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Power & Choice
This book provides a general, comparative introduction to the major concepts and themes of political science. For a number of years, we have taught courses that attempted to accomplish this aim, and that experience showed us how badly we needed a text that is conceptually alive and that engages students with concrete examples of analysis without losing them in a clutter of definitional minutiae.
The Encyclopedia of World Cultures was prepared under the auspices and with the support of the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University. HRAF, the foremost international research organization in the field of cultural anthropology, is a not-for-profit consortium of twenty-two sponsoring members and 300 participating member institutions in twenty-five countries. The HRAF archive, established in 1949, contains nearly one million pages of information on the cultures of the world.
Restaurant concepts, management and operations. 8th edition
As an author, it is very important that I listen to faculty colleagues and include their suggestions in the text. For this new eighth edition, reviewers suggested that the order of the chapters be slightly changed to conform to the modified title of Restaurant Concepts, Management, and Operations. Hopefully this will better fit your teaching and student learning styles. As always, my sincere thanks to all the professors and students who are shaping the future of this great restaurant industry.
Patterns for Beginning Programmers with Examples in Java
This book presents a thorough walkthrough of common programming concepts. This version of the book includes example figures written in Java, but the content of the text is designed to be language agnostic. The techniques covered are ones that computer scientists encounter no matter the language they specialize in or the eventual purpose/focus of their work (digital art, database management, etc.). While the book does cover a lot of ground, it would be good to see each example presented in more than one programming language to show how these universal concepts will look similar in syntax in addition to how similar the steps for solving common issues through programming are in execution.
Hotel management and operations. 4th edition
The fourth edition of Hotel Management and Operations is hereby dedicated to all of those hospitality students who have enriched the lives of their guests by continuing to learn beyond their formal education. It is these professionals who constantly strive to find even better ways to give the gift of friendship.
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology: Global Forces, Local Livespresents all the key areas of cultural anthropology as well as providing original and nuanced coverage of current and cutting-edge topics. An exceptionally clear and readable introduction, it helps students understand the application of anthropological concepts to the contemporary world and everyday life. Thorough treatment is given throughout the text to issues such as globalization, colonialism, ethnicity, nationalism, neoliberalism, and the state.
Political Science An Introduction Twelfth Edition
1 Politics and Political Science We study politics in a naturalistic mode, like a scientist studies bacteria, never getting angry at a fact but trying to understand how and why something happens. Although political science draws from all the other social sciences, it focuses on power—how A gets B to do what A wants. We do not confuse our partisan preferences with the scholarly study of politics.
Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir. Develop lightning-fast web applications using Phoenix and metaprogramming
Book Description: Elixir's functional nature and metaprogramming capabilities make it an ideal language for building web frameworks, with Phoenix being the most ubiquitous framework in the Elixir ecosystem and a popular choice for companies seeking scalable web-based products. With an ever-increasing demand for Elixir engineers, developers can accelerate their careers by learning Elixir and the Phoenix web framework. With Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir, you'll start by exploring the fundamental concepts of web development using Elixir. You'll learn how to build a robust web server and create a router to direct incoming requests to the correct controller. Then, you'll learn to dispatch requests to controllers to respond with clean, semantic HTML, and explore the power of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) and metaprogramming in Elixir. You'll develop a deep understanding of Elixir's unique syntax and semantics, allowing you to optimize your code for performance and maintainability. Finally, you'll discover how to effectively test each component of your application for accuracy and performance.
Professional Hotel Front Office Management
I always felt the need for a textbook on Front Office Management during my stint as a hospitality trainer and this motivated me to write this book. This book has been primarily developed to cover the syllabus prescribed by the National Council for Hotel Management, New Delhi. It is also at par with the syllabi of various universities of India, offering degree courses in hotel/hospitality management.
Principles of Comparative Politics
This book began as a syllabus for an introductory comparative politics class taught by a newly minted PhD—one of the book’s authors, Bill Clark—at Georgia Tech in the early 1990s. The class had three goals: (1) to introduce students to the major questions in comparative politics, (2) to acquaint them with the field’s best answers to those questions, and (3) to give them the tools to think critically about the answers.
Mastering Computer Vision with PyTorch 2.0
Book Description: In an era where Computer Vision has rapidly transformed industries like healthcare and autonomous systems, PyTorch 2.0 has become the leading framework for high-performance AI solutions. [Mastering Computer Vision with PyTorch 2.0] bridges the gap between theory and application, guiding readers through PyTorch essentials while equipping them to solve real-world challenges. Starting with PyTorch’s evolution and unique features, the book introduces foundational concepts like tensors, computational graphs, and neural networks. It progresses to advanced topics such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), transfer learning, and data augmentation. Hands-on chapters focus on building models, optimizing performance, and visualizing architectures. Specialized areas include efficient training with PyTorch Lightning, deploying models on edge devices, and making models production-ready.
Introduction to International Relations Fifth Edition
Today, virtually the entire population of the world lives within the borders of those separate territorial communities we call states—about six billion people are citizens or subjects of one state or another. For more than half a billion people living in the developed countries of Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan, basic security and welfare are often taken more or less for granted, because it is guaranteed and sometimes directly provided by the state.
Mastering Python. 50 Specific Tips for Writing Better Code
Python is a popular, high-level programming language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and many other applications. It is a versatile and powerful language that offers a lot of flexibility and ease of use to developers. However, like any other programming language, writing effective and efficient Python code requires a good understanding of the language's features and best practices.
Master of JavaScript Errors. Resolve Mistakes Faster Than ChatGPT
The 'Master of problems' is your important ally in overcoming JavaScript problems; unleash your true coding ability with it. This is not just another guide; it is an astute navigator through the confusing turns of the world of coding. This book expertly turns you into a skilled problem-solver, giving you the confidence to code with unmatched assurance. Instead than only learning to code, have the courage to face any challenge. Get a copy of this priceless resource from Amazon eBooks right away to change the way you handle JavaScript problems. Instead of just coding it, master it.
International Relations Theories
Welcome to the third edition of International Relations Theories. The responses to the fi rst two editions have been overwhelmingly positive and so we have kept changes to this new edition to a minimum. We cover the same theoretical ground as in the previous edition except for one major change. In light of the fact that there has been some demand for a detailed run-through of the critical theoretical literature, we decided to devote an entire chapter to this important theoretical orientation in the discipline. The new chapter contribution on critical theory is written by Steven C. Roach.`
Управление человеческими ресурсами организации.
Для студентов и аспирантов обучающихся по направлениям "Управление персоналом" "Менеджмент", Экономика"и др.