Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Аҳоли турар жойларда оммавий соғломлаштиришни ташкил қилиш хусусиятлари
Комил инсон руҳан тетик, ақлан етук, жисмонан бақувват бўлмоғи керак. Инсоннинг аклий, ахлоқий ва жисмоний сифатларини ривожлантириш, саломатлигини мутаҳкамлаш, иш қобилиятини ошириш, жамоаларда қулай соғлом муҳитни яратишнинг кўп қиррали жараёнида жисмоний тарбия ва спортнинг аҳамияти ортиб бораётганлиги кўзга ташланмоқда. Ўзбекистон мустақил давлат сифатида шаклланиши ва унинг истиқлол сари дадил бориши ижтимоий-иқтисодий, сиёсий, маданий маърифий соҳаларини янада такомиллаштиришни тақозо этади. Бу йўлда соғликни сақлаш, фан, маданият, техника, иқтисод, талим-тарбия, жисмоний тарбия ва спорт ҳамда бошқа соҳаларда чукур ислоҳотлар олиб бормокда.
Ёниб яшаётган одамлар
Ушбу китобдаги очеркларда истиқлол йилларида Ўзбекистон мустақиллигини мустахкамлаш, иқтисодий қудратини юксалтириш, ислохотларни чуқурлаштиришда ибратли фаолият кўрсатаётган, мамлакат ижтимоий-сиёсий ҳаётида намунали иштирок этиб, миллий истиқлол ғояларини амалга оширишга салмоқли ҳисса қўшаётган, яъни, чинакамига элим деб, юртим деб ёниб яшаётган машҳур замондошларимиз ҳақида хикоя қилинади.
Замонамизнинг улкан адиби Шароф Рашидовнинг социалистик воқелигимиз ҳақиқатларини гўзал ва ёрқин бадиий бўёқлар билан акс эттирган йирик роман ҳамда қиссалари, дунёқарашнинг баркамол намунаси бўлган жўшқин мақолалари жой олган.
Опера Р.Вагнера "Нюрнбергские мейстерзингеры"
Книга посвящена анализу музыеальной драматургии и формы оперы, в которой новаторские принципы вагнеровского искусства сочетаются с традиционными приемами оперного письма. Рассчитана на музыкантов-специалистов и подготовленных любителей музыки.
The Law of Contract
The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing an invaluable and reliable guide for students of law at all levels. Authored by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these concise texts explain the intellectual challenges of each area of the law. Written by two principal authorities in the field, The Law of Contract provides a concise overview of the fundamentals of contract law and its underlying rationales. It also introduces and explores the main academic debates within the subject, encouraging students to reflect on the law and, where it is controversial, to form their own views on whether the rules that contract law adopts are justifiable. To help students to develop the skills necessary to apply the principles of contract law to new situations, The Law of Contract breaks down legal problems into manageable steps. This book covers all of the core areas studied on undergraduate courses and incorporates chapter overviews, self-test and problem-based questions to reinforce students' learning and aid revision, as well as annotated further reading sections to provide a platform for further study. Accessible and engaging, this highly-praised text is the ideal guide to the core of this key subject. An Online Resource Centre accompanies the book, providing guidance on the questions in the book, updates, and weblinks. Two additional chapters are also located on the accompanying website, on incapacity and illegality & public policy.
Aholi migratsiya masalasi ma`lumotlar omborini MySQL Server 2005 yordamida ishlab chiqish
Mamlakatimizda Internet forumlari o'tkazish tobora oddiy xolga aylanib bormoqda. Shaxarlarda va boshqa axolii yashash joylarida tobora jamoaviy internetga ulanish imkoniyati yaratilmoqda, informasion xizmatlarning ximoyasi ta'minlanmoqda va ularning servisi xam rivojlanmoqda.
Аҳоли меҳнат фаоллигини оширишнинг гендер жиҳатлари
Бугунги кунда жамиятнинг мукаррар ривожланиш концепцияси асосида аёлларнинг маънавий ва иқтисодий потенциалини самарали ва тўлалигича ишлатиш кўзда тутади. Ҳамоханг демократик жамиятни қуришдаги энг асосий таркибий қисми бўлиб, тенгҳуқуқлик тамоийли асосида эркак ва аёлларга тенг имкониятлар яратиш, жамиятнинг симметрик ҳолатига эришиш ҳисобланади. Мехнат ресурсларнинг салмоқли қисмини ташкил қилган, кўпкаррали касбий тажрибаси ва маълумот даражаси юкори бўлган, уй хўжалигини юритиш бўйича малакага эга бўлган, оила ва болаларнинг тарбиясига маъсул бўлган аёллар иктисодиёт, таълим ва маданиятнинг ривожланишига муҳим ҳисса киритишлари мумкин.
Оксана Павленко.
Оксана Трофимовна Павленко - художник удивительной судьбы, одна из тех, кто прошел в искусство вместе с революцией, кто в первые годы Советской власти был подлинным борцом за новое. Работы Павленко соединяют нас с нашим прошлым, с зарей советского искусства.
On War
Translated by J.J. Graham, revised by F.N. Maude Abridged and with an Introduction by Louise Willmot 'On War' is perhaps the greatest book ever written about war. Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian soldier, had witnessed at first hand the immense destructive power of the French Revolutionary armies which swept across Europe between 1792 and 1815. His response was to write a comprehensive text covering every aspect of warfare. 'On War' is both a philosophical and practical work in which Clausewitz defines the essential nature of war, debates the qualities of the great commander, assesses the relative strengths of defensive and offensive warfare, and - in highly controversial passages - considers the relationship between war and politics. His arguments are illustrated with vivid examples drawn from the campaigns of Frederick the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte. For the student of society as well as the military historian, 'On War' remains a compelling and indispensable source. AUTHOR: Carl von Clausewitz (1780 - 1831) was a Prussian professional soldier, who achieved fame as a military theorist, and his classic work, 'On War', has become one of the most inflential books on the philosophy of warfare.
Mastering Microsoft Power BI Expert techniques for effective data analytics and business intelligence
Brett Powell is the owner of Frontline Analytics, a data and analytics consulting firm and Microsoft Power BI partner. He has worked with Power BI technologies since they were first introduced with the Power Pivot add-in for Excel 2010 and has contributed to the design and delivery of Microsoft BI solutions across retail, manufacturing, finance, and professional services.
Expert techniques for predictive modeling
Raghav has a master's degree (gold medalist) in Information Technology from International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. Raghav loves reading and is a shutterbug capturing moments when he isn't busy solving problems.
Electronic business in general and mobile commerce in particular offers a new road- map for a business enterprise to gain strategic competitive advantages through up-to- date information and technology management.
Phoenix Web Development Create rich web applications using functional programming techniques with Phoenix and Elixir
With Elixir and Phoenix, you build your application the right way the first way: ready to scale and ready for the increasing demands of real-time web applications. This book will cover the bare basics of the Phoenix web framework through building a community voting application and, in the course, discuss the new structure changes introduced in Phoenix v1.3. We'll cover the initial challenges of getting started with our app, working with the generators to learn more about the structure of a standard Phoenix app.
О художественной технике пианиста.
Предлагаемая работа профессора А.В.Бирмак освещает ряд проблем развития фортепианной техники с позиций научных данных. Все положения подкреплены высказываниями выдающихся мастеров пианистического искусства и основываются на многолетнем артистическом и педагогическом опыте автора. Книга содержит ценные рекомендации и практические советы.
Back on track! Successful management techniques to get a company out of debt pile
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