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Узбекистонда ижтимоий ривожланиш ва турмуш даражаси
Узбекистонда ижтимоий ривожланиш ва турмуш даражаси
Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Proceedings of ISEF’05
This book contains the papers presented at the International Symposium on Electro- magnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering ISEF’05 which was held in Baiona, Spain on September 15–17, 2005.
Facebook, the Media and Democracy
The right of Leighton Andrews to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Learning Robotics using Python Second Edition Design, simulate, program, and prototype an autonomous mobile robot using ROS, OpenCV, PCL, and Python
Learning Robotics using Python contains nine chapters that explain how to build an autonomous mobile robot from scratch and program it using Python.
Ҳисор тоғ тизмаларида дўлананинг (CRATAEGUSL) истиқболли шаклларини танлаш ва кўпайтириш технологияси
Диссетрацияда Ҳисор тоғ тизмаларида дўлананинг (CRATAEGUSL) истиқболли шаклларини танлаш ва кўпайтириш технологияси ҳақида маълумотлар берилган.
Practical XMPP
Unleash the power of XMPP in order to build exciting, real- time, federated applications based on open standards in a secure and highly scalable fashion
High Temperature Electronics Design for Aero Engine Controls and Health Monitoring
The “River Publishers Series in Circuits & Systems” is a series of comprehensive aca- demic and professional books which focus on theory and applications of Circuit and Systems. This includes analog and digital integrated circuits, memory technologies, system-on-chip and processor design.
Professional Scala Combine object-oriented and functional programming to build high-performance applications
The domains he specializes in are telecommunications, OSS/billing systems, finance, code analysis, social integration, system utilities architecture domains, large-scale software systems, and distributed processing.
Оламнинг миллий лисоний тасвирида метафора
Мазкур монография ижтимоий гуманитар факультети талабалари, магистрантлар, тилшунослар, тадқиқотчилар ҳамда соҳага қизиқувчилар оммаси учун мўлжалланган.
Practical Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebook Learn how to speak the language of data by extracting useful and actionable insights using Python
It has been stated in many ways that society is producing more data than we have ever before and that we have just scratched the surface on figuring out how to make use of it.
Мустақиллик маънавияти ва тарбия
Тўплам Термиз давлат университети илмий кенгашининг 1999 йилдаги 28 декабрда бўлиб ўтган йиғилишида нашрга тавсия этилган.
Повышение чувствительности денервированных структур
В историческом очерке книги отражены экспериментальные достижения и теоретические выводы работ названных русских ученых, а также их место в истории развития этой проблемы.
Микроорганизмы и биологическая продуктивность водоемов
Микроорганизмы заселяют всю массу воды водоемов, они живут также на дне их.
Asosiy vazifamiz-jamiyatimizni isloh etish va demokratlashtirish, mamlakatimizni modernizatsiya qilish jarayonlarini yangi bosqichga ko`tarishdan iborat
Ushbu qo`llanmada Islom Karimovning O`zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi qabul qilinganning 23 yilligiga bag`ishlangan tantanali marosimdagi ma`ruzasi bayon qilingan.
Красная книга растений
Книга эта постоянно корректируется одни виды исключаются когда непосредственная опасность их уничтожения миновала другие наоборот дополнительно включаются по мере поступления сведений об угрожающем сокращении ареала-площади их распространения.