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Диний экстремизм ва терроризмга қарши кураш муаммолари.
Ушбу киroбда диний экстремизм ва террорчиликка қарши курашнинг долзарб масалалари ёритилган.
Блокчейн на практике
В нашей книге мы рассказываем о технологии распределенного реестра, об актуальности и перспективах, а также о технических особенностях блокчейна за пределами криптовалют. Мы не преподносим блокчейн как идеальную технологию, а рассматриваем ее преимущества и недостатки. В отличие от многочисленных сборников публичных заявлений вперемешку с компиляциями чужих статей наша книга предлагает читателю разносторонний анализ развития технологии с 2008 года.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing (ICAMSAC 2023).
“The proceedings series Advances in Computer Science Research aims to publish pro-ceedings from conferences on the theories and methods in fields of computer science related to both hardware and software. Topics covered by this series: Data compression, Data mining, Knowledge discovery, Digital libraries, Database modelling, High-performance computing, Control systems, Information retrieval, Distributed and internet computing, Cloud computing, Data and computing security, Wireless computing, Mobile computing, Web services”
An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space.
SpringerBriefs present concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across a wide spectrum of fields. Featuring compact volumes of 50 to 125 pages, the series covers a range of content from professional to academic. Briefs are characterized by fast, global electronic dissemination, standard publish-ing contracts, standardized manuscript preparation and formatting guidelines, and expedited production schedules.
Uzbekistan-USA: A new era of strategic partnership
Any conscious person ever more profoundly understands the value and importance of such concepts as "national independence", "national statehood" and "national leader". It can be felt that the people, the nation are awakened as the nation, the emotions of humiliation and discrimination are completely eradicated. President Mirziyoyev's official visit to the United States strengthened the sense of being proud of its motherland and its leader in the heart of every citizen of Uzbekistan. This is the most important result of the visit.
O‘quv qo'llanma 5440100 Veterinariya, 5410600 zootexniya, 5111015 kasb ta’limi zootexniya,5111009 kasb ta’limi veterinariya yo‘nalishlari talabalariga zoologiya fanidan amaliy mashg‘ulotlarini o‘tkazish uchun mo‘ljallangan. U bakalavr tayyorlash o‘quv dasturi va rejalaridan kelib chiqqan holda tayyorlangan. Qo‘llanma umurtqasiz va umurtqalilar zoologiyasidan amaliy mashg‘ulotlarni olib borish va uni tashkil qilishni o‘z ichiga olgan. Har bir mavzu bo‘yicha tegishli rasmlar keltirilgan.
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Economic Analysis (MSEA 2022).
The 2022 International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Economic Analysis (MSEA 2022) was successfully held in Dalian, China on May 27-29, 2022. It was held both online and offline. MSEA 2022 combined mathematical statistics and economic analysis for the first time to explore the relationship between them, providing a platform for experts and scholars in related fields to exchange information and research.
Замонавий оргиник кимёнинг долзарб муаммолари
Ушбу тўпламда органик кимё, биорганик кимё, органик бирикмалар асосидги материаллар технологияси, юқори молекуляр бирикмалар кимёси ва технологияси ҳамда замонавий кимё фанларининг энг сўнги ютуқлари ва муаммоларига бағишланган бўлиб, унда янги турдаги бирикмаларнинг синтезлари реацияларнинг бориши шароитлари, олинган янги бирикмалари нинг биологик ва физиологик фаолликлари, уларнинг халқ хўжалигидаги тутган ўринлари бўйича материаллар баён этилган. Тўплам материалларида келтирилган барча моддаларнинг таркиб ва тузилишлари турли физик-кимёвий методлар ёрдамида таҳлил қилинган ва тасдиқланган. Тўпламнинг биорганик кимё секциясига бағишланган бўлимида келтирилган материаллар турли ўсимликлар ва бошқа табиий манбалардан ажратиб олинган ва уларни тозалаш усуллари тўғрисидаги маълумотлар атрофлича материалларда келтирилган.
Designing Digital Work Concepts and Methods for Human centered Digitization
This book describes digital workflows, including those involving human involvement, that are becoming increasingly digitized mainstream, and not just for the big players. As smaller and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seek to save time and costs on personnel, digital technologies Work design is becoming a cost-effective necessity for many businesses. Thus, adjusted digital and organizational innovations for stakeholders which helps companies gain an advantage for future development.
Борли ўғитлар. Ўсимликлар ҳосил етиштириш учун 1 га ердан 20 дан 250 г гача бор истеъмол килади. Донли экинлар жавдар, бугдой, сули, арпа, тарик, тупроқдан борни камроқ олади. Кунгабоқар, картошка, зигир, беда, хапталва баъзи сабзавот экинлари борни анча кўп истеъмол килади Бор етишмаса, аввало поя, новда ва илдизларнинг усиш нукталари касалланади, нобуд бўлади. Тупроқлардаги борнинг умумий миқдори 1 кг тупроқ хисобидан олинганда уларнинг хилига қараб 1-2 дан 50-80 мггача бўлади
Strategy maps
The strategy map has turned out to be as important an innovation as the original Balanced Scorecard itself. Executives find the visual representation of strategy both natural and powerful. As one executive speaker exclaimed at the start of her talk at a conference, “I love strategy maps.” When we post organizations’ strategy maps on the walls of rooms where we hold conferences, delegates use their coffee breaks to study each diagram—even for organizations completely different from their own—often sketching the map and filling in some key objectives.
Digitale Transformation: Fallbeispiele und Branchenanalysen
Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie die digitale Transformation, innovative Technologien, Cloud Computing, Big Data, das Internet der Dinge und Blockchain einen großen Einfluss auf die Zukunft von Unternehmen aller Branchen und Größen haben. Die disruptive Kraft der digitalen Transformation ermöglicht es branchenfremden Wettbewerbern, neue Märkte zu erschließen und die Marktanteile etablierter Unternehmen zu bedrohen.
Algebra Proceedings of the Illrd International Conference on Algebra held in Krasnoyarsk, August 23—28, 1993
This volume contains a selection of the talks delivered at the Illrd International Conference on Algebra. The conference, dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Ivanovich KARGAPOLOV (1928-1976), was held on the 23-28 of August, 1993, in Krasnoyarsk (Russia), basing on the Krasnoyarsk State University.
Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie wir seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren beschleunigte gesellschaftliche Veränderungen erleben, die unser Leben auf globaler, nationaler und individueller Ebene verändern. Die Beschleunigung wird durch Automatisierung und Digitalisierung vorangetrieben, die sich gegenseitig verstärken. Dies wird gemeinhin als die vierte industrielle Revolution bezeichnet, die zu dramatischen Veränderungen sowohl im Alltag als auch in der Wirtschaft führte. So hat die Digitalisierung Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts Branchen wie die Schreibmaschinenindustrie innerhalb weniger Jahre komplett zerstört und andere wie die Foto-, Musik- oder Filmindustrie im Medienbereich stark umstrukturiert. Die Transformationsprozesse haben aber nicht nur das produzierende Gewerbe erfasst, sondern auch Dienstleistungssektoren wie Postanweisungen oder Maklerdienste, sei es Reisen, Immobilien oder auch Partnerschaften.