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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Управление человеческими ресурсами организации.
Для студентов и аспирантов обучающихся по направлениям "Управление персоналом" "Менеджмент", Экономика"и др.
BRIGHT CONTINENT African Art History
Africa is the world’s second largest continent and its most genetically and linguistically diverse. Its cultures and products vary greatly too, yet habit and laziness often cause individuals—from newscasters to teachers to “influencers”—to refer to them in themost general terms, rather than by specifics.
Politicsisexcitingbecausepeopledisagree.Theydisagreeabouthowtheyshould live.Whoshouldgetwhat?Howshouldpowerandotherresourcesbedistributed? Shouldsocietybebasedoncooperationorconflict?Andsoon.Theyalsodisagree abouthowsuchmattersshouldberesolved.
Software Testing with Generative AI
About the book: Software Testing with Generative AI shows you how AI can elevate every aspect of testing—automation, test data management, test scripting, exploratory testing, and more! Learn how to use AI coding tools like Copilot to guide test-driven development, get relevant feedback about your applications from ChatGPT, and use the OpenAI API to integrate AI into your data generation. You’ll soon have higher-quality testing that takes up less of your time. About the technology: There’s a simple rule in software testing: the more you test, the more you learn. And as any testing pro will tell you, good testing takes time. By integrating large language models (LLMs) and generative AI into your process, you can dramatically automate and enhance testing, improve quality and coverage, and deliver more meaningful results.
Every book of this kind is a team effort, combining the creativity and hard work of many people, some of whom I have met in person, others of whom I know only through email exchanges and Zoom meetings, and yet others of whom (some of the reviewers) were anonymous. I thank them all for their contributions and for making the writing and production of this book such a pleasure.
Islamic World A Resource for Educators
Art can by a dynamic and creativeportal for students to gain an understanding of the worldaround them.
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals (4th ed.)
Understanding Logic and Computer Design for All Audiences: Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals is a thoroughly up-to-date text that makes logic design, digital system design, and computer design available to readers of all levels. The Fifth Edition brings this widely recognized source to modern standards by ensuring that all information is relevant and contemporary. The material focuses on industry trends and successfully bridges the gap between the much higher levels of abstraction people in the field must work with today than in the past. Broadly covering logic and computer design, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals is a flexibly organized source material that allows instructors to tailor its use to a wide range of audiences.
While the field of Global Studies is relatively new, its subject matter is old in the sense that humans around the world have always been connected through multiple layers of culture, trade, travel, migration, ecology, etc. It is only recently, however, that the academy has caught up with this reality.
Art of Okeania,Africa and the Americas from the Museum of Primitive Art
Not to many decades ago the art of the Middle Ages was still called barbaric crude and inexpressive.
World Politics
For research assistance, we thank Cynthia Mei Balloch, Eric Belz, Jeffrey Bengel, Charles Frentz, Lonjezo Hamisi, Oliver Kaplan, Aila Matanock, Brandon Merrell, Allison Myren, Alexander Noonan, Priya Rajdev, Rachel Schoner, and Stephanie Young. For this edition, Deborah Seligsohn assisted with the extensive revisions to Chapter 13 on the environment.
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Етти сонида хикмат куп.Кадимги Шарк алломалари дунёни етти иклимга булиб урганишган.Хапр бир сайёра узига хос бир дунё сирли булиб урганишган.
Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses for all branches of higher education
The importance of environmental science and environmental studies cannot be disputed. The need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing problems of pollution, loss of forget, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like economic productivity and national security, Global warming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of environmental issues.
Facilitating Software Architecture Empowering Teams to Make Architectural Decisions
The software architect role is evolving. As systems and their interactions with the teams that build, run, and evolve them become more complex, it's often impossible for those playing the traditional architect roles to be everywhere they need to be. There's simply too much architecture to be done, and the situation has reached a breaking point. There's a better way. Author Andrew Harmel-Law shows you how architects and development teams can collaborate to create and evolve more efficient architectures for their systems. Techniques in this book will help you learn how to create a mindset that allows everyone to practice architecture and build the best systems they've ever experienced.
Environmental science
Education is a process of development which includes the three major activities, teaching, training and instruction. Teaching is social as well as a professional activity. It is science as well as art. Modern education is not in a sphere but it has a long and large area of study.
THE GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS Africa is a continent of violent contrasts, cruel yet always beautiful. From the west a belt of tropical rain forest stretches eastward along the Guinea coast and over part of the Cameroons, while farther south it covers the Gabon and northern half of the Congo.
Consumer Tribes in Tourism. Contemporary Perspectives on Special-Interest Tourism.
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