by master knifemaker David Boye, is widely regarded as the classic on the art of handcrafted knives. Thorough, clear, detailed instructions guide the reader through each step in how to make a knife. Generously illustrated with photos and drawings on most pages, this book reads like a one-on-one workshop with a thoughtful teacher.
Eroziyaga uchragan sharoitlarda kuzgi bug‘doydan mo‘l va sifatli hosil olish agrotexnikasini ishlab chiqish
Sug‘orish eroziyasiga uchragan tipik bo‘z tuproqlari sharoitida etishtirilayotgan kuzgi bug‘doyning o‘sishi, rivojlanishi, fotosintez mahsuldorligi, ildiz tizimini faoliyati, don hosili va uning sifati, tuproqlarning yuvilishiga va unumdorligiga ilmiy asoslangan agrotexnologiyalarning (urug‘ ekilgandan keyin tuproq yuzasini go‘ng bilan mulchalash, go‘ng va mineral o‘g‘itlar me’yor va nisbatlarini tabaqalashtirib qo‘llash) ta’sirini aniqlash, kuzgi bug‘doy etishtiriladigan maydonlarda sug‘orish eroziyasining salbiy ta’sirini kamaytirish hisobiga yuqori va sifatli don etishtirishga hamda ilmiy asoslangan tavsiyalar ishlab chiqishga qaratilgan.
Ясмиқ етиштиришда маъдан ўғитларнинг ҳосилдорликка ва иқтисодий самарадорликка таъсири
Тажриба натижаларида ясмиқнинг юқори дон ва кўкат ҳосилини таъминлайдиган муқобил нави ва маъдан ўғит меъёри аниқланади.
Такрорий экинларни кузги буғдойнинг ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Республикамиз деҳқончилигида агротехник тадбирлар, хусусан бошоқли дон экинларини озиқланиш меъёрлари, такрорий экинларнинг тупроқда қолдирган анғиз ва илдиз қолдиқларини миқдорига боғлиқ ҳолда аниқланмаган. Шунинг учун Фарғона вилоятининг ўтлоқи соз тупроқлари шароитида такрорий экинлар (маккажўхори, мош, ловия ва соя) ни ҳосилдорлигини ва улардан кейин экиладиган кузги буғдойда ўғит меъёрларининг самарадорлигини ўрганиш долзарб масаладир.
Арпа селекцияси ва уруғчилигини таҳлил қилиш
Ушбу малакавий битирув ишининг мақсади арпа экини селекцияси ва уруғчилиги тўғрисидаги маълумотларни таҳлил қилиш ва талабаларга етказиш.
Ғўза ҳосилдорлиги кўчат сони ва тупроқ унумдорлиги боғлиқлигини ўрганиш
Қишлок хўжалигини ривожлантиришда, жумладан, пахтачиликда ҳосилдорликни ошириш, тезпишар ғўза навларини яратиш ва ундан олинадиган маҳсулотлар сифатини яхшилаш асосан уруғчилик ишлари ва агротехникасини қай тарзда бажаришга боғлиқ. Ҳозирги кунда қишлоқ хўжалигига қўйилган асосий талаб тупроқ унумдорлигни йўқотмасдан сув ва минерал ўғитлардан оқилона фойдаланиб юқори ва сифатли ҳосил олишга қаратилган.