Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Dinshunoslik. Ateizm
Qaynona va kelin
Hayotimizning qaysi sohasida baxtu saodatni, xususan, oiladagi totuvlik-iqbolni, farog'atni izlasak, uni albatta sharqona axloq-odobimizdan topamiz. Shu boiski, turmush tarzi buzuq aqidalar asosiga qurilgan qavmlar musulmonlarning oilaviy hayotiga, undagi ahillik va farog'atga, axloq va odobga havas bilan qaraydilar. Sharqona axloqdan chekinilgan xonadonlarda esa oila totuvligiga putur yetib, munosabatlar keskinlashib borgan. Er va xotin, ota-ona hamda farzandlar o'rtasida, oila va qarindosh-urug'lar orasida arzimas sabab-bahonalar bilan urush-janjallar, murosasizliklar kelib chiqqan. Ba'zi hollarda bular yanada jiddiylashib, o'zaro adovat, dushmanchilik darajasiga yetib boradi. Ayniqsa, bu hol butun dunyoda ma'lumu mashhur «qaynona va kelin munosabatlarida ko'proq ko'zga tashlanadi.
Algoritmik tillar va dasturlash
Algoritmlar - bu bilimlar ustida fikrlash va etkazib berishdan iborat. Xaqiqatan ham kimdir qanday masalani echishni o'ylab topib va uni boshqalarga aytmoqchi bo'lsa, u holda o'ylab topgan echimini shunday tasvirlash kerakki, natijada boshqalar ham uni tushunsin, hamda shu tasvirga ko'ra boshqalar ham masalani to'gri echishi kerak.
Никита Долгушин.
Никита Долгушин начинал "Жизелью". В 1959 году, на выпускном спектакле Ленинградского хореографического училища, среди привычной пестроты дивертисмента показали монтаж из второго акта.
Нет, это eщe не учебник физики. Учебник будет обязательно, но сначала ты должен немного подрасти.
Книга рассказывает об отношениях человека с природой, об оздоровляющем влиянии природных факторов (воздуха, воды, света, тепла) и растений на человека, об их использовании с глубокой древности до наших дней.
This book grew out of lecture notes for my master’s courses on general relativity (GR) and on singularities and black holes taught at Radboud University (Nijmegen). These notes were originally intended for our students with a double bachelor degree in mathematics and physics, but in its final form the book is intended for all students of GR of any age and orientation who have a background including at least first courses in special and general relativity, differential geometry, and topology. The recent textbook Elements of General Relativity by Chru´sciel (2019) would make students singularly well prepared for this one, but almost any introduction to GR, combined with the typical mathematical background in manifolds etc. that is usually included in such introductions, will do. This book, then, is a second, mathematically oriented course in general relativity, with extensive references and occasional excursions in the history and philosophy of gravity, including a relatively lengthy historical introduction
Introduction to intellectual Property Law
Introduction to Intellectual Property Law includes coverage of the extensive amendments to the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. Also covered are the European Patent Convention, the Patent Co-operation Treaty, the Madrid Agreement, the Agreement on Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the Performances and Phonograms Treaty.
This book is based upon work from COST TransDomain Action TD1201, Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (www.cosch.info), supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST, www.cost.eu). COST is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
Маънавият тарғиботчиси
Қўлланма маънавият тарғиботчилари учун ёрдамчи китоб бўлиб, унда тарғиботнинг замонавий усуллари, тадбир самарадорлиги мезонлари, миллий ғояни тарғиб қилиш, мафкуравий иммунитетни шакллантириш билан боғлиқ масалаларга илмий-амалий ёндошилган.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Меҳнат кодексига шарҳ
Мазкур шарҳлар Меҳнат кодексининг моддаларига илмий ва амалий тавсиф бериш, уларни кўллашнинг ўзига хос жиҳатларини кенг китобхонларга тушунтириш, уларга ўзларининг эркин меҳнат қилиш соҳасидаги конституциявий ҳуқуқлари ҳақида кенгроқ маълумот бериш мақсадига қаратилади.
Hisoblash usullari
Talabalar turli masalalarni tadribiy yechishda algoriymlarning sifatini va imkoniyatlarini taxlil qilish hamda algoritmlarni yarata bilish ko'nikmalarini xosil qilish, berilgan masalaning turini aniqlay olish, yechish ussullarini to'gri qo'llay bilish va ushbu usullarning turg'unligini aniqlay bilish , dasturlash tillarini qo'llagan xolda shaxsiy kompyutlarda masalalarni yecha olish kompetensiyalarini shaklantirishdan iborat.
Packet Analysis with Wireshark Leverage the power of Wireshark to troubleshoot your networking issues by using effective packet analysis techniques and performing an improved protocol analysis
The purpose of this book is to identify, learn about, and solve issues related to protocol, network, and security, and see how Wireshark helps to analyze these patterns by allowing its features to troubleshoot effectively.
Ҳазрати Умар ибн Ҳаттоб (розийаллоҳу анҳу)
Ушбу рисола буюк ва одил инсон Ҳазрати Умар ҳақида. Куфр ботқоғидан чиқиб, иймоннинг юксак зинапояларига кўтарила олган инсон ҳақида батафсил баён қилишнинг имкони йўқ. У зотнинг ҳаётидан бир неча лавҳаларни келтириш мумкин, холос. Буюк деб аталганлар аслида жуда кўп. Уларнинг баъзиларини яқиндан таниганингиздан сўнг, бу нисбат, ҳаққоний эмаслигини тушунасиз. Улар худди ичига ҳаво тўлдирилган мешга ўхшайди. Негаки, уларнинг номларини сунъий равишда кўтарадиган одамлар бор, улар ўзлари ихлос қўйган одамни кўкларга кўтаришдан лаззат оладилар, виждонга қарши борадилар, ўзларини тиймайдилар. Бундай одамларга яқинлашиб, маълум бўлмаган жиҳатларини билишга ҳаракат қилсангиз, улар ўз қобиқларини ёпиб оладилар, елканлари сувга қулаган кема янглиғ ёлғонларини яширишга уринадилар.
Building a Pentesting Lab for Wireless Networks Build your own secure enterprise or home penetration testing lab to dig into the various hacking techniques
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Artificial Intelligence for Big Data Complete guide to automating Big Data solutions using Artificial intelligence techniques
This book is an attempt to share the knowledge we have acquired over time to help new entrants in the big data space to learn from our experience. We realize that the field of artificial intelligence is vast and it is just the beginning of a revolution in the history of mankind. We are going to see AI becoming mainstream in everyonebs life and complementing human capabilities to solve some of the problems that have troubled us for a long time.