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Ethereum Smart Contract Development. Build Blockchain-Based Decentralized Applications Using Solidity
Book Description. Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. This book is your one-stop guide to blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development. We start by introducing you to the basics of blockchain. You'll learn about hash functions, Merkle trees, forking, mining, and much more. Then you'll learn about Ethereum and smart contracts, and we'll cover Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) in detail. Next, you'll get acquainted with DApps and DAOs and see how they work. We'll also delve into the mechanisms of advanced smart contracts, taking a practical approach.
Bog'lovchi moddalarning kimyoviy texnologiyasi
Darslik ohak, gips, magnezial bog'lovchi moddalar va turli sementlar tayyorlashning texnologik chizmalari, ular olinadigan xomashyolar hamda bu mateallarning tavsifi, ularning sinflanishi haqida eng yangi ma'lumotlar keltirilgan.
Органическая химия том 1
В книге систематически изложены способы получения, строение, свойства и реакции органических соединений, принадлежащих к основным классам. Принятая последовательность глав соответствует принципу «от простого к сложному». В первой главе читатель знакомится с основными теоретическими понятиями и концепциями органической химии.
Data Science for Decision Makers. Using Analytics and Case Studies
This book is an essential guide for executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to harness the power of data to drive business success. In today's fast-paced and increasingly digital world, the ability to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights is vital. It bridges the complex world of data science and the strategic decision-making process, providing readers with the knowledge and tools they need to leverage data effectively. With a clear focus on practical application, this book demystifies key concepts in data science, from data collection and analysis to predictive modeling and visualization. Via real-world examples, case studies, and actionable insights, readers will learn how to extract insights from data and translate them into strategies that drive organizational growth. Whether you're a seasoned executive looking to sharpen your strategic acumen or a manager seeking to enhance your team's data literacy, this essential reference provides the foundation to navigate the complex landscape of data science.
Colloquial Russian 2
Colloquial Russian 2is intended for students who, working on their own or with a teacher, have already completed a first-level course in Russian and want to continue their study (aiming at B1/B2 level of proficiency in Russian). The book starts with a revision unit which covers all the basic structures, including cases and aspects, so it is not a problem if you are a bit rusty.
Германия ва Ўзбеистоннинг конститутсиявий ривожланиш тенденциялари.
Мазкур тўплам Германия Федерация Республика эьлон қилинган ва Асосий қонуни қабул қилинганлигининг 70 йиллигига бағишланади.
Kasbiy psixologiya
Darslikda ta’lim va taraqqiyotning oʻzaro bogʻliqligi, ta’lim psixologiyasi kursining asosiy mazmuni boʻlgan talabalarning oʻqish va uqish faoliyatini shakllantirish hamda tarbiya psixologiyasining ta’lim-tarbiya jarayonida talaba shaxsini shakllantirish kabi muhim ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Special Interest Tourism. Concepts, Contexts and Cases
This book will provide a refreshing, engaging and integrated approach to the conceptualisation of special interest tourism from both supply- and demand-side perspectives.
Xalqaro moliya munosabatlari
Darslikdil «Xalqaro moliya munosabatlari» fanining asosiy masalalari qiSqil va lushunarli tilda bayon etilgan.
Uzbekistan past,present and future.
This book is about an amazing country- Uzbekistan,which is located in one of ancient centrs of the world civilization - central Asia.
Живём и учимся в России
Учебное пособие «Живём и учимся в России» предназначено для иностранных уча щихся, владеющих русским языком в объёме базового уровня и продолжающих изучать русский язык на этапе предвузовской подготовки, на курсах и в кружках. Материал по собия рассчитан на 160–180 часов учебного времени.
Мазкур дарслик (биринчиси 1982 йил нашр килинган) гистология ва эмбриологияда кулланиладиган тадкикот усуллари, гистология ва эмбриологиянинг ривожланиш тарихи, цитология, умумий эмбриология асослари ва бир неча бобларни уз ичига олади.
Курс микробиологии
При составлении настоящего курса, как учебника для зоотехнических институтов и факультетов, за основу было взято 2-е издание «Курса микробиологии»,.составленного теми же авторами и вышедшего в 1936 г. в издании Сельхозгиза, допущенного Главным управленцем вузов и техникумов Наркомзема СССР в качестве учебного пособия для зоотехнических вузов
The decade since this book was first published has brought consi derable fe edback, much of it positive, some critical, but-significantly I think-it has not yet ab ated.
Public Relations. 2ND EDITION
Writing the first edition of Public Relations and then developing the second edition to keep up with the times has kept me mindful of the pace of change in public relations.
Живём и учимся в России
Указательное местоимение в данной синтаксической модели является субъектом и всегда имеет одинаковую форму это. Су ществительное в именительном падеже выступает в роли преди ката