Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
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An introduction to international economics : new perspectives on the world economy
I have written An Introduction to International Economics: New Perspectives on the World Economy for one- and two-semester courses in international economics, primarily targeting non-economics majors and programs in business, international relations, public policy, and development studies.
Communication Systems. An Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication
This text,like its previous editions,is an introduction to communication systems written at a level appropriate for advanced undergraduates and first-year graduate students in electrical engineering. An initial study of signal transmission and the inherent limitations of physical systems establishes unifying concepts of communication. Equal attention is then given to the analysis and design of analog and digital communication systems. Mathematical techniques and models necessarily play an important role throughout the book,but always in the engineering context as the means to an end. Numerous applications have been incorporated for their practical significance and as illustrations of concepts and design strategies. Hardware considerations are also included to stimulate interest and to bring out connections with other branches of electrical engineering. The coverage of digital communication has been substantially increased in this edition,especially in the areas of spectral analysis,error-control coding,and carrier modulation. Other topics given expanded treatment are: filtering,random analysis,multiplexing,synchronization,coded pulse modulation,optimum detection,and information theory. New topics include: FM distortion,phase-lock loops,spread spectrum,predictive coding,discrete Fourier transforms,and hardware implementation using digital circuits.
Elektromexanik tizimlarning elementlari
Ushbu darslikda sanoat korxonalarida keng qo`llanilayotgan zamonaviy elektromexanik tizimlarning tarkibiy tuzilishi, boshqariluvchi o`zgaruvchan va o`zgarmas tok o`zgartkichlarning turlari, ishlash asoslari va asosiy tavsiflari, boshqaruv tizimlarining analog hamda raqamli qurilma va bloklarining tuzilishi va ishlash asoslari hamda elektromexanik tizimlarni boshqarishda mikroprotsessorli tizimlarni qo`llashning asoslari bayon qilingan.
Fantastic and massive human-headed, winged bulls and a curious wedge-shaped writing system are the best-known legacies of the place known as Mesopotamia.
Основа современной экономики — креативный потенциал человека, человеческие качества, поэтому приоритетной сферой развития в экономике должно быть создание этих качеств, то есть в первую очередь такая сфера, как образование В настоящее время для системы высшего образования характерны глубокие преобразования в организационно-управленческой области.
Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab
In this book shows the theoretical aspects of how a wireless communication system can be translated into simulation models, using elementary matrix operations in Matlab. Most of the simulation models shown in this book, will not use any of the inbuilt communication toolbox functions. This provides an opportunity for a practicing engineer to understand the basic implementation aspects of modeling various building blocks of a wireless system. The book is intended to be used primarily by undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering discipline, who wish to learn the basic implementation aspects of a wireless system.
Leisure and Recreation Management. 5th edition
The terms ‘leisure’ and ‘recreation’ mean different things to different people. So while this book is built on available evidence and research, it is written from a perspective of my own background, experience and career as teacher, manager, consultant, observer and ‘lifetime’ student of leisure and recreation management.
Автотранспортный процесс о оптимизация его элементов
Неуклонный рост народного хозяйства сопровождаемый увеличением объемов перевозок грузов и пассажиров показывает что развитие и надежное функционирование транспортной системы.
Изложены методологические основы научного знания, рассмотрены различные уровни научного познания. Освещены этапы проведения научно-исследовательских работ, включая выбор направления исследования, постановку научно-технической проблемы, проведение теоретических и экспериментальных исследовании, рекомендации по оформлению результатов научной работы.
Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligining madaniyatini shakllantirish asoslari
Odamlar har doim o'zini muxofaza qilish instinkti bilan bog'liq bo'lgan xavfsizlik holatiga intilishgan. Xavfsizlik insonning muhim ehtiyojidir. Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi madaniyati (HFXM) ning obektlarini shakl-lanishda individual, korporativ, davlat-jamiyat darajalaridagi klassifikatsiyalari keltirildi.
Satellite Communication Engineering (2nd ed.)
An undeniably rich and thorough guide to satellite communication engineering, Satellite Communication Engineering, Second Edition presents the fundamentals of information communications systems in a simple and succinct way. This book considers both the engineering aspects of satellite systems as well as the practical issues in the broad field of information transmission. Implementing concepts developed on an intuitive, physical basis and utilizing a combination of applications and performance curves, this book starts off with a progressive foundation in satellite technology, and then moves on to more complex concepts with ease.
Зоология позвоночных.
В учебнике, соответствующем утвержденной Министерством просвещения программе, рассмотрен систематический курс зоологии хордовых животных.
Экология иқтисодиёти
Ушбу дарслик давлат стандартлари, намунавий ўқув дастури асосида ёзилган. Унда «Экология иқтисодиёти» нинг фан сифатидаги таърифи берилган; назарий асослари барқарор ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожланиш концепцияси асосида таърифланган; хусусий экология иқтисодиёти табиат компонентларидан фойдаланадиган тармоқлар мисолида кўриб чиқилган; амалий экология иқтисодиёти экологик сиёсат ва экологик бошқариш, экологик ҳисоб ва экологик аудит, экологик молия, экологик бозор механизмлари таҳлили асосида ёритилган; ҳозирги замон экология иқтисодиёти муаммолари ва уларнинг ечимига алоҳида эътибор берилган.
A Sound Engineer’s Guide to Audio Test and Measurement
I will qualify that I haven't read the book yet. Just glancing through it after it arrived was disappointing. The book has three sections. Section one is "Test and Measurement" by Pat Brown, and is 48 pages long. It looks like a good overview of testing, much like he offers in the SynAudCon classes. Section two is "What's the Ear for? How to protect it". It is 25 pages long and while it looks valid, wasn't what I expected in this title. Section three is Fundamentals and Units of Measurement. It is about 100 pages of charts covering everything form the SI system (wow I didn't know octillion is the name of a number, that makes my life richer), to some basic one paragraph topics on basic physics, some good formulas and charts for audio usage, on to the greek alphabet, ISO standard numbers, abbreviations for 30 pages (XLPE is cross linked polyethelene), to some geometry reveiw. It is factual filler. It appears the content is good, but basic. It was not an in depth book on A Sound Engineers Guide to Audio test and Measurement in my opinion. There are other books that cover this better. In fact this book appears to be three chapters out of Handbook for Sound Engineers. I didn't look for updates. It looks nearly identical. My rating is low because this is a rehash of a portion another book and the content does not follow the title very well.