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Introducing Python
The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Introducing Python, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. The views expressed in this work are those of the author, and do not represent the publisher’s views. While the publisher and the author have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights.
Now in its third edition, this leading introduction to ethnography has been thoroughly updated and substantially rewritten. It offers a systematic introduction to ethnographic principles and practice. New material covers the use of visual and virtual research methods, hypermedia software, and the issue of ethical regulation.
The Embedded Project Cookbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Microcontroller Projects
Learn how to create and release an embedded system in a fast and reliable manner. This book will help you build and release a commercially viable product that meets industry standards for quality. The book is not just about code: it covers non-code artifacts such as software processes, requirements, software documentation, continuous integration, design reviews, and code reviews. While specifically targeting microcontroller applications, the processes in this book can be applied to most software projects, big or small. Additionally, the book provides an open-source C++ framework that can be used to quick start any embedded project. This framework has an OSAL (OS Abstraction Layer) and essential middleware that is needed for many embedded systems. Using a hands-on approach of building-and-testing the software application first allows you to develop a significant amount of production quality code even before the hardware is available, dramatically reducing the start-to-release duration for a project.
This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may besuppressed. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience.
The Optimal RabbitMQ Guide. From Beginner to Advanced
Managing a complex, unified enterprise application can be a lot more difficult than it seems. Before making even a small change, hours of testing and analysis are required for possible impacts your change could have on the overall system. New developers must spend days getting familiar with the system before they are considered ready to write a non-breaking line of code. Fortunately, the situation becomes far less complicated thanks to the use of microservices. This chapter talks about the benefits of a microservice architecture.
The New Public Diplomacy
It is tempting to see public diplomacy as old wine in new bottles. Official communication aimed at foreign publics is after all no new phenomenon in international relations. Image cultivation, propaganda and activities that we would now label as public diplomacy are nearly as old as diplomacy itself.
This project began in 1987 with the goal of assembling a basic reference source that provides accurate, clear, and concise descriptions of the cultures of the world.
Python for Absolute beginners
This book eases you into the foundational aspects of Python 3.x with an extensive range of code samples that illustrate its diverse features. Start with Python tools and installations, and progressively learn intricacies like strings, loops, conditional logic, and much more. The appendices on NumPy and Pandas provide insights into efficient numerical operations, making it a holistic resource for novice programmers. Companion files with code samples are available for downloading from the publisher.
Industry 4.0 Current Status and Future Trend
In this book says, that the fourth industrial revolution happened as an evolution process in terms of technological advances, and it represents the social, economic, and technological changes that affected all developed countries. The fourth and last industrial revolution brought advice and forecast into the system.
Power & Choice
This book provides a general, comparative introduction to the major concepts and themes of political science. For a number of years, we have taught courses that attempted to accomplish this aim, and that experience showed us how badly we needed a text that is conceptually alive and that engages students with concrete examples of analysis without losing them in a clutter of definitional minutiae.
The Encyclopedia of World Cultures was prepared under the auspices and with the support of the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University. HRAF, the foremost international research organization in the field of cultural anthropology, is a not-for-profit consortium of twenty-two sponsoring members and 300 participating member institutions in twenty-five countries. The HRAF archive, established in 1949, contains nearly one million pages of information on the cultures of the world.
Restaurant concepts, management and operations. 8th edition
As an author, it is very important that I listen to faculty colleagues and include their suggestions in the text. For this new eighth edition, reviewers suggested that the order of the chapters be slightly changed to conform to the modified title of Restaurant Concepts, Management, and Operations. Hopefully this will better fit your teaching and student learning styles. As always, my sincere thanks to all the professors and students who are shaping the future of this great restaurant industry.
Patterns for Beginning Programmers with Examples in Java
This book presents a thorough walkthrough of common programming concepts. This version of the book includes example figures written in Java, but the content of the text is designed to be language agnostic. The techniques covered are ones that computer scientists encounter no matter the language they specialize in or the eventual purpose/focus of their work (digital art, database management, etc.). While the book does cover a lot of ground, it would be good to see each example presented in more than one programming language to show how these universal concepts will look similar in syntax in addition to how similar the steps for solving common issues through programming are in execution.
Hotel management and operations. 4th edition
The fourth edition of Hotel Management and Operations is hereby dedicated to all of those hospitality students who have enriched the lives of their guests by continuing to learn beyond their formal education. It is these professionals who constantly strive to find even better ways to give the gift of friendship.
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology: Global Forces, Local Livespresents all the key areas of cultural anthropology as well as providing original and nuanced coverage of current and cutting-edge topics. An exceptionally clear and readable introduction, it helps students understand the application of anthropological concepts to the contemporary world and everyday life. Thorough treatment is given throughout the text to issues such as globalization, colonialism, ethnicity, nationalism, neoliberalism, and the state.
Political Science An Introduction Twelfth Edition
1 Politics and Political Science We study politics in a naturalistic mode, like a scientist studies bacteria, never getting angry at a fact but trying to understand how and why something happens. Although political science draws from all the other social sciences, it focuses on power—how A gets B to do what A wants. We do not confuse our partisan preferences with the scholarly study of politics.