San’at. San’atshunoslik
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Приведены результаты исследования выбора состава полуфункциональной загустки на основе натриевой соли карбоксиметилкрахмала (Na-КМК), гидролизованной акриловой эмульсии (ГАЭ) и узхитана для активного красителя и других вспомогательных веществ для печатания текстильных материалов типа хлопок шёлк. Пока- зано что, колористические свойства набивных тканей, получаемой после печатания новой загусткой, значительно улучшается с использованием загустителя на основе альгината и DGT.
Мазкур иш ўзбек адабий тилида ундалма категориясига 'бағишланган бўлиб, унда ундалманинг умумий характеристикаси, лексик-семантик хусусияти, морфологик-синтактик ифодаланиши, структураси батафсил баён этилади. Ажратилган ва уюшган ундалмалар, ундалманинг гапдаги ўрни, интона- .цияси, стилистик роли ва тарихий тараққиёти қақида ҳам сўз юритилади. Брошюра тилшунослар, олий ўқув юртлари филология факультетларининг ўқитувчи ҳамда студентларига, аспирантларга, шунингдек, ўрта мактабларнинг ўзбек тили ўқитувчиларига мўлжалланган.
The art of world of warcraft
The World of Warcraft is more than just a game, it's a work of art -- and you can enjoy these unique creations outside of the game with The Art of World of Warcraft. This beautiful hardbound book contains sketches, concepts, and final colored art for the following: All eight races -- Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, and Undead Monsters -- from the Ancients to Magnataurs to Yeti Environments -- landscapes and flora, from the magnificent beauty of Emerald Paradise to the bleak wasteland of Desolace Structures & Weapons -- buildings, transports, arms, and armor Cinematics -- from storyboard to finished art Promotional -- full-page artwork, special drawings from Korea, and the Blizzard 2003 Christmas Card Platform: PC CD-ROM
The art of the lord of the rings
With complete access to artwork created over a five-year period, this authoritative and insightful book illustrates the creative development of the entire Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. This official book contains over 400 exclusive images; the very best artworks from the first three Art books are collected together, many much larger than they have been seen before, with all-new text and information and new interviews with many of the artists. In addition, the book includes 100 unpublished artworks from the extended Director’s cuts of the three films, and digital imagery and designs not available when the first books were published. Printed on high-quality art paper, this lavish book is ideal for Tolkien collectors, film enthusiasts and art students and finally allows the massive undertaking of making The Lord of the Rings trilogy to be fully appreciated.
The art of. Darksiders
Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, WAR - the first Horseman of the Apocalypse - battles both Heaven and Hell across the ravaged remains of Earth, searching for vengeance and vindication. Showcasing the unparalleled artwork of Joe Madureira (X-men, Battle Chasers, Ultimates) and the Vigil Games art team, The Art of Darksiders features hundreds of full-color illustrations, character and environment designs, development sketches, early concepts, promotional artwork, and more.
Тошкент вилояти шароитида беда етиштириш агротехникаси
Авваллари олдин республикамизда кам ҳосилли маҳаллий навлар экилиб келинган бўлса, ҳозирги вақтда бедачилик соҳасида илмий тадқиқотлар олиб бориш натижасида махаллий навларга нисбатан беданинг бир қатор юқори ҳосилли, оқсилга бой, ҳар бир вилоят шароитига мослашган навлари яратилган. Жумладан, Қорақалпоқ-1, Қорақалпоқ-15, Қорақалпок-41 навларидан ташқари, ЎзГСУИТИ беда селекцияси ва уруғчилиги лабораторияси томонидан яратилган, Ўзбекистоннинг деярли барча вилоятлари учун мос бўлган Тошкент3192, Тошкент-1, Тошкент-1728, Тошкент-2009 навлари экилиб келинмокда, Хоразм вилоятида Хива ва мамлакатнинг лалми ерлари учун Аридная ва Бойгул навлари жорий этилган.
Path of extle. The art
Dynamite Entertainment and Grinding Gear Games are proud to present Art of Path of Exile, a visual history from the online action role-playing game's initial development through the five subsequent expansions. With behind-the-scenes concept art for characters and creatures, expansive vistas of vividly colorful environments, and a sneak peak at upcoming content, this all-encompassing retrospective gives millions of fans an insider's perspective of Path of Exile's dark fantasy world.
Хитой баргли карамни етиштириш ва унинг иқтисодий самарадорлиги
Сабзавотчилик - ўсимликшуносликнинг ажралмас таркибий қисмидир. Шунинг учун сабзавот экинларини ҳамма вақт ҳам бошқа экинлардан ажратиб бўлмайди. Чунки, карам, картошка, сабзи, қовоқ, лавлаги, тарвуз, маккажўхори кабиларни сабзавот экини сифатида озиқ -овқатга, чорва моллари учун ем - хашак ва техник мақсадларда ишлатиш учун хом ашё сифатида етиштириш мумкин.
Ғўзанинг “Бухоро-102” навининг ҳосилдорлигига ўғитлаш меъёрининг таъсири
Минерал ўғитларнинг қўлланишида меъёрларини, вақтини тўғри белгилаш ҳам мўл-кўл ҳосил олишнинг асоси ҳисобланади. Ялпи пахта ҳосилини янада кўпайтириш асосан экин майдонлари структурасини такомиллаштириш, минерал ўғитлардан самарали фойдаланиш, агротехникани яхшилаш негизида ҳосилдорликни ошириш йўли билан амалга оширилади.
Соя навларини етиштириш ва уруғига йиғиб олингандан кейинги ишлов бериш технологияси
Ўзбекистонда соянинг навлари яратилган, районлаштирилган, аммо етиштириш теҳнологияси тўла ишлаб чиқилмаган. Соя ўсимлигини ер юзининг ҳамма минтақаларида кенг тарқалиши унинг сифатли дони ва кўкати билан боғлиқдир. Етиштириш учун кўп маблағ талаб қилинмайди, соя маҳсулоти озиқ-овқатда, ем-хашак, техника ва тиббиётда кенг кўламда қўлланилади.
Мутахассиснинг ижодий фаолиятини бошқаришда психологиянинг роли
Битирув малакавий ишнинг мақсади – касб-ҳунар коллежи ўқувчиларида касбий фаолият ва мутахассиснинг ижодий фаолиятини бошқаришда бугунги кундаги психологик билимларнинг ролини илмий-назарий жиҳатдан асослаш.
Hind adabiyoti qadimiy adabiyotlar sirasiga kirib uning tarixi eramizdan oldingi to‘rtinchi ming yilliklardan boshlanadi. O‘quv qo‘llanmani tayyorlashda muallif hind adabiyotshunoslari, rus va o‘zbek sharqshunoslarining ilmiy izlanishlari, ilmiy asar va maqolalariga tayangan. Ushbu qo‘llanma yordamida talaba asosan hind adabiyotining eng dastlabki yozma yodgorliklari, qadimda shakllangan adabiyotning turli yo‘nalishlari, shoir va yozuvchilari, hamda hind diniy-falsafiy qarashlarining adabiyotga ta’siri kabi masalalar bo‘yicha tushuncha va mahsus ilm hosil qiladi.
Local Cohomology
This Second Edition of a successful graduate text provides a careful and detailed algebraic introduction to Grothendieck’s local cohomology theory, including in multi-graded situations, and provides many illustrations of the theory in commutative algebra and in the geometry of quasi-affine and quasi-projective varieties. Topics covered include Serre’s Affineness Criterion, the Lichtenbaum–Hartshorne Vanishing Theorem, Grothendieck’s Finiteness Theorem and Faltings’ Annihilator Theorem, local duality and canonical modules, the Fulton–Hansen Connectedness Theorem for projective varieties, and connections between local cohomology and both reductions of ideals and sheaf cohomology. The book is designed for graduate students who have some experience of basic commutative algebra and homological algebra, and also for experts in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Over 300 exercises are interspersed among the text; these range in difficulty from routine to challenging, and hints are provided for some of the more difficult ones.
Le trone de fer. Art et illustrations
Certains des plus grands talents de l'art fantastique vous invitent à explorer les terres de Westeros. Depuis les étendues sauvages gelées de l'autre côté du Mur, jusqu'à [)orne, baignée par le soleil, et depuis les Iles de Fer accidentées et brutales jusqu'à l'Est exotique, les paysages époustouflants et les personnages mémorables du best-seller de George R. R. Martin prennent vie dans ce beau livre exceptionnel. Marchez vers le Mur avec Jon Snow et les Frères Jurés de la Garde de Nuit, et l'ailes lace à la terrible puissance des hordes sauvageonnes et à l'horreur glaçante des Autres. Suivez la campagne désespérée de Robb Stark dans le Nord, depuis le Bois-aux-Murmures couvert de neige jusqu'aux berges verdoyantes du Trident. Accompagnez I ;ddard Stark au Conseil restreint et laissez-vous entraîner dans les toiles d'intrigues et de Fourberies tissées par Varys l'Araignée et Cersei Lannister, à Port-Réal. Chevauchez avec Daenerys Targaryen au sein de son grand khalasar alors qu'elle lance sa croisade contre les Cités Libres de l'autre côté du Détroit. Ce beau livre présente de somptueuses illustrations réalisées par des artistes de fantasy renommés comme Jim Burns, John Howe, Ted Nasmith, Steve Stone, ('harles Vess, Stephen Youll et de nombreux autres. Les inoubliables images de cet ouvrage sont tirées de couvertures de livres et d'éditions spéciales, de comic books, de jeux de société et de cartes à collectionner, ainsi que d'oeuvres de l'ans personnellement sélectionnées par George Martin, parmi les milliers d'illustrations que son travail a inspirées.
Turli tuproq-gidrogeologik sharoitlarda makkajo‘xorini sug‘orish rejimi
Men takroriy ekin sifatida yetishtirilayotgan makkajo‘xorini sug‘orish rejimini o‘rganish bo‘yicha qator tadqiqotchilar tomonidan olib borilgan maxsus izlanishlar natijalarini ilmiy manbalardan o‘rganish, ularni umumlashtirish va tahlil etishni o‘z oldimga maqsad qilib qo‘ydim va ish mazmunidan kelib chiqqan holda tegishli xulosa va takliflar qildim.
This book aims to explain the mathematics on which data science depends : Linear algebra, optimization, probability and statistics. The weights in the learning function go into matrices. Those weights are optimized by "stochastic gradient descent". That word stochastic ( = random) is a signal that success is governed by probability not certainty. The law of large numbers extends to the law of large functions : If the architecture is well designed and the parameters are well computed, there is a high probability of success. Please note that this is not a book about computing, or coding, or software. Many books do those parts well. One of our favorites is Hands-On Machine Learning (2017) by Aun!lien Geron (published by O'Reilly). And online help, from Tensorftow and Keras and Math Works and Caffe and many more, is an important contribution to data science.