Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Accounting Principles, 13th Edition
Accounting Principles provides students with a clear introduction to fundamental accounting concepts with an emphasis on learning the accounting cycle from a sole proprietor perspective. This product helps students get the most out of their accounting course by making practice simple. Streamlined learning objectives help students use their study time efficiently by creating clear connections between the reading and the homework.
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting includes pedagogical elements that engage and instruct students without cluttering the pages or interrupting student learning. Garrison’s key pedagogical tools enhance and support students’ understanding of the concepts rather than compete with the narrative for their attention. We have added 13 new exercises (located in the back of the book) that integrate learning objectives across chapters. These exercises will increase the students’ level of interest in the course because they forge the connections across chapters. Rather than seeing each chapter as an isolated set of learning objectives, students begin to see how “it all fits together” to provide greater managerial insight and more effective planning, controlling, and decision making. The integration exercises also are tailor-made for flipping the classroom because they offer challenging questions that require students to work in teams to derive solutions that synthesize what they have learning throughout the semester.
Cost Accounting - A Managerial Emphasis, 14th Edition
The text that defined the cost accounting market. Horngren’s Cost Accounting defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory into the text. This acclaimed, market-leading text emphasizes the basic theme of “different costs for different purposes,” and reaches beyond cost accounting procedures to consider concepts, analyses, and management.
Auditing and Assurance Services
As auditors, we are trained to investigate beyond appearances to determine the underlying facts—in other words, to look beneath the surface. From the Enron and WorldCom scandals of the early 2000s to the financial crisis of 2007–2008 to present-day issues and challenges related to significant estimation uncertainty, understanding the auditor’s responsibility related to fraud, maintaining a clear perspective, probing for details, and understanding the big picture are indispensable to effective auditing. With the availability of greater levels of qualitative and quantitative information (“big data”), the need for technical skills and challenges facing today’s auditor is greater than ever. The author team of Louwers, Blay, Sinason, Strawser, and Thibodeau has dedicated years of experience in the auditing field to this new edition of Auditing & Assurance Services, supplying the necessary investigative tools for future auditors.
Первоисточники по истории раннего христианства. Античные критики христианства
Предлагаемые читателю книги известного советского историка А. Б. Рановича (1885-1948). изданные в 30-е годы, давно уже стали библиографической редкостью. Между тем по своему содержанию они представляют огромную научную ценность, так как включают в себя в переводе на русский язык основные первоисточники по истории раннего христианства. Настоящее издание предпринято по многочисленным просьбам читателей.
The Accounting Game. Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand
This book successfully does just that. Amazon Reviewer The Clearest Explanation Ever of the Key Accounting Basics The world of accounting can be intimidating. Whether you're a manager, business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, you've likely found yourself needing to know basic accounting but baffled by complicated accounting books. What if learning accounting could be as simple and fun as running a child's lemonade stand? It can. The Accounting Game presents financial information in a format so simple and so unlike a common accounting textbook, you may forget you're learning key skills that will help you get ahead! Using the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach the basics of managing your finances, this book makes a dry subject fun and understandable.
Developing tactics for listening TB
Use the vocabulary worksheet at the back of this teahers book to pre teach the units vocabulary the vocabulary worksheet can be done in class or as homework before the start of a new unit.
Developing tactics for listening TB
Use the vocabulary worksheet at the back of this teahers book to pre teach the units vocabulary the vocabulary worksheet can be done in class or as homework before the start of a new unit.
Designing and analyzing language tests
Language teachers often have to develop or choose tests or other assessments, whether for their whole school or their own classes, but often they do so with little or no training in what to do. Certainly, this was true for me the first time I was put in charge of testing for a language program, and I remember having little or no idea where to start. This book is intended to give teachers some idea of where to start, and to help them make better-informed decisions. The tests that they use should then be ones they can feel happier about using—there are few things as
Developing tactics for listening
Developing tactics for listening is the second level of the tactics for listening series it is intended for pre intermediate students who have studied english.
Diagnostic Writing Assessment
The aim of this study was to develop a theoretically-based and empiricallydeveloped rating scale and to evaluate whether such a scale functions more reliably and validly in a diagnostic writing context than a pre-existing scale with less specific descriptors of the kind usually used in proficiency tests.
Utting Edge intermediate
We would like to thank following people sarahcunningham and peter moor for their inital and ongong encouragement and advice David carr ball bill eales .
Монтаж систем контроля и автоматики
В учебнике излагаются сведения о проектировании, подготовке и выполнении монтажных работ систем автоматизации. Уделено внимание проектам автоматизации, составлению проектов производства монтажных работ.
Русский язык и культура речи
Учебник обеспечивает формирование устойчивых навыков грамотной и убедительной речи, ведения общения и публичного выступления в социально-культурной, учебно-профессиональной и официально-деловой сферах. Данный учебник может быть полезен не только студентам, но и преподавателям, аспирантам, магистрантам и всем изучающим русский язык, риторику и культуру речи.
Методика преподавания специальных дисциплин
Представленный учебник подготовлен в соответствии с учебной программой курса “Методика преподавания специальных дисциплин” для всех специальностей магистратуры. В учебнике рассматриваются теоретические основы методики преподавания специальных дисциплин, представлена методология преподавания в высшей школе, дается характеристика педагогических технологий, интерактивных методов и форм обучения.