Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
В работе освещены видовой состав, экология, биохимические и физиологические особенности хлореллы и некоторых других протококковых водорослей.
Молекулярная биология клетки Том-5
Иммунная система выработалась в процессе эволюции позвоночных как средство защиты от заражения микроорганизмами и более крупными паразитами.
Молекулярная биология клетки Том-4
В ходе полового цикла клетки размножаются путем обычного митотического деления чаще всего во время диплоидной фазы.
A Guide to Teaching Information Literacy 101 practical tips
This easy-to-use book is an invaluable source of inspiration for any librarian involved in teaching information literacy, providing practical guidance on tried and tested ideas and techniques for sessions. The role of the librarian increasingly involves delivering information literacy using a range of teaching methods, from delivering induction sessions to informal one-to-one support on a day-to-day basis. Although this is increasingly recognized, many practitioners do not have teaching qualifications and are often left to fulfil a role for which they feel ill-equipped. Even when they do have teaching qualifications, these are often gained from mainstream courses that do not always adequately address the delivery of information literacy. This book is a much-needed sourcebook to support library staff in the delivery of information literacy teaching, whether they are new to teaching or experienced but in search of fresh ideas. Full of hints and tips grounded in learning theory, it is a practical reference tool designed to be dipped into as needed when planning teaching and training. Where applicable the activities are mapped to models of information literacy, with guidance on adapting ideas for different levels and contexts.
Антология современной казахской прозы
От лирического реализма до мифологической прозы, от комического до трагического — антология прозаических произведений погружает читателя в казахскую культуру и передает казахское мироощущение. Авторы апеллируют к тому, что воплощает казахскую идентичность, а это и характеры, и верования, и памятные места; это бескрайние просторы, благородство природы, давние семейные традиции, музыкальность, доброта; это и непростая история, в том числе ее советский этап, полный борьбы. И — поверх всех границ — размышления на вечные, общие для всего человечества темы. Разнообразные по звучанию, эти глубокие, философские тексты показывают, как казахская национальная идентичность на новом этапе складывается из традиций прошлого и надежд на будущее.
Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce
This is a complete update of the best-selling undergraduate textbook on Electronic Commerce (EC). New to this 4th Edition is the addition of material on Social Commerce (two chapters); a new tutorial on the major EC support technologies, including cloud computing, RFID, and EDI; ten new learning outcomes; and video exercises added to most chapters. Wherever appropriate, material on Social Commerce has been added to existing chapters. Supplementary material includes an Instructor’s Manual; Test Bank questions for each chapter; Powerpoint Lecture Notes; and a Companion Website that includes EC support technologies as well as online files. The book is organized into 12 chapters grouped into 6 parts. Part 1 is an Introduction to E-Commerce and E-Marketplaces. Part 2 focuses on EC Applications, while Part 3 looks at Emerging EC Platforms, with two new chapters on Social Commerce and Enterprise Social Networks. Part 4 examines EC Support Services,and Part 5 looks at E-Commerce Strategy and Implementation. Part 6 is a collection of online tutorials on Launching Online Businesses and EC Projects, with tutorials focusing on e-CRM; EC Technology; Business Intelligence, including Data-, Text-, and Web Mining; E-Collaboration; and Competition in Cyberspace.
Концертные пьесы для домры.
Рондо. Трехструнная домра. Финал Концерта №2. Мелодия. Лучний свет. Из Бергамасской сюиты.
Концертные пьесы. Выпуск 13.
Скерцо из Второй сонаты для скрипки и фортепиано. Рапсодия на русские темы. Адажио из балета "Раймонда". Хора стаккато".
Networking Second Edition Jeffrey S. Beasley This text provides a comprehensive look at computer networking from the point of view of the network administrator. It guides readers from an entry-level knowledge in computer networks to advanced concepts in Ethernet networks; router configuration; TCP/IP networks; local-, campus-, and wide-area network configuration; network security; optical networks; voice over IP; and industrial networks. Extensive examples on the Windows Server 2003/2008 configuration and system configuration for the Linux operating system are also included. A complete chapter is devoted to protecting and securing a network from potential network attacks. Topics include denial of service attacks, firewalls, intrusion detection, password cracking, packet sniffing, and analyzing unsecured data packets. Other key network security issues, such as configuring router access lists, configuring a virtual private network (VPN) connection, and securing wireless networks, are also covered. Router configuration is examined, ranging from an introduction to router configuration to configuring multiple routing protocols for intranet and Internet data traffic. Routing protocols key to basic network operations are examined, including static, RIP, IGRP, OSPF, EIGRP, and BGP. The discussions on routing protocols are accompanied with in-depth steps for configuring the router to run the protocol, verify operation, and troubleshoot the router. Key Pedagogical Features
Ўзбекистон Республикасининг қонуни ( Ветеринария тўғрисида )
Ушбу Қонуннинг мақсади ветеринария соҳасидаги муносабатларни тартибга солишдан иборат.
Концертные пьесы для домры. Выпуск 9.
Две пьесы. Вечерная песня. Сельский праздник. Концертное аллегро. Концертная сюита-вариации для домры без сопровождения.
Node.js Web Development: Create real-time server-cide applications with this practical, step-by-step guide
This book is for anybody looking for an alternative to the "P" languages (Perl, PHP, and Python), or anyone looking for a new paradigm of server-side application development. You should have at least a rudimentary understanding of JavaScript and web application development.
Java for Data Science: Examine the techniques and Java tools supporting the growing field of data science
Java for Data Science gives you the understanding you need to examine the techniques and Java tools supporting big data analytics. These Java-based approaches allow you to tackle data mining and statistical analysis in detail. Deep learning and Java data mining are also featured, so you can explore and analyse data effectively, and build intelligent applications using machine learning.
Концертные пьесы для баяна. Выпуск 14.
Отчаяние Отелло. Из музыки к кинофильму "Отелло". Танец фокусника из балета "Жанна д' Арк. Прелюдия и бурлеска. Пьеса на русскую тему. Зимняя песня. Горное озеро. Каноническая пьеса. Прелюдия и фуга ми минор.
Концертные пьесы для балалайки. Выпуск 14.
Лирическая полька. Две концертные пьесы на темы русских народных песен. Три садочка. Сельская фантазия на марийские темы. Под окном черемуха колышется, Русская народная песня.
Qoramollar piroplazmozining epizootologiyasi, davolash va oldini olish
Dunyo chorvachiligida qoramolchilik asosiy tarmoqlardan biri bo‘lib, chorvachilik mahsulotlari ishlab chiqarish hajmi bo‘yicha va aholini sut va go‘sht maxsulotlariga bo‘lgan extiyojini ta’minlashda birinchi o‘rinni egallaydi. Chorvachilik sohasi rivojlangan Gollandiya, AQSh, Kanada, Yaponiya, Isroil, Yevropa Ittifoqi davlatlarda qoramollarni to‘la qiymatli oziqlantirishni ta’minlash, mahsuldorlik, pushtdorlik, texnologik xususiyatlarini takomillashtirib, mahsuldorligi jihatidan yuqori nasldor buqalarning irsiy imkoniyatlaridan foydalanib, sun’iy urug‘lantirish, ularda seleksiya-naslchilik ishlarini, asrash sharoitlarini yaxshilashga va sermahsul zotlarni urchitishga katta e’tibor qaratilgan