Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Mathematical analysis 1.
The recent European Programme Specifications have forced a reassessment of the structure and syllabi of the entire system of Italian higher education, and an ensuing rethinking of the teaching material. Nowadays many lecture courses, especially rudimentary ones, demand that students master a large amount of theoretical and practical knowledge in a span of just few weeks, in order to gain a small number of credits. As a result, instructors face the dilemma of how to present the subject matter. They must make appropriate choices about lecture content, the comprehension level required from the recipients, and which kind of language to use. This textbook is meant to help students acquire the basics of Calculus in curricula where mathematical tools play a crucial part (so Engineering, Physics, Computer Science and the like). The fundamental concepts and methods of Differential and Integral Calculus for functions of one real variable are presented with the primary purpose of letting students assimilate their effective employment, but with critical awareness. The general philosophy inspiring our approach has been to simplify the system of notions available prior to the university reform; at the same time we wished to maintain the rigorous exposition and avoid the trap of compiling a mere formulary of ready-to-use prescriptions.
Mathematics for engineers 2. Calculus and liner algebra (textbook)
The current text Mathematics for Engineers is a collection of four volumes covering the first three up to the fifth terms in undergraduate education. The text is mainly written for engineers but might be useful for students of applied mathematics and mathematical physics, too. Students and lecturers will find more material in the volumes than a traditional lecture will be able to cover. The organization of each of the volumes is done in a systematic way so that students will find an approach to mathematics. Lecturers will select their own material for their needs and purposes to conduct their lecture to students. For students the volumes are helpful for their studies at home and for their preparation for exams. In addition the books may be also useful for private study and continuing education in mathematics. The large number of examples, applications, and comments should help the students to strengthen their knowledge. The volumes are organized as follows: Volume I treats basic calculus with differential and integral calculus of single valued functions. We use a systematic approach following a bottom -up strategy to introduce the different terms needed. Volume II covers series and sequences and first order differential equations as a calculus part. The second part of the volume is related to linear algebra. Volume III treats vector calculus and differential equations of higher order. In Volume IV we use the material of the previous volumes in numerical applications; it is related to numerical methods and practical calculations. Each of the volumes is accompan ed by a CD containing the Mathematica of the book. As prerequisites we assume that students had the basic high school education in algebra and geometry.
Mathematics for engineers 1. Basic calculus (textbook)
The current text Mathematics for Engineers is a collection of four volumes covering the first three up to the fifth terms in undergraduate education. The text is mainly written for engineers but might be useful for students of applied mathematics and mathematical physics, too. Students and lecturers will find more material in the volumes than a traditional lecture will be able to cover. The organization of each of the volumes is done in a systematic way so that students will find an approach to mathematics. Lecturers will select their own material for their needs and purposes to conduct their lecture to students. For students the volumes are helpful for their studies at home and for their preparation for exams. In addition the books may be also useful for private study and continuing education in mathematics. The large number of examples, applications, and comments should help the students to strengthen their knowledge. The volumes are organized as follows: Volume I treats basic calculus with differential and integral calculus of single valued functions. We use a systematic approach following a bottom -up strategy to introduce the different terms needed. Volume II covers series and sequences and first order differential equations as a calculus part. The second part of the volume is related to linear algebra. Volume III treats vector calculus and differential equations of higher order. In Volume IV we use the material of the previous volumes in numerical applications; i related to numerical methods and practical calculations. Each of the volumes is accompan ed by a CD containing the Mathematica of the book.
Настоящий учебник составлен в полном соответствии с программой курса теоретической механики для высших технических учебных заведений и содержит материал, который является основной частью рабочих программ этого курса всех специальностей.
Учебник подготовлен преподавателем кафедры «Теории и методики водных, гребных видов спорта» Узбекского Государственного университета физической культуры и спорта. При подготовке издания использован обширный научный и методический опыт работы кафедр плавания, институтов физической культуры и факультетов физического воспитания педагогических образовательных организаций высшего образования, отраженный в учебниках, учебных пособиях и статьях, а также практический опыт передовых тренеров-преподавателей по плаванию. В учебнике раскрыты такие актуальные темы на сегодняшний день как, организация и проведений культурно-массовых мероприятий по плаванию, методика и проведения занятий с детьми, организация праздников на воде в летних лагерях и частных учебных учреждениях. Данная литература предназначена для студентов обучающихся на специализации плавания и студентов обучающихся по дисциплине5230200 - менеджмент (организация и управление спортивных мероприятий) тренеров по плаванию, преподавателей кафедр плавания и физической культуры, факультетов физического воспитания.
Oliy matematika 2-qism.
Ushbu darslik “5110200-Fizika va astronomiya o‘qitish metodikasi” bakalavriat ta`lim yo`nalishi talabalariga mo`ljallangan bo`lib, u mazkur ta`lim yo`nalishi o`quv rejasidagi “Oliy matematika” fanining o`quv fan dasturi asosida yozilgan. Unda o`quv fan dasturidagi “Aniq integralning tatbiqlari”, “Qatorlar nazariyasi”, “Ko`p argumentli funksiyalarning differensial hisobi”, “Ko`p argumentli funksiyalarning integral hisobi”, “Analitik funksiyalar”, “Differensial tenglamalar” va “Furye qatorlari va integrali” bo`limlarii bayon qilingan. Darslik sakkizta bobdan tashkil topgan. Har bir bob zaruriy misol va masalalar, chizmalar, mustaqil bajarish uchun mashqlar, o`z-o`zini tekshirishga doir savollar bilan ta`minlangan. Kitobdan oliy matematika kursi chuqur o`rganiladigan boshqa oliy ta`lim muassasalarining talabalari ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Horngren's Financial & Managerial Accounting
Expanding on proven success with Horngren's financial and managerial accounting. Horngren’s Financial and Managerial Accounting presents the core content of principles of accounting in a fresh format designed to help today’s learners succeed. As teachers first, the author team knows the importance of delivering a reader experience free of obstacles. Their pedagogy and content use leading methods in teaching readers critical foundational topics and concentrates on improving results -- all tested in class by the authors themselves. With this in mind, the 6th Edition continues to focus on readability and comprehension and takes this a step further in the managerial chapters by employing a new theme to help individuals see how managerial accounting is used as a tool to help all business people make decisions. By providing more meaningful learning tools, this title gives readers the resources needed to them clear hurdles like never before.
Iqtisodiy tahlil va audit
Darslik davlat ta'lim standartining talabalariga muvofiq tayyorlangan bo'lib, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditning nazariy asoslari,
Deutsche Satzstruktur
Diese Einführung bietet eine solide Grundlage für die Beschäftigung mit der deutschen Syntax und ihren zentralen Fragestellungen. Die Einführung soll dazu beitragen, den grammatischen Blick für den inneren Aufbau syntaktisclm Strukturen zu schärfen. Sie soll weder als eine weitere allgemeine Einführung die Linguistik verstanden werden, noch als ein Kurzdurchmarsch durch die dutsche Grammatik, auch wenn vieles im dargebotenen Stoff vielleicht dnruul hinzudeuten scheint.
Audit asoslari
Iqtisodiyotni erkinlashtirish va Respublikamizda bozor iqtisodiyoti asoslarini mustahkamlashga islohatlarni ,
Yong'in o'chirish va qutqaruv texnikasi
Darslik O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Favqulodda vaziyatlar vazirligi tasarrufidagi ta’lim muassasalarida «Yong‘in xavfsizligi» va «Texnosfera xavfsizligi» mutaxassisliklari bo‘yicha ta’lim oladigan kursantlar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo’lib, undan shuningdek yong’in-qutqaruv bo’linmalarida hamda Oliy ta’lim muassasalarining «Xayot faoliyati havfsizligi» va «Favqulodda vaziyatlarda havfs
Табиатшунослик ва уни ўқитиш методикаси
Дарслик дастур ва ишчи дастур талабларига мувофиқ тузилган. Дарсликдан бошлангич синф ўқитувчилари,педагогика олийгоҳи талабалари ҳамда малака ошириш тингловчилари фойдаланишлари мумкин.
Военно-полевая хирургия
Второе, переработанное и дополненное издание учебника содержит основные сведения по военно-полевой хирургии и полностью соответствует программам обучения студентов в высших медицинских учебных заведениях и программе подготовки офицеров медицинской службы запаса. Учебник написан специалистами Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова (Санкт-Петербург), имеющими большой личный опыт оказания хирургической помощи раненым.
Deutsche Grammatik in Stichwortern
Was bedeutet das nun im Einzelnen? Wenn Sie z.B. wissen wollen, wie man das Passiv bildet, wie man es verwendet und wie der Unterschied zwischen dem se/n-Passiv und dem werden-Pass'w aussieht- beide werden oft verwechselt - dann brauchen Sie nur das Stichwort Passiv aufzuschlagen. Dort bekommen Sie die Informationen, die Sie suchen. Die Begriffe, mit deren Hilfe Worter beschrieben und klassifiziert werden, finden Sie ebenfalls in diesem Buch. Dies ist immerdann der Fall, wenn vor einem Begriff dieses Zeichen: -> sleht. Wenn Sie also unter dem Stichwort /mmerden Begriff „Gradpartikel" mit einem -> davor finden, dann konnen Sie unter dem Stichwort Gradpartikel nachlesen, was man unter diesem Begriff versteht.