Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Маҳаллий дағал жун толасидан тўқимачилик саноатида фойдаланиш имкониятларини ўрганиш
учинчидан, миллий стандартлар ва тўқимачилик махсулотларининг синовлари бўйича лабораторияларнинг халқаро стандартлар ва талаблар билан уйғунлаштириш ишларининг қониқарсизлиги, шунингдек, сифат менежменти замонавий тизимларини жорий этишнинг паст даражада эканлиги махаллий махсулотларни йирик хорижий савдо бозорларига чиқаришга, экспорт салохиятини юксалтиришга хамда махсулотлар сифати ва хавфсизлигига бўлган ишончни оширишга тўсиқбўлмокда;
Open Channel Hydraulics, River Hydraulic Structures and Fluvial Geomorphology
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained.
Umumta'lim maktablari o'quvchilarini xalq hunarmandchiligi vositasida kasb-hunarga yo'llash
Mazkur monografiyada xalq hunarmandchiligi ishlari va o‘quvchilarni milliy qadriyatlar hamda urf-odatlar ruhida tarbiyalash haqida so‘z yuritilgan. Shuningdek, umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining V-IX sinflari “Texnologiya” fani darslarida texnologiya va dizayn hamda servis xizmati yo’nalishlari bo’limidan ayrim hunarmandchilik ishlarini o‘rganish bo‘yicha uslubiy tavsiyalar hamda dars ishlanmalari berilgan.
О воспитании дирижера.
На протяжении всей своей музыкальной деятельности Иванов-Радеквич тесным образом связан с оркестровым и хоровым исполнительством. Еще в юности он пел в хоре и играл в оркестре на смычковых и духовых инструментах.
Бола ва тайм менеджмент
Бу воқеа ҳали йўллар бўлмаган, машиналар юрмаган замонларга бориб тақалар экан. Аввал ўрмонзор, сўнг чакалакзор ва ундан кейин одамзод яшайдиган қавм бор экан. Улар бошқа жойларни кўрмасдан тинч-тотув яшашар экан. Бир куни бу қавмга бошқа давлатнинг вакили келибди. Уни жуда ҳам тавозе ва эҳтиром билан кутиб олишибди. Бу меҳмон уларни ҳам ўз давлатига чорлабди. Шунда тинч-тотувликда муқим бир жойда яшаётган бу одамларнинг ичида орзулари пайдо бўлибди.
Python Unlocked Become more fluent in Python—learn strategies and techniques for smart and high-performance Python programming
Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of technical tasks—computation, statistics, data analysis, game development, and more. Though Python is easy to learn, its range of features means there are many aspects of it that even experienced Python developers don't know about.
Mamlakatimizni yanada obod etish va modernizatsiya qilishni qat'yat bilan davom ettirish yo`lida. 21 jild
O`zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Islom Karimov asarlarining 21-jildidan davlatimiz rahbarining 2012-2013-yillarda O`zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining 20 yilligiga bag`ishlangan tantanali marosimda, Vazirlar Mahkamasining majlisida, turli xalqaro anjumanlarda, marosimlarda so`zlagan nutqlari va ma`ruzalari hamda tabriklari o`rin olgan.
NetSuite ERP for Administrators Learn how to install, maitain, and secure a NetSuite implementation, using the best tools and techniques
Now that we know where the data resides in the database and how to get it in there, we can look at mining it for business intelligence. We will look at the tools NetSuite includes to perform that data mining, namely, searches, reports, and the dashboard.
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences
This book is based on lecture notes written and rewritten for mathematical methods courses given at both the undergraduate and graduate levels over a period of more than 30 years. The suggestion that I write a book was rst made by students in one of those courses back in 1982. It seemed like a good idea but like many good ideas had to await a window of opportunity. The window did not open until I had completed a number of other projects and more especially until I had completed a 14 year stint in academic administration. Work began in earnest only in 1999 and even then only on a part-time basis, competing for attention with the demands of yet another administrative assignment. Retirement in 2005 nally removed professional distractions and slow but steady progress ensued.
Ingichka tolali paxtadan yuqori hosil olish agrotexnikasi
Mazkur risolada ingichka tolali paxta yetishtirishning ilmiy jihatdan asoslangan texnologiyasini zonalar xususiyatlarini hisobga olgan holda ishlab chiqish va amalda joriy qilish shu asosda paxta hosildorligini oshirish va tola sifatini yanada yaxshilash choralari xususida fikr yuritiladi. Risola qishloq xo'jaligining paxtachilik bilan shug'ullanuvchi mutaxassislariga hamda keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo'ljallangan.
Bizning yo`limiz - demokratik islohotlarni chuqurlashtirish va modernizatsiya jarayonlarini izchil davom ettirish yo`lidir: T. 20
O`zbekiston Respublikasi Prezident Islom Karimov asarlarining 20-jildidan davlatimiz rahbarining 2011-2012 yillarda Vazirlar Mahkamasining majlisida, 9-may - Xotira va qadrlash kuni munosabati bilan o`tkazilgan tantanali marosimda, turli xalqaro simpozium, anjumanlar, marosimlarda so`zlagan nutqlari va ma`ruzalari hamda tabriklari o`rin olgan.
The Standard Model of particle physics is one of the most important successful results of the work of the last century physicists. In this new book, the authors present topical research in the study of new developments in the Standard Model. Topics discussed include nonequilibrium theory, fractional dynamics and the physics of the terascale sector; unexplored regions in QFT and the conceptual foundations of the Standard Model; supersymmetric Standard Model, Branes and Del Pezzo surfaces; fermion condensate as Higgs substitute and Lepton flavor violation shedding light on CP-violation.
This book presents and discusses recent research developments in the field of chemical physics. Topics discussed herein include quantum dynamics in base pair DNA systems; chemical physical properties of bioprotectant-biomolecule systems; chemical physics of phonons; optimization of polar solar cells; computer molecular modelling; wood pyrolysis; and phonon dynamics of fe-based glassy alloys.
Дорогами Великого шелкового пути (часть 1)
Работа содержит исторический материал об открытии "Великого шелкового пути", маршруты трасс в зависимости от исторических событий, начиная с древнейших времен до новейшего времени, а также краткое описание торговых тимов, караван-сараев, архитектурных памятников культуры, появившихся на дорогах следования караванов.