Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Соҳибқирон араб муарриҳлари нигоҳида
Ўтмиш тарихимизни ёрқин саҳифалари билан безатилганамир Темур сиймоси, унинг фаолиятини ўрганишга алоҳида аҳамият берилиши лозим.
Саломатлик ва комилликка чорловчи битиклар
Муаллиф ушбу рисоласини қишлоқ жойларда санитария ва шахсий гигиена талабларини тарғиб қилиб, тиббий маданиятни тарғиботига муносиб улуш қўшиш истагида битган.
Mastering Blockchain Second Edition Distributed ledger technology, decentralization, and smart contracts explained
Imran has sixteen years' of experience in the public and financial sectors. He worked on large scale IT projects in the public sector before moving to the financial services industry. Since then, he has worked in various technical roles for different financial companies in Europe's financial capital, London.
Особая Примета.
Автор книги, известная польская скрипачка и композитор Гражина Бацевич (1909 - 1969). Ее воспоминания о детстве и юности, рассказы о военных годах и гастрольных поездках, размышления о профессии композитора адресованы как музыкантам-профессионалам, так и любителям музыки.
Virtual Building Acoustics Auralization with Contextual and Interactive Features
Building acoustic auralization is used to assess the perceptual aspects of sound transmission in built environments to provide the guidelines for architectural constructions and to evaluate the noise effects on humans.
Культура и искусство народов советского Востокаю. Средняя Азия. Кавказ.
Народы Средней Азии и Кавказа прошли долгий и сложный путь развития. Уже в IV тысячелетии до н. э. на занимаемой ими территории возникли ранние земледельческие общины и появились первые скотоводы.
Advances in Thermoelectricity: Foundational Issues, Materials and Nanotechnology
The history of thermoelectricity is largely intertwined with the most significant advances of thermodynamics and condensed-matter physics over the last two centuries. The discovery of the thermoelectric effects (Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson) played a key role in the birth of irreversible thermodynamics, largely acting as a workbench of models and theories —including the experimental validation of the Onsager-Casimir relations. Thermoelectricity has further promoted advances in solid-state physics and chemistry, inspiring research on the relationships between thermal conductivity and crystal structure of materials over the first half of the XX century —which further extended to defect engineering in real crystals. In more recent times, research on thermoelectric materials has promoted and motivated a major research endeavor to clarify factors affecting thermal conductivity in nanostructures, in a more general effort to apply nanotechnology to enhance the performance of thermoelectric materials to be exploited in thermoelectric generators and coolers.
Озод ва обод Ватан, эркин ва фаровон ҳаёт-пировард мақсадимиз
Китобчада Президентимизнинг иккинчи чақириқ Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий Мажлисининг биринчи сессиясидаги мазрузаси берилган.
In the course of the 1970s important developments in the substance and form of particle physics have gradually rendered the excellent field theory texts of the 1950s and 1960s inadequate to the needs of postgraduate students. The main development in the substance of particle physics has been the emergence of gauge field theory as the basic framework for theories of the weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions. The main development on the formal side has been the increasing use of path (or functional) integral methods in the manipulation of quantum field theory, and the emphasis on the generating functionals for Green functions as basic objects in the theory. This latter development has gone hand-in-hand with the former because the comparative complexity and subtlety of non-Abelian gauge field theory has put efficient methods of proof and calculation at a premium.
Measurements in room acoustics Uncertainties and influence of the measurement position
Regardless of the field, measurements are essential for validating theories and making well-founded decisions. A criterion for the validity and comparability of measured values is their uncertainty
Гендер тенгликни тушуниш: халқаро ва миллий қонунчилик меъёрлари ҳамда диний тамойилларнинг қиёсий таҳлили
Мазкур қўлланма гендер тенгликнинг назарий муаммоларини қиёсий нуқтаи назардан таҳлил қилишга бағишланган. Ушбу қўлланмада гендер тенгликни таъминлашнинг ижтимоий аҳамияти, гендер тенгликни таъминлашга оид хулқаро-ҳуқуқий тажриба, Ўзбекистон Республикаси қонунларидаги гендерга оид ҳуқуқ ва эркинликлар диний тамойиллар билан қиёсий таҳлил қилинган.
Налоговый кодекс Республики Узбекистан (С изменениями и дополнениями на 10 августа 2021 года)
В книге изложены Налоговый кодекс Республики Узбекистана с изменениями и дополнениями на 10 августа 2021 года.
Incorporating Occupational information in Electronic Health Pecords letter report
Committee on Occupational Information and Electronic Health Records Board on Health Sciences Policy The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
Erfassung der Lehrqualität naturwissenschaftlicher Experimentalpraktika
Background: Studies concerning scientic hands-on laboratory courses in german universities have thus far been carried out with little theoretical fundament and few generalizable methods. Independently from the eld of study and the student corps, this leads to a problematic relationship between the intended aims of the coursework and the actual achievement of these aims.
Гораций Чернухин.
Люди земли - главная тема творчества Горация Чернухина. Картины Чернухина рассказывают о Средней Азии, о людах, родившихся и живущих здесь. Это рыбаки Арала и строители в Кызылкумах, чабаны и хлопкоробы.