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Qurilish. Arxitektura
Димитрий Николаевичнинг хотираларига доир ёрқин саҳифалар унинг туғилган жойи— Шарқий Сибирияга бағишланган. Ўтган асрнинг саксонинчи йилларида ўспирин йигитнинг балоғатга етиши ва студентлик йилларининг таърифи, шунингдек Москва қишлоқ хўжалик академиясинииг тарихи ва ундаги илмий ҳаётнинг ривожланиши китобда муфассал ёритилган.
Западноевропейская «новая драма»
ХХ век завершается, и можно приступить к осмыслению, объективной оценке оставляемого трагической эпохой наследия. Приступая к такой непростой задаче, авторский коллектив настоящего учебника отказался от принятого в подобных трудах сочетания «обзоров» и «портретов». Такой жанр сам по себе порождал описательность, перегрузку фактами. К настоящему времени опубликовано достаточное количество справочных изданий, фундаментальных историй национальных литератур. Жанр «обзора» сохранен лишь для характеристики литературы второй половины века, что определяется очевидным ее измельчанием сравнительно с первой половиной, с рубежом веков, с классикой. Кроме того, современная литература изучена в наименьшей степени ив наибольшей степени нуждается в описании.
Фарғона вилояти шароитида боғ ва токзорлардан мўл-кўл ҳосил олишда амалга ошириладиган агротехник тадбирлар бўйича тавсиялар
Ушбу тавсиялар Фарғона вилояти тупроқ-иқлим шароитлари барпо қилинаётган ҳамда етиштирилаётган мева ва узум навларининг биологик хусусиятлрини инобатга олган ҳолда сув ҳамда ресурслардан самарали фойдаланишни таъминловчи боғ ва узумзорларни парваришлашда ўтказиладиган агротехник тадбирлар мажмуасини ўз ичига олади.
Фан ва таълимни ривожлантиришда ёшларнинг ўрни
Ушбу тўпламда ёш олимларнинг илмий ва инновацион фаолияти, миллий манфаатлари ва мамлакатнинг ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожлантиришда ёш олимларнинг жаҳон илмий майдонида рақобатбардошлилигини шакллантириш учун зарур шарт-шароитларни яратиш мақсадида, ёшларнинг интеллектуал мулк объектларини республиканинг иқтисодий ва ижтимоий тармоқларига жорий этиш назарда тутилган.
Matematika " Trigonometrik tenglamalar va tengsizliklar, xosila va integrallarga oid test savollari va ularning yechimlari"
Qollanma uch qismdan iborat bolib, uning 1 - qismida sonlar, algebraik ifodalar, tenglama va tengsizliklar va funksiyalarga doir testlarni yechimlari, 2-qismida trigonametriya, hosila va integral, ularning tadbiqlariga doir testlarni yechimlari, 3-qismda esa geometriya kursining planimetriya va stereometriyaga doir testlarni izohli yechimlari bilan keltirilgan. Kopchilik test savollari birnchi yaqinlashishda juda murakkabdek, yechish ko‘p vaqt talab qiladigandek ko'ringani bois berilgan vaqt kamlik qiladigandek tuyuladi. Ushbu holat abituriyentda ikkilanish va ishionchsizlik uygotadi. Aslida esa togVi fikrlay oladigan, sermulohaza hamda sinchkov oquvhcidan juda kam vaqt talab etiladi. Yaxshi tayyorgarlikka ega bolgan oquvchilarda hatto berilgan vaqt ortib qolgan holatlar ham bolgan. Mazkur qollanmani yaxshi ozlashtirgan abituriyentlarning test sinovlarida matematika fanidan yuqori ball to'plashlarida hamda oliy o‘quv yurtlarida matematika fanini yaxshi ozlashtirishlari uchun mustahkam zamin vazifasini o‘taydi
Политика различий: культурный плюрализм и идентичность
Как произошло, что государства Западной Европы и Северной Америки в определенный момент отказались от идеала этнокультурной однородности в пользу мультикультурализма, а затем вновь повернулись лицом к идеям национальной консолидации? Почему, несмотря на дискредитацию идеологии расизма в XX веке, партии и движения с расистской повесткой набирают популярность в XXI столетии? Как объяснить то обстоятельство, что этнические чистки рутинным образом повторяются в разных частях света независимо от характера политического режима? В своей книге Владимир Малахов пытается найти ответ на эти вопросы, анализируя изменения в публичной сфере последних десятилетий и их обусловленность миграционными процессами. Автор исследует использование политиками этнических, религиозных и культурных различий и обращается к ключевым агентам социального и политического действия, стоящим за теми или иными дискурсивными конструктами.
Crafting a Republic for the World Scientific, Geographic, and Historiographic Inventions of Colombia
Friends and family are the sustaining life force behind oftenisolating academic endeavors. My mother, Martha Senn, has been a boundless source of love, inspiration, and support. Her partner, Juan Sebastián Betancur, has listened and provided guidance when I’ve most needed it.
Managing the profitable construction business
While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with the respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom.
The Political Geographies of Pregnancy
The context in which women become mothers in Western societies is changing, reshaping and sharpening issues of power and con- trol over women’s reproductive agency.
Governance and City Regions Policy and Planning in Europe
City-regions are areas where the daily journeys for work, shopping and leisure frequently cross administrative boundaries. They are seen as engines of the national economy, but are also facing congestion and disparities.
Construction Business Development
The authors and publishers would like to thank those who have kindly permitted the use of images in this book. Attempts have been made to locate all the sources to obtain full reproduction rights. However, if there are any instances where this process has failed to find the copyright holder, apologies are offered. In the case of error, correction would be welcomed.
Climate Change Epistemologies in Southern Africa Social and Cultural Dimensions
The approach to climate, notwithstanding its global effectiveness, is then necessarily marked by a difference that is following signatures of perception, communication, and discourse-related production of meaning.
Cost studies of buildings. Sixth edition
The importance of the costs of major resources, such as building or engineering projects, cannot be over-emphasised. Cost still remains one of the important trio of client needs, along with design and performance. There are really only a few, indeed very few, clients who can adhere to the motto of Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid of Gaza: ‘I don’t care how long it takes or how much it costs.’ Government today seems to have a habit of deliberately under-estimating the costs of new major resources. We saw this in the context of the recent Olympic Games in London, where, had the true cost been properly considered at the start, then approval for the building works might never have been contemplated. It was true of the Scottish Parliament building that went ten times over budget. In neither the short or long term does such advice on costs serve the needs and requirements of anyone. Costs and their forecasting, budgeting and accounting are important considerations for all who enter the world of construction projects.
Political Ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia Agrarian Conflicts and Forest Carbon
At CAU Kiel, I would like to thank Silja Klepp for constructive feedback on chapters, giving me the time to finish this book and for the generous support of her chair for copy editing. Moreover, I would like to thank Sarah Hartwig, Mytree Delfs and Lasse Nissen for their great support.
Cost-effective energy-efficient building retrofitting
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility.