Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
A Sound Engineer’s Guide to Audio Test and Measurement
I will qualify that I haven't read the book yet. Just glancing through it after it arrived was disappointing. The book has three sections. Section one is "Test and Measurement" by Pat Brown, and is 48 pages long. It looks like a good overview of testing, much like he offers in the SynAudCon classes. Section two is "What's the Ear for? How to protect it". It is 25 pages long and while it looks valid, wasn't what I expected in this title. Section three is Fundamentals and Units of Measurement. It is about 100 pages of charts covering everything form the SI system (wow I didn't know octillion is the name of a number, that makes my life richer), to some basic one paragraph topics on basic physics, some good formulas and charts for audio usage, on to the greek alphabet, ISO standard numbers, abbreviations for 30 pages (XLPE is cross linked polyethelene), to some geometry reveiw. It is factual filler. It appears the content is good, but basic. It was not an in depth book on A Sound Engineers Guide to Audio test and Measurement in my opinion. There are other books that cover this better. In fact this book appears to be three chapters out of Handbook for Sound Engineers. I didn't look for updates. It looks nearly identical. My rating is low because this is a rehash of a portion another book and the content does not follow the title very well.
Event Management
Events are happenings, often used to suggest that what happened was on an unusual scale, Memorable etc. Most of us participated in events but managing the events are the difficult task to achieve its objective.
Неорганическая химия
В химических явлениях и процессах проявляются закон материалистической философии например такие как закон единства и борьба противоположностей отрицания переходы количественных вещество.
Зоология беспозвоночных
В третье издание учебника внесены существенные изменения и дополнения, отражающие современное состояние науки: уточнена классификация.
Адресовано студентам магистерского уровня, осваивающим философско-методологические дисциплины общенаучного цикла. Может использоваться студентами бакалавриата при изучении гносеологического и эпистемологического модулей философского курса, а также аспирантами, сдающими кандидатский экзамен по курсу «История и философия науки». Соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту и учебной программе. Включает обширный теоретический материал, обобщенный на основе авторской научно-философской концепции, визуальные интеллект-карты, классификационные древа, вопросы к зачету, списки основной и дополнительной литературы.
Ingredient Branding Making the Invisible Visible
“Ingredient Branding” is the technical term for this strategy of taking the product – originally a business-to-business product – to the consumer marketplace, where it gains global recognition.
Назарий механикадан курс ишларини бажаришга доир укув методик кулланма
Назарий механика фани техника олий укув юртларида укитиладиган умумий техника фанларининг назарий асоси булиб унинг крнуниятлари ва хусусиятларидан турли техника масалаларини ечишда кенг фойдаланилади.
Medical genetics
The textbook covers the fundamentals o f medical genetics, presents clinical and genetic information on hereditary and congenital diseases, chromosomal syndromes, isolated and syndromic forms of monogenic and multifactorial nature, modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment. The principles o f medical genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis o f congenital and hereditary pathology are presented. The textbook is intendedfor students o f higher medical universities
Органик кимё
Кимёвий анализда янги физик- кимёвий усуллар кенг куламда ишлатила бошлайди. Илмий тадкикот ишларида кимёвий ва физик кимёвий усуллардан комплекс фойдаланиш йуллари амалиётга кенг татбик этилади.
Modern Diplomacy Fourth Edition
The concern of this book is to analyse some of the main elements that make up contemporary diplomacy. Since the completion of the first edition, a number of important changes have occurred within the international system, which have affected players, procedures and the content of diplomacy.
Саноат корхоналари ва фуқоролик биноларининг электр жиҳозлари
Ушбу дарсликда саноат корхоналари ва фуқаролик биноларида кенг қўлланиладиган коммутацияловчи, бошқарув ва ҳимоя электр ва электрон аппаратлар, корхоналарни ёритишнинг асослари ва ёриткичлар, электр иссиқлик қурилмалари; металларга ишлов берувчи машина ва автоматик линиялар ҳамда қурилмаларнинг электр жиҳозлари; Шунингдек, электр жиҳозларини ишлатиш жараёнида электр энергиядан тежамкорлик билан фойдаланиш омиллари ва тадбирларини жорий қилиш усуллари хам ёритилган.
Museum International
The concept of endogenous development came into being during the past few decades. It was initially confined to the economic and social fields, but spread gradually to take in all the activities which promote human development, with increasing account being taken of local conditions and cultural aspirations
Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook
Based on the 1980 text, "Microstrip Antennas", this volume offers information on designing any type of microstrip antenna. In addition to addressing essential microchip antenna theory, the authors highlight current design and engineering practices, emphasizing pressing issues such as broadbanding, circular polarization and active microstrip antennas in particular. Special design challenges, ranging from dual polarization, high bandwidth, and surface wave mitigation, to choosing the proper substrate, and shaping an antenna to achieve desired results are all covered. The book includes more than 400 illustrations, and over 1600 equations and analytical techniques for all types of common microstrip antennas.
Архитиктура ашёшунослиги
Китоб укиш мутолаа килаётган мавзу кайси йуналишда булмасин рухингизни тулкинлантириш ёритилаётган малумотларни талкин килишга имкон беради.
The Leadership Challenge
The Leadership Challenge is about how leaders mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done in organizations. It's about the practices leaders use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity, and risks into rewards. It's about leadership that makes a positive difference in the workplace and creates the climate in which people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes.