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Science and Processing of Cast Iron XI
The 11th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of cast Iron (SPCI-XI) was organized under the umbrella of Casting Innovation Centre (CIC) that represents the collaboration between the Swedish Foundry Organization, Swerea Swecast and Jönköping University. This symposium was held between 4th and 7th of September 2017 in Jönköping, Sweden.
Ряды Фурье.
В технических приложениях часто приходится иметь дело с периодическими функциями, Кепример, напряжения и токи в электрических цепях в большинстве случаев являются периодическими функциями времени.
Касательные плоскости
Так как плоскость , касательная к шару перпендикулярна к радиусу, проведенному в точку касания, то достаточно провести через точку Д горизонталь А В и фронтально , перпендикулярные к радиусу СА (а'Ь'Цозсi abica, ad ||ох, a'd'i с'а' ), которые и определит искомую касательную плоскость
Paranoid Science The Christian Right’s War on Reality
My book’s basic premise is that science is under attack by the Christian Right, whose leaders appeal to paranoid conspiracy theories by claiming that many scientists peddle misinformation and conceal their actions from the public. Supposedly these scientists threaten to undermine the moral foundation of American society.
Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences
The International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, is one of the most prestigious academic conferences in Romania
Mastering Java for data science
Stanislav Bashkyrtsev has been working with Java for the last 9 years. Last years were focused on automation and optimization of development processes.
Science Under Attack The Age of Unreason
Over 200 years have passed since the Age of Reason, or the Age of Enlightenment as it’s sometimes called — an era that also marked the peak of the Scientific Revolution which began several centuries earlier
Python Data Science Essentials Third Edition
Mapt is an online digital library that gives you full access to over 5,000 books and videos, as well as industry leading tools to help you plan your personal development and advance your career. For more information, please visit our website.
It is my special pleasure to welcome all the participants of this NATO Advanced Research Workshop with UNESCO participation.This workshop was originated one and a half years ago. At that time we had a meeting in Dresden co-organized by NATO, Nature and the Volkswagen Foundation.
Nonlinear Science
Nonlinear phenomena are pervasive in problems relevant to the Navy. Potential novel nonlinear approaches to key Navy technologies in areas such as signal processing, turbulence, and drag and wake reduction are largely locked in predevelopment phases, lacking the mathematical and physical tools needed to understand and exploit nonlinear phenomena.
Компьютер билан мулоқотни ўрганамиз
Мазкур конпьютер билан мулоқотни ўрганамиз номли методик қулланма муаллифларнинг кўп йиллик меҳнат тажрибаси асосида яратилди.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered herein. It is sold with the clear understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or any other professional services.
Independent verification should be sought for any data, advice or recommendations contained in this book. In addition, no responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from any methods, products, instructions, ideas or otherwise contained in this publication.
A few spiders are closely associated with human-created habitats. These spiders can tol- erate dry conditions indoors and may become locally abundant
Nutrient Requirements of Nonhuman Primates
This report is distinctive among most other publications in the Committee on Animal Nutrition series of reports on animal nutrient requirements.
Линейные преобразования евклидовых пространств
Евклидовы и эрмитовы пространства. Линейные отображения векторных пространств с скалярным произведением. Сингулярные числа, сингулярное и полярное разложение. Сингулярные числа и серия углов между подпространствами евклидова пространства.