Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Famous artists cartoon course. Light and shade. Lesson 14
Shading is fun, but learn how to do it correctly. Practice and play with it until you can dash it off with just the right amount of lines. To save yourself a lot of headaches, always finish your drawing in outline, then put in all the shading with pencil.
Famous artists cartoon course. Perspective. Lesson 13
Look at the picture opposite - it demonstrates another point. Level parallel lines all appear to converge at a definite point. This point is called the vanishing point. It is always on the horizon or eye level, though it may be at any point on that horizon. You can see this effect by looking down a street, a hall, a rug, a coffee table or a bowling alley. This convergence is easier to see in long lines, but remember that it takes place with all level parallel lines regardless of their length.
Современная реальность требует нового стиля управления, и концепция автора полностью соответствует изменившейся ситуации. Подход, ориентированный на раскрытие творческого потенциала личности, получает все большее признания в мире бизнеса.
Famous artists cartoon course. Form. Lesson 12
Everything, from the world we stand on to the latest model automobile, is made up of one or more of the four basic forms; the cube, sphere, cylinder and cone.
Hydropower(Introduction). Textbook
Darslikda barcha mavzular bo‘yicha tayanch so‘z va ibоralar hamda nazоrat savоllari berilgan. Bunda gidroenergetikaning gidravlik asoslari, suv manbalaridan mukammal foydalanish, gidroelektrostansiyalar va nasos stansiyalari xillari, asosiy parametrlari va jihozlari, binolari va inshootlari, bosim quvurlari, gidroakkumulatsion elektr stansiyalari va kichik GESlar, gidrоenergetik qurilmalarning texnik-iqtisodiy hisoblari haqida umumiy ma‘lumotlar berilgan.
Famous artists cartoon course. Drawing in the panel. Lesson 11
Someone once said that every cartoonist is a frustrated ham actor. Since the average cartoonist usually eats with more regularity than the average actor, the frustration should be easy to control. A cartoonist's interest in the stage can really be an asset. The panel has its definite limitations - so has the stage. Your job is to present a clear, interesting production within your confined space.
Famous artists cartoon course. Special types. Lesson 10
Casting the actors for your cartoon productions is a very import- ant part of your work. As a cartoonist, you not only must pick the right character for the right role you also have to be able to draw him. Your readers have come to expect certain types of characters in set roles. In this section we have tried to show you how to design a few stock characters and how they are expected to act.
Famous artists cartoon course. Clothes and folds. Lesson 9
A cartoonist is concerned mostly with the doings of people, and most people wear clothes. Therefore, you must develop the ability to draw clothing of all types. You have learned how to simplify the human form: you must now learn how to simplify the clothes that go around that form, Study the effect that the action of the figures has upon the clothes due to twisting and pulling. A cartoon figure in action will twist, pull, rip and wrinkle the clothing. Remember you are not drawing a fashion plate. You are drawing an ordinary person whose clothes don't always fit him too well.
Famous artists cartoon course. Action and figure. Lesson 8
Action is the key to good cartooning. Many a good idea has been ruined by badly drawn action, and many a weak idea has been strengthened and saved by humorous and appropriate action.
Famous artists cartoon course. Pretty girls. Lesson 7
Your ability to draw pretty girls will have a lot to do with your success in the cartoon business. We repeat you learn to - draw by drawing, and that is particularly true with pretty girls. Devote a good proportion of your working and practice day to drawing pretty girls. Always keep your eye peeled for beauty - most men do!
Elektr ta'minoti tizimida energiya tejamkorligi
Elektr ta'minoti tizimida energiya tejamkorligi» darsligi o ‘quv dasturi asosida tayyorlangan. Energetikaning jamiyatdagi ro'li va o‘rni ko'rsatilgan. Bundan tashqari yoqilg‘i energetik resurslar va butun energetika bo‘yicha xarakteristikalar keltirilgan hamda an’anaviy va noan’anaviy energetika haqida tushuncha berilgan. Energiya tejamkorlik siyosati, sanoati rivojlangan davlatlarning tajribasi misolida ko‘rsatilgan.
Inklyuziv ta'lim. Gospital pedagogika
Darslikdan talabalar, o'qituvchilar, maxsus pedagog-tyutorlar, tarbiyachilar, alohida ta'lim ehtiyojiga ega bo'lgab bolalarning ota-onalari korreksion va rivojlantirish ishlarida foydalanishlari mumkin.
Darslik farmakognoziya fanini o'qitishning amaldagi dasturi asosida yozilgan bo'lib, unda dorivor o'simliklar mahsuloti, ularning tavsifi, o'sish joyi, yig'ish, quritish usullari, kimyoviy tarkibi, tahlil qilish, ishlatish va dorivor preparatlari to'g'risida to'liq ma'lumot keltirilgan.
Suv energiyasidan foydalanish
Mаzkur darslik 60710800 – “Gidroenergetika” bakalavr ta’lim yo’nalishi bo’yichа tа`lim оlаyotgаn bаkаlаvr tаlаbаlаri uchun mo’ljаllаngаn bo’lib, “Suv energiyasidan foydalanish” fаni bo’yichа o’quv vа ishchi dаsturlаrigа muvоfiq tuzildi.
MARKAZIY OSIYO XALQLARI TARIXI (Yangi va eng yangi davr)
Mazkur darslik ijtimoiy-gumanitar yo'nalishda tahsil olayotgan talabalarga Markaziy Osiyo mintaqasida 1917-yil Fevral voqealaridan to hozirgi kungacha bo'lgan tarixiy, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy, siyosiy va madaniy jarayonlaming ilmiy hamda qiyosiy tahlili haqida ma’lumot beradi. Ushbu darslik ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlarga ixtisoslashgan oliy o ‘quv yurtlarining bakalavriat va magistratura talabalari hamda Markaziy Osiyo xalqlari tarixi” fani bilan qiziquvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan. Darslikni tayyorlashda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Davlat va jamiyat qurilishi akademiyasi, 0 ‘zbekistonning yangi tarixi markazi tomo- nidan tayyorlangan va 2000-yil Toshkentda nashr qilingan “0 ‘zbekiston Sovet mustamlakachiligi davrida’’ nomli ikkinchi kilobdan foydalanganligimiz uchun muallihar jamoasiga o‘z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz.
Pedagogik mahorat
Darslikda pedagogik mahorat mazmuni, o‘qtuvchi faoliyatida muloqot madaniyati va psixologiyasi, ta’lim jarayonida shaxsga yo^naltirilgan yondashuv, mahoratli pedagogning zamonaviy ta’lim texnologiyalaridan foydalanishi, boiajak o‘qituvchilarga tadqiqotchilik malakalarining zarurligi, o^qituvchi faoliyatida ilmiy tadqiqotchilik,turli yondashuvlar orqali pedagogik bilimlami rivojlantirish, fasilitatsion yondashuv asosida tarbiyalash masalasi, tarbiya fani o'qituvchilarining o'quvchilarda iqtisodiy bilimlarni shakllantirish usullari, o‘qituvchi faoliyatida sharqona immunitetning ahamiyati, media ta’lim vositasida sharqona immunitetni shakllantirish kabi mavzular muhokamasi o'z aksini topgan.