Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Avtomatika. Hisoblash texnikasi
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Java tilida dasturlash
Mazkur qo'llanma dasturlashning barcha elementlarini java tili misolida dasturlash jarayoni qarab о'tilgan. Java dasturlash tili tarkibidagi barcha turdagi operatorlar, kalit so 'zlar va qoidalar batafsil keltirib о 'tilgan. Operatorlar, kalit so'zlar va buyruqlaning umumiy ko'rinishlari va yozilishlari bir nechta dasturlar yordamida tushuntirib о ‘tilgan. Qo'llanmada java tilining barcha imkoniyatlari bo'yicha nazariy tushunchalar hamda bu tushunchalarni o'zlashtirish uchun amaliy masalalarning yechimlari keltirib o'tilgan. Har bir mavzu bo'yicha, mavzuni mustahkamlash uchun nazariy savollar hamda mustaqil ishlash uchun topshiriqlar ham keltirib о 'tilgan. Mazkur qo 'llanma oliy о ‘quv yurtlari talabalari, magistrantlari, litsey, kasb hunar kollej va texnikum о 'quvchilari hamda mustaqil o'rganuvchilar uchun qulay vosita hisoblanadi.
A guide to the project management body of knowledge. 5th edition
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition provides guidelines for managing individual projects and defines project management related concepts. It also describes the project management life cycle and its related processes, as well as the project life cycle.
Image processing using pulse-coupledn neural networks
It was stated in the preface to the first edition of this book that image processing by electronic means has been a very active field for decades. This is сertainly still true and the goal has been, and still is, to have a machine perform the same image functions which humans do quite easily. In reaching this goal we have learnt about the human mechanisms and how to apply this knowledge to image processing problems. Although there is still a long way to go, we have learnt a lot during the last five or six years. This new information and some ideas based upon it has been added to the second dition of our book
Қўлингиздаги маърузалар матни давлат ва жамият қурилишининг муҳим негизларини, ижтимоий жараёнлар ва жамоаларнинг шаклланиши, амал қилиши ва тадрижий ўзгариши тенденцияларини илмий тадқиқ этиш йўллари, бу борада фаолият юритаётган дунёдаги мавжуд социологик мактаблар, улуғ мутафаккирларимизнинг социологик қарашлари, ҳамда шу масалаларнинг бугунги ҳолати ва ривожланиш хусусиятлари ҳақидаги билимларни имкон даражасида ўзида ифодалаган.
Илмий-маърифий асар таҳқиқи
Ушбу китобда XVII-XVIII аср биринчи ярмида яшаб, илмий-адабий фаолият юритган Сўфи Оллаёр шахси ва унинг илмий-адабий мероси,хусусан, Саботул ожизин асари биографияси таҳқиқий йўналишда, яъни бирламчи манбалар асосида ўрганилган. Китоб филолог мутахассислар, ҳамда тилшунослик ихтисослиги бўйича таълим олаётган барча талабалар ва илмий изланувчилар учун.
Programming Android
This book is for people coming to Android programming from a variety of backgrounds. If you have been programming iPhone or Mac OS applications in Objective-C, you will find coverage of Android tools and Java language features relevant to Android programming that will help you bring your knowledge of mobile application development to Android. If you are an experienced Java coder, you will find coverage of Android application architecture that will enable you to use your Java expertise in this newly vibrant world of client Java application development. In short, this is a book for people with some relevant experience in object-oriented languages, mobile applications, REST applications, and similar disciplines who want to go further than an introductory book or online tutorials will take them.
Probabilistic methods of signal and system analysis
This edition differs from the first and second in several respects. In this edition use of the computer is introduced both in text examples and in selected problems. The computer examples are carried out using MATLAB 1 and the problems are such that they can be handled with the Student Edition of MATLAB as well as with other computer mathematics applications. In addition to the introduction of computer usage in solving problems involving statistics and random processe other changes have also been made. In particular, a number of new sections have been added, virtually all of the exercises have been modified or changed, a number of the problems have been modified, and a number of new problems have been added.
Image Processing in C
This book is a tutorial on image processing. Each chapter explains basic concepts with words and figures, shows image processing results with photographs, and implements the operations in C. Information herein comes from articles published in The C/C++ Users Journal from 1990 through 1998 and from the first edition of this book published in 1994. This second (electronic) edition contains new material in every chapter.
Dasturlash tillari asosida matematika masalalarni yechish
Matematika va mexanika ta’lim yo’nalishi bo’yicha bilim olayotgan talabalarga “Dasturlash asoslari” fanini o’qitishda fanlarning o’zaro integratsiyasiga hamda o’qitilayotgan fanning kasbga yo’nalgan sohaga tatbiqlariga jiddiy e’tibor berish lozim bo’ladi. Shu bilan bir qatorda bakalavriatning 5130100-matematika va 5140300-mexanika ta’lim yo’nalishlarida ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga algoritmlash va dasturlash asoslarini bir xil o’qitilishi, ularga kelgusi kasbiy faoliyatida qay darajada kerak bo’lishi to’g’risidagi tushunchaga va uning o’rnini sezishga imkon bermaydi. Shuning uchun ham algoritmlash va dasturlash asoslaridan amaliy mashg’ulotlardagi tushunchalarni kasbga yo’naltirilgan holda tashkil etishni maqsadga muvofiq deb hisoblaymiz.
PHP и MySQL. Разработка Web-приложений. — 4-е изд.
Даны начала программирования на PHP: установка и настройка Apache, PHP,MySQL и кроссплатформенной сборки XAMPP, выбор редактора PHP-кода, синтаксис языка и самые полезные функции PHP 5.4. Рассмотрено создание собственного движка сайта и ряда дополнительных модулей — фотогалереи, RSS-граббера, модуля для работы с MP3, сервиса reCAPTCHA, а также применение мощного шаблонизатора Smarty и создание простейшего собственного шаблонизатора. Показано, как с помощью технологии Ajax добиться обновления данных на странице без ее перезагрузки. Для закрепления практики разработки Web-приложений рассмотрен сложный проект, приведены его подробное описание, исходный код и интеграция с популярным движком WordPress. В четвертом издании добавлен материал, знакомящий с механизмом кэширования MySQL, продуктом Zend Guard и процессом создания WAP-сервера. На сайте издательства находятся дополнительные главы, все листинги из книги, а также необходимое программное обеспечение. Для Web-программистов
Operating System Concepts.8th Edition
This book as a text for an introductory course in operating systems at the junior or senior undergraduate level or at the first-year graduate level. We hope that practitioners will also find it useful. It provides a clear description of the concepts that underlie operating systems. As prerequisites, we assume that the reader is familiar with basic data struchues, computer organization, and a high-level language, such as C or Java. The hardware topics required for an understanding of operating systems are included in Chapter 1. For code examples, we use predominantly C, with some Java, but the reader can still understand the algorithms without a thorough knowledge of these languages.
Ўқув қўлланмада бозор иқтисодиёти шароитида глобаллашув шароитида истеъмолчилар талабининг ўзгариши, ноаниқлик шароитида қарор қабул қилиш, шунингдек, истеъмолчи танловида афзал кўриш ва нафлилик тамойиллари, бозор талаби ва мувозанатлилик, ишлаб чиқариш харажатларини минималлаштириш, фирма ва тармоқ таклифи, ижтимоий фаровонлик ва ташқи самара ҳамда ижтимоий неъмат ва ассиметрик ахборот билан боғлиқ назарий ва амалий масалалар ёритилган.
Sanoat statistikasi
O`quv qo`llanma Statistika fanining muhim tarmog`i-"Sanoat statistikasi" masalalariga bag`ishlangan. Unda sanoat statistikasining predmeti, ob`yekti, usullari va vazifalari yoritilgan, sanoat tarmoqlari tasniflangan va korxona maxsuloti statistikasi o`rgatilgan.
Adabiy tur,termin,tahrir va muharrirlik mahorati
Ushbu qo‘llanma Jurnalistika yo'nalishi bo‘yicha Adabiy tahrir Noshirlik ishi va muharrirlik ixtisosligi bo‘yicha Adabiyot ayrim turlari tahriri fanlaridan jurnalistika fakulteti bakalavriantlari, magistrantlari hamda oliy jurnalistika kurslari tinglovchilariga mo‘ljallangan.
Operating system concepts
Operating systems are an essential part of any computer system. Similarly, a course on operating systems is an essential part of any computer-science education. This field is undergoing rapid change, as computers are now prevalent in virtually every application, from games for children through the most sophisticated planning tools for governments and multinational firms. Yet the fundamental concepts remain fairly clear, and it is on these that we base this book.
Operating Systems Design and Implementation
Most books on operating systems are strong on theory and weak on practice. This one aims to provide a better balance between the two. It covers all the fundamental principles in great detail, including processes, interprocess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing, scheduling algorithms, input/output, deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms, file system design, security, and protection mechanisms. But it also discusses one particular system MINIX 3a UNIX-compatible operating system in detail, and even provides a source code listing for study. This arrangement allows the reader not only to learn the principles, but also to see how they are applied in a real operating system.