Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Асосҳои назарияи педагогика.
Китоби мазкур мувофқи барномаи таълими назарияи педагогика дар донишгоҳо таҳия шудааст. Он умдатарин масъалахоеро, киба сифати асосуҳои назарияи педагогика эътироф гардидаанд, мавриди баррас қарор дода, чун қамъбасти афкори назарии илми педагогика пешкаш мегардад. Дастур дар самти раҳнамои таълиф ёфта, алоқамандони назарияи таълиму тарбияро бештар ба муаммоҳои ҳалталаб ошно мекунад.
Transport Economic Theory
The study of transport is the study of movements, of displacements of individuals and things in both space and time. The objective of this book is to provide the basic concepts and tools for the economic analysis of transport systems, with emphasis on the behaviour of users and operators. Distinctive features will be introduced and treated as the natural consequence of processes that deal with displacements in space-time. Emphasis will be given to the operation of transportation systems, i.e. to the actual form of combining vehicles, terminals and rights-of-way in order to produce certain level of flows of different things in different directions. Thus, ours will be a short run oriented view, dealing with the adequate usage of resources for given levels of investment. This book focuses on the behavior of users and operators outside of traditional economic behavior theory. It includes time and space as a distinctive feature of transport economics.
Institutions and Economic Theory : The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics
This second edition assesses some of the major refinements, extensions, and useful applications that have developed in neoinstitutionalist thought in recent years. More attention is given to the overlap between the New Institutional Economics and developments in economic history and political science. In addition to updated references, new material includes analysis of parallel developments in the field of economic sociology and its attacks on representatives of the NIE as well as an explanation of the institution-as-an-equilibrium-of-game approach. Already an international best seller, Institutions and Economic Theory is essential reading for economists and students attracted to the NIE approach. Scholars from such disciplines as political science, sociology, and law will find the work useful as the NIE continues to gain wide academic acceptance. A useful glossary for students is included. Eirik Furubotn is Honorary Professor of Economics, Co-Director of the Center for New Institutional Economics, University of Saarland, Germany and Research Fellow, Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University. Rudolph Richter is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Director of the Center for New Institutional Economics, University of Saarland, Germany.
Этюды о гуманитаризации образования
В книге последовательно применяется системный анализ процесса, связанного с гуманитаризацией образования. Рассмотрены вопросы диагностирования с разных позиций, определения, приведен лингвистический минимум, излагаются вопросы моделирования и принятия решений при недостаточности и неопределенности информации. Книга предназначена для учеников старших классов, студентов вузов и может быть полезна специалистам в гуманитаризации их мышления.
The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge
It is no exaggeration to claim that it was above all twentieth century work in the philosophy of science and the sociology of (scientific) knowledge that set the scene for a flourishing of relativist (and constructivist) claims.
The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Investigating the Politics of Knowledge and Meaning- making
The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) has reoriented research into social forms, structuration and processes of meaning con-struction and reality formation
This book explores the contested concept and theorization of care and its relationship to aging. The book analyses the different and complex ways care has been colonised by bio-medical sciences, social policies, and how professional experts have managed it
Will Schooling Ever Change? School Culture, Distance Learning and the COVID-19 Pandemic
This book is an insightful meta-narrative about schooling which explores the global natural experiment of the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impact on school culture.
Morality Made Visible Edward Westermarck’s Moral and Social Theory
While highly respected among evolutionary scholars, the sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher Edward Westermarck is now largely forgotten in the social sciences. This book is the first full study of his moral and social theory, focusing on the key elements of his theory
Indigenous Knowledge Production Navigating Humanity within a Western World
What does it mean to be Aboriginal in the 21st century? To be connected to the land beyond materialism and commodity, where instead your connection is within the kinship ties, and the very DNA you possess that comes from the land you walk on.
My Journeys in Economic Theory
Edmund Phelps is among the most important economists of his generation. He developed a new understanding of unemployment and inflation and went on to rethink the roots of innovation. His work represents a lifelong project to put “people as we know them” into economic theory.In this book, Phelps tells the story of his role in reshaping economic theory, offering a powerful personal account of a creative and rewarding career. My Journeys in Economic Theory charts two major phases of Phelps's work, illuminating the breadth of his contributions to the field. First, introducing the expectations of wage setters and cofounding the “equilibrium” rate of unemployment, he built the microeconomic foundations for the employment theory pioneered by Keynes and Hicks. More recently, he conceived a theory of “mass flourishing” superseding Schumpeter and Solow's conception of the process of innovating—a theory in which individuals'creativity and society's dynamism fuel grassroots innovation and generate job satisfaction in the process.Phelps recounts his vivid experiences in the world of economics—fierce arguments, competition and collaboration, and the good fortune of time spent among some great figures—as well as his relationships with luminaries such as John Rawls, Thomas Nagel, Paul Samuelson, and Paul Volcker. At its core, this book shares the joy of intellectual achievement: the excitement of coming up with a new idea that radically departs from prevailing views and the satisfaction of exercising one's own ingenuity instead of applying or developing others'models. Telling the story of a life packed with intellectual adventure, My Journeys in Economic Theory provides a profound vision of a dynamic, modern economy that offers lives rich with creativity and meaning.
Antisemitism and the Constitution of Sociology
Without rancor or hatred, in the spirit of sociology and psychology, I seek to examine the debased condition into which France has fallen.
The Theory of Economic Development
The goal of “Inclusive Economics” is to tie together various authoritative strands of contemporary economic theory into an easily comprehensible whole that illuminates the need for a broader approach to contemporary economic policymaking undistorted by obsolete 18th century rationalist assumptions about utility, ethics, worthiness and traditional culture. This is accomplished by elaborating the rationalist competitive ideal along the optimizing lines pioneered by Paul Samuelson (neoclassical economics); plumbing modifications necessitated by Herbert Simon's realist concepts of “bounded rationality” and “satisficing”; refined further by applying a pragmatist outlook to probe the consequences of relaxing Enlightenment teleological, ethical, spiritual and cultural taboos. The exercise will explain why competitive market economies guided by rational utility-seeking invariably are less productive, efficient, just and beneficent than most theorists concede, and will illuminate the full range of interventions needed to achieve better outcomes. We call this program in its entirety “Inclusive Economics”, including the integration of micro and macroeconomics.
Disziplinierung durch Methode Zur Bedeutung der Methodenlehre für das Fach Soziologie
Die vorliegende Arbeit beansprucht die Dokumentation der erfolgreichen Enkulturati-on ihrer Autorin in die wissenschaftliche Disziplin der Soziologie. Sie entspricht nicht allein einem Produkt wissenschaftlich-soziologischer Erkenntnisproduktion, sondern dient formal auch dem Nachweis jener Qualifi kationen, die die Autorin, mich, als Soziologin ausweisen.
The Publisher has taken reasonable care in the preparation of this book, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of information contained in this book.
Economic Theory
Others might have called this book Micro Theory or Price Theory. Becker's choice of Economic Theory as the title for his book reflects his deep belief that there is only one kind of economic theory, not separate theories for micro problems, macro problems, non-market decisions, and so on. Indeed, as he notes, the most promising development in recent years in the literature on large scale economic problems such as unemployment has been the increasing reliance on utility maximization, a concept generally identified with microeconomics.Microeconomics is the subject matter of this volume, but it is emphatically not confined to microeconomics in the literal sense of micro units like firms or households. Becker's main interest is in market behavior of aggregations of firms and households. Although important inferences are drawn about individual firms and households, the author tries to understand aggregate responses to changes in basic economic parameters like tax rates, tariff schedules, technology, or antitrust provisions. His discussion is related to the market sector in industrialized economies, but the principles developed are applied to other sectors and different kinds of choices.Becker argues that economic analysis is essential to understand much of the behavior traditionally studied by sociologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists. The broad definition of economics in terms of scarce means and competing ends is taken seriously and should be a source of pride to economists since it provides insights into a wide variety of problems. Practically all statements proved mathematically are also provided geometrically or verbally in the body of the text.