Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Physics Before and After Einstein
It is a century since one of the icons of modern physics submitted some of the most influential scientific papers of all times in a few months; and it is fifty years since he died. There is no question that Albert Einstein with his work on relativity and quantum theory has marked the development of physics indelibly. To reappraise his lifework forces one to rethink the whole of physics, before and after him.
Psixologiya - ilmiy jurnal
Мазкур мақолада бўлажак ўқитувчиларда таълим жараёнини лойиҳалаш кўникмаларини ривожлантиришда акмеологик ёндашувнинг аҳамияти ва бу жараённинг педагогик-психологик хусусиятлари ёритилган.
Planting Plan Design
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Methods of celestial Mechanics
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Lanscape architecture
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Green new deal landscapes
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Fundamentals of Sustainable Urban Design
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Electro-discharge Technology for Drilling Wells and Concrete Destruction
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Ecologies Design
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Designing Urban Agriculture
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Creating Great Places
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