Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi
O`quv qo`llanma hayot faoliyati xavfsizligini ta`minlashga doir materiallar: hayot faoliyati xavfsizligining nazariy asoslari, fuqaro muhofazasi, yong'in xavfsizligi, birinchi tibbiy yordam ko'rsatish borasidagi bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarini orttirishga e'tibor qaratilgan.
Keyingi yillarda ta’lim tizimida olib borilayotgan islohotlar tayyorlanayotgan kadrlarning mehnat bozorida raqobatbardoshligini oshirish va hayotda o‘z o‘rnini topishi uchun zarur bilim, malaka va ko‘nikmalarni shakllantirishga qaratilga
Современный русский язык: Словообразование: Морфология
В учебном пособии дается краткое изложение курса морфологии современного русского языка, обращается внимание на различные точки зрения по некоторым спорным вопросам словообразования и морфологии. Пособие адресовано студентам и преподавателям высших и сред них педагогических учебных заведений, учителям школ.
A Primer for Mathematics Competitions
The original meaning of the word ‘Olympiad’ was the period of four years reckoned from one celebration of the Olympic Games to the next, by which the ancient Greeks computed time. The year 776 bce was taken as the first year of the first Olympiad. In modern times the word has become associated with the regular celebration of the Olympic Games revived in 1896. During the course of the twentieth century it came to refer also to other specialist competitions held on a regular basis, e.g. Chess Olympiad, Chemistry Olympiad, etc. One major difference from the Olympic Games is the general rule for Mathematical Olympiads, that contestants be high school students, not yet registered at a tertiary educational institution, and under 19 years of age. The reason behind this is that a primary objective of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC) is to stimulate interest in and enjoyment of the subject in high schools. This objective is achieved in a number of different ways. Firstly, mathematics competitions and Olympiads are a powerful way of convincing young people that mathematics is a lively and attractive subject. Secondly, there is ample evidence that such competitions are remarkably effective in identifying future mathematicians at an early stage, and helping them to discover and develop their gift. Thirdly, in mounting high-profile and often glamorous competitions, public awareness of mathematics is promoted, the morale of mathematics teachers is boosted, and the quality of mathematics education is improved. Fourthly, in a more subtle way, Mathematics Olympiads provide extremely valuable (and sadly rare) common ground for university mathematicians and high school teachers and students of mathematics to come together and share ideas on how the subject might be taught more effectively.
O'zbek tili o'qitish metodikasi.
Oʻzbek tili o'qitish metodikasi kursi uchun bakalavriat yo'nalishi bo'yicha yaratilgan mazkur o'quv qo'llanmasida "Kadrlar tayyorlash Milliy dasturi", "Ona tili ta'limi konsepsiyasi", "Ona tilidan davlat ta'lim standarti" talablariga muvofiq talabalar va o'quvchilarning kommunikativ savodxonligini oshirish, ona tili mashg'ulotlarini yangi pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida tashkil etish, til darslari samaradorligini hozirgi zamon talablari darajasiga olib chiqish va dars jarayoniga tatbiq qilishning usul hamda vositalari haqida baholi qudrat tavsiyalar berildi. Unda zamonaviy yo'nalishlar bo'yicha yaratilgan qoʻllanmalar, darsliklar, maqola va ma'ruza matnlariga tayanildi.
Разработка управленческого решения
Компетентность, обоснованность и оперативность принятия решений во многом определяют конкурентоспособность организации и успех ее деятельности. Процесс формирования специалистов в области менеджмента кроме изучения общих концепций и методов управления предполагает также освоение современных технологий и приобретение навыков принятия профессиональных решений, позволяющих избегать многочисленных ошибок и потерь. В пособии рассматриваются природа и роль решений в системе менеджмента, организация и технология процесса принятия решений, возможности обоснования, оптимизации и прогнозирования их последствий с помощью современных методов моделирования и экспертных оценок. Существенное внимание уделено вопросам принятия решений в условиях риска, а также проблемам реализации решений, контроля их исполнения и оценки эффективности. Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям "Менеджмент" и "Государственное и муниципальное управление", руководителей организаций и менеджеров, а также для всех, кто хочет принимать решения более профессионально.
Ijtimoiy falsafa
O'quv qo'llanmada jamiyat, inson, ijtimoiy taraqqiyot va ijtimoiy bilish muammolariga daxldor falsafiy bilimlar o 'z ifodasini topgan bo'lib, talabalarning “Ijtimoiy falsafa” fanini o'zlashtirishlariga yordam beradi.
Loyihalashni mashina detallarida mustaqil o`rganish
O`quv qo`llanma "Mashina detallari" fanini mustaqil o`rganish va texnik mutaxassisliklar talabalari tomonidan loyihalash asoslari bo'yicha amalga oshirish uchun zarur nazariya va ma'lumotnomalar mavjud.
Мелиоративное почвоведение
В учебнике рассмотрены образование, развитие почвы и ее плодородие, классификация почв по зонам нашей страны. Дана мелиоративная группировка, бонитировка и экономическая оценка почв. Изложены основы мелиорации и окультуривания почв, меры борьбы с водной и ветровой эрозией
Milliy g'oya, ma'naviyatning pedagogik asoslari
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada milliy g'oya, ma'naviyatning pedagogik asoslari hamda ushbu turkumga kiruvchi fanlarni o'qitishni ilg'or pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida tashkil etishning nazariy va amaliy jihatlari ochib berilgan.
O‘quv qo'llanmada leksikografiya masalalari, lug‘at tuzish an’analari, tamoyillari; turli tipdagi lug‘atlar yaratish, ulami tadqiq etish, tarixiy va zamonaviy lug‘atlaming tuzilish tamoyillari, ulaming qiyosiy tahlili xu- susida fikrlar bildirilgan. Shuningdek, o‘zbek lug‘atchiligining tadrijiy taraqqiyoti: XI-XII asrlarda turkiy lug‘atchilik, XIII-XIV asrlar o‘zbek lug‘atchiligi, o‘zbek lug‘atchiligining eski o‘zbek tili davri, XIX asming ikkinchi yarmi XX asr o‘rtalarida o‘zbek lug‘atchiligi hamda mustaqillik davri o‘zbek lug‘atchiligi kabi davrlarga ajratilgan holda nazariy o‘rganil- gan. Jahon va o‘zbek leksikografiyasida zamonaviy elektron lug‘atlaming yaratilishi, ulaming amaliy ahamiyati haqida ham ma’lumotlar berilgan. O‘quv’qo‘llanma 5111200 - O‘zbek tili va adabiyoti bakalavriat ta‘lim yo‘nalishi o‘quv rejasidagi “Leksikografiya asoslari” fani o‘quv dasturi asosida yaratilgan. Undan bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari, magis- trantlar hamda lug‘atshunoslik bilan qiziquvchi mutaxassislar foydalanishi mumkin.
Students of the colleges of the natural sciences and engineering are required to take calculus courses during their first year before they begin their majors. The contents of calculus courses are composed on the assumption that freshmen possess a moderate understanding of high school mathematics. A small number of students, however, seem to have an incomplete knowledge of high school mathematics. These students may encounter serious difficulties in following calculus courses. As a result, they could experience a stressful introduction to university. To help these students, universities offer an extra review course of high school mathematics. This book, titled “Precalculus”, is designed for this review course, and is written so concisely that three hours of lecture per week in one semester can cover the materials completely.
Ta`limda innovatsion menejment
O`quv qo`llanmada Ta`limda innovatsion menejment fanining muammolari ko`rib chiqilgan bo`lib uning maqsadi ta`lim muassasalari innovatsion boshqaruvida qo`llaniladi.