Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
The IMO Compendium
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is nearing its fiftieth anniversary and has already created a very rich legacy and firmly established itself as the most prestigious mathematical competition in which a high-school student could aspire to participate. Apart from the opportunity to tackle interesting and very challenging mathematical problems, the IMO represents a great opportunity for high-school students to see how they measure up against students from the rest of the world. Perhaps even more importantly, it is an opportunity to make friends and socialize with students who have similar interests, possibly even to become acquainted with their future colleagues on this first leg of their journey into the world of professional and scientific mathematics. Above all, however pleasing or disappointing the final score may be, preparing for an IMO and participating in one is an adventure that will undoubtedly linger in one’s memory for the rest of one’s life. It is to the high-school-aged aspiring mathematician and IMO participant that we devote this entire book.
The Mathematical Association of America is pleased to publish this sequel to NML vol. 27; it contains the International Mathematical Olympiads, 1978-1985, and forty supplementary problems selected by Murray S. Klamkin, who prepared this text. The educational impact of such problems in stimulating mathematical thinking of young students and its long range effects have been eloquently described, both from the viewpoint of the participant and that of the mature mathematician in retrospect, by Gábor Szegö in his preface to the Hungarian Problem Books, volumes 11 and 12 of this NML series. Our aim in all problem collections of this series is not only to help the high school student satisfy his curiosity by presenting solutions with tools familiar to him, but also to instruct him in the use of more sophisticated methods and different modes of attack by including explanatory material and alternate solutions. For problem solvers, each problem is a challenging entity to be conquered; for theory spinners, each problem is the proof of their pudding. It is the fruitful synthesis of these seemingly antithetical forces that we have tried to achieve.
The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today
Each volume in the series presents state-of-the art research on a particular topic in mathematics education and reflects the international debate as broadly as possible, while also incorporating insights into lesser-known areas of the discussion. Each volume is based on the discussions and presentations during the ICME-13 Congress and includes the best papers from one of the ICME-13 Topical Study Groups or Discussion Groups.
I approached rev1smg Topics in Algebra with a certain amount of trepidation. On the whole, I was satisfied with the first edition and did not want to tamper with it. However, there were certain changes I felt should be made, changes which would not affect the general style or content, but which would make the book a little more complete. I hope that I have achieved this objective in the present version. For the most part, the major changes take place in the chapter on group theory. When the first edition was written it was fairly uncommon for a student learning abstract algebra to have had any previous exposure to linear algebra. Nowadays quite the opposite is true; many students, perhaps even a majority, have learned something about 2 x 2 matrices at this stage. Thus I felt free here to draw on 2 x 2 matrices for examples and problems. These parts, which depend on some knowledge of linear algebra, are indicated with a #. In the chapter on groups I have largely expanded one section, that on Sylow's theorem, and added two others, one on direct products and one on the structure of finite abelian groups.
Mathematical Analysis I
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Истиқлол даври оммавий ахборот воситалари: ютуқ, истиқбол ва муаммолар
Мазкур тўплам кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Развитие русской речи учащихся начальных классов.
Свободное владение русским языком должно стать нормой для молодежи, оканчивающей средние учебные заведения.
Радость познания.
О том, как научить детей писать грпмотно и красиво, сделать процесс обучения радостным постижением мира, рассказывает о своей книге Е.Н.Потапова - учитель школы № 109 Москвы.
Психологическая наука - учителю
В настоящее время перед каждым учителем-поставлена задача построить свою работу в соответствии с Основными направлениями реформы общеобразовательной школы.
Педагогик технология асослари
Ушбу кулланма хозирги педагогик технологияларнинг умумий асосларини ёритишга багишланган.
Преподавание физики и астрономии в средней школе ро новым программам.
Книга представляет собой методическое пособие для учителей, разъясняющее новое содержание курсов физики и астономии, научные и методические принципы, положенные в основу этих курсов.
Преемственность и перспективность в обучении русскому языкую
В сатьях учителей и методистов обобщен передовой педагогической опыт и намечены пути установления взаимосвязей в обучении русскому языку между начальной и средней школой, между разделами внутри школьного курса.
Учитель говорить по - английски
Практикум включает систему упражнений, обеспечивающих целенаправлению работа над произношением и техникой чтения английского языка: может быть использован как вводно-фонетический курс. Практикум предназначен для студентов 1-2-курсов гуманитарных факультетов, а также для учащихся гимназий, лецеев и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Правописание не и не.
В школьной практике тема "Частицы" является одной из самых сложных, Особые трудности вызывает написание не и не.
Халықшыл реформалар халқымыз меплерине хызмет етеди. 7-жилд (қорақалпоқ тилида)
Озбекстан Республикасы Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевтин шығармаларынын 7-томына мемлекетимиздин жемийетлик-сиясий турмысындағы еҳмиетли ўақыялар, халықаралық келемдеги форум ҳем саммитлер, сондай-ақ, Олий Мажлис палаталары ағзалары, сиясий партиялар ҳем жемиетшилик ўекиллери менен ушырасыўдағы сезлери ҳем баянатлары киргизилген