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Arts-Based Interventions and Social Change in Europe
This book presents 21 successful arts-based efforts to respond to social problems that are experienced by disadvantaged communities: children living with physical challenges, suffering from financial and educational poverty; elderly women in solitude; migrants facing a strange but welcoming cultural context; Roma youth fighting negative stereotypes and many more.
Storia della resistenza italiana all'estero
L'opera di Alfonso Bartolini esplora resistenza e lotta degli italiani all'estero durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Vengono illustrati episodi di eroismo, sacrifici e collaborazioni tra italiani e altri popoli per combattere l'oppressione nazista. Il libro offre una prospettiva dettagliata sull'impegno dei cittadini italiani che, pur essendo fuori dai confini patri, hanno contribuito alla lotta contro la tirannia e alla difesa della libertà.
Основные грибные болезни семечковых плодовых культур и меры борьбы с ними
В работе описаны инфекционные болезни плодовых семечковых культур, симптомы проявления болезней семечковых растений и другие темы.
David Myers received his psychology Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He has spent his career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has taught dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.” Myers’ scientific articles have, with support from National Science Foundation grants, appeared in more than two dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly writing and his textbooks for introductory and social psychology, he also digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in three dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American. He also has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for families in poverty, and spoken to hundreds of college and community groups. Drawing on his experience, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in American assistive listening technology (see hearingloop.org). He bikes to work year-round and plays daily pick-up basketball. David and Carol Myers have raised two sons and a daughter.
Sbrindellato, scalzo in groppa a un ciuco, ma col casco d'africa ancora in capo
I venti mesi che -- tra l'improvvisare di una guerra 'totale' -- videro la liquidazione del Regime Fascista, il riscatto di intere moltitudini attraverso l'epopea della Resistenza e il risollevarsi tra morti e macerie di un Paese affamato, sono stati segnati anche dall'azione di migliaia di soldati. A nord dell'Appennino, una nuova armata decide di combattere i nazisti. In un inferno senza ordine né legge, altre formazioni si battono sul campo di una 'guerra geografica' dall'altra parte del mondo e si danno alla macchia.
Roma o morte!
La pubblicazione descrive l'episodio storico del 29 agosto 1862, quando Giuseppe Garibaldi tentò di forzare la marcia su Roma, ma venne bloccato dalle truppe italiane ad Aspromonte. La situazione degenerò in un conflitto armato che causò la ferita dello stesso Garibaldi e la sua successiva cattura. Il libro esplora i dettagli di questa drammatica giornata e delle sue conseguenze, ponendo particolare attenzione ai protagonisti coinvolti e al contesto politico dell'epoca. Attraverso una ricca narrazione e fonti storiche, gli autori analizzano gli eventi che hanno segnato uno dei momenti più critici del Risorgimento italiano.
Latour for Architects
These books will be the first point of reference, rather than the last word, about a particular thinker for architects. It is hoped that they will encourage you to read further, offering an incentive to delve deeper into the original writings of the thinker at stake.
Анализ литературы микроорганизов вызывающие болезни семечковых плодовых культур и система борьбы с ними
Целью данной работы является изучение научных данных об основных наиболее вредоносных болезней семечковых плодовых культур в условиях Узбекистана.
Финансовый менеджмент
Финансовый менеджмент - одно из самых перспективных направлений в экономической науке, удачно сочетающее как теоретические разработки в области финансов, управления, учета, анализа, ак и практическую направленность разработанных в его рамках подходов
Мотивация и мотивы
Учебное пособие посвящено основным вопросам теории и методологии изучения мотивации и мотивов человека. Особое внимание в нем уделяется анализу представлений о сущности мотива, его структуре и разновидностям. Автор предлагает собственную концепцию мотивации и мотивов, базирующуюся на критическом рассмотрении и синтезе имеющихся в психологии взглядов на эту проблему. В пособии излагаются закономерности формирования мотивационной сферы человека в онтогенезе и в различных видах поведения и деятельности, рассматриваются нарушения мотивации при патологии. Представленные в пособии психодиагностические методики могут быть с успехом использованы в практической деятельности специалистов системы образования, спортивной и производственно-организационной сферы. Для психологов, психофизиологов, педагогов, а также студентов факультетов психологии и педагогических учебных заведений.
Jamming the Classroom Musical Improvisation and Pedagogical Practice
This book has been a long time a- coming, and we’d like to acknowledge the tremendous support and guidance we’ve received from many people during the time we’ve been planning, writing, revising, and readying the book for publication.
Memoria del curso académico 1995-1996
"La presente Memoria del Curso Académico recoge los principales acontecimientos y actividades que tuvieron lugar en la Universidad de Granada durante el año académico 1995-1996. Este documento es una recopilación exhaustiva de la vida académica, cultural y administrativa de la institución, ofreciendo un panorama detallado y preciso de los eventos más relevantes y los logros alcanzados en este periodo. La Memoria destaca los avances en investigación, las publicaciones académicas, las actividades culturales y el desarrollo de infraestructuras, así como los distintos reconocimientos recibidos. Se trata de un recurso esencial para entender la evolución y los desafíos afrontados por la Universidad de Granada durante este año académico."
Malaysia: a travel adventure
Malaysia invites travelers to explore its vibrant blend of cultures, striking landscapes, and modern marvels. This book guides readers through the country's bustling cities, picturesque countryside, and stunning beaches.
Right to the Juke Joint A Personal History of American Music
Following Rose-anne’s advice, I started writing the book outline the next day. She has con-tinued to help me by editing the entire manuscript and encouraging me throughout the writing process. Other family members and friends were supportive as well; I especially want to thank Roseanne’s brother Vic Rini; my brother, David Mullen; my sister Linda Katz, and her husband, Bobby, for all the music we’ve shared and their interest in my articles and books throughout my scholarly career.
Ҳастимом - Абу Бакр Қаффол Шоший тарихи
Ушбу рисолада алломани ўз даврида ислом дунёсида машҳур қилган дипломатик фаолиятига доир янги маълумотлар илмий истифодага киритилган.
Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology
Neil Anderson is Professor of Work Psychology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He is Founding Editor of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. His research interests include recruitment and selection, organizational and work group socialization, innovation at work, and organizational climate. He has co-authored and edited a number of books including the International Handbook of Selection and Assessment, and his work has appeared in several scholarly journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Neil has on-going research projects, either collaboratively or alone, into interviewer and applicant decision-making in assessment interviews, work group socialization of graduates, the structure and psychometric properties of popular ‘Big Five’ measures of personality, telephone-based interviewing procedures, and the practitioner–researcher divide in work and organizational psychology. Committed to an international perspective in work psychology, Neil has been Visiting Professor to the University of Minnesota (USA) and the Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Neil is a fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.