Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Édito A2 méthode de Français
Édito A2 s'adresse à des étudiants adultes ou de grands adolescents apprenant le français. Enrichi de nouvelles sections, ce manuel propose un parcours culturel authentique à travers le monde francophone. Chaque unité du livre inclut un travail spécifique et progressif sur la grammaire et la communication, ainsi que des pages de préparation au DELF A2
Developing chinese (Intermediate writing course)
Developing chinese intermediate speaking course (I)
初级汉语口语 (I)
Developing chinese: elementary reading and writing course II
Developing Chinese: Elementary reading and writing course (I)
Advanced reading course 高级阅读(I)
Analytical Techniques in Materials Conservation
The use of scientific techniques in materials conservation has notably expanded in recent decades. There is much interest in identifying the materials used in culturally important objects.
Corpus linguistics: A guide to the methodology
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to corpus linguistics, outlining the methodology and applications of analyzing language data on a large scale. The author guides readers through the principles of corpus compilation, annotation, and analysis, with a strong focus on methodical soundness and scientific rigor. Emphasizing practical aspects, this guide presents numerous examples from the field and useful exercises to facilitate learning. It's a valuable resource for anyone interested in leveraging corpus methods for linguistic research
Cambridge Уnglish proficiency masterclass
Эта книга разработана для подготовки к экзамену Cambridge English Proficiency и предлагает множество упражнений и заданий по английскому языку. Она включает в себя онлайн-практику и более десяти тестов. Книга предоставляет всесторонний обзор экзамена, а также стратегию сдачи экзамена и советы по всем видам заданий
Cambridge english proficiency masterclass
Эта учебная книга предназначена для подготовки студентов к экзамену Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). Она включает в себя практические задания, которые помогают развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, письма и устной речи. Дополнительно предоставляются онлайн-ресурсы для дальнейшей практики и проверки знаний
Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version
Designed to support an introductory programming course, Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures teaches you concepts of problem-solving and object-orientated programming using a fundamentals-first approach. Beginner programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented, GUI programming, data structures, and Web programming. This course approaches Java GUI programming using JavaFX, which has replaced Swing as the new GUI tool for developing cross-platform-rich Internet applications and is simpler to learn and use. Personalize learning with MyLab Programming. MyLab Programming is an online learning system designed to engage students and improve results. MyLab Programming consists of programming exercises correlated to the concepts and objectives in this book. Through practice exercises and immediate, personalized feedback, MyLab Programming improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts of programming languages.
An introduction to Psycholinguistics
This book offers a clear introduction to psycholinguistics, examining language processing and acquisition with in-depth analyses. Ideal for both students and professionals
Chemistry in context
Following in the tradition of its fi sixth edition, is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis within a rst five editions, the goal of Chemistry in Context, contextual framework of signifi cant social, political, economic, and ethical issues.
"汉语高级教程 第二册"