Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Qurilish. Arxitektura
ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials
Book Description: Build cutting-edge web applications using ASP.NET Core 9 with this comprehensive guide from Microsoft MVP Albert Tanure, a seasoned .NET expert with over 20 years of experience as a cloud solutions architect. Albert brings unparalleled expertise in building modern web applications to ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials to help you kickstart your journey on the right foot. Starting with the platform’s fundamental concepts, you’ll work through practical exercises to develop web applications with powerful UI frameworks, deliver flexible and scalable solutions through an API approach, and explore advanced topics such as customizing request flows and implementing robust security measures. You’ll get to grips with cloud-native practices to prepare your applications for cloud environments. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is your guide to building modern, secure, and adaptable web applications with ASP.NET Core. By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging the advanced features of ASP.NET Core 9 to create cloud-ready web applications for diverse market segments.
Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 3: Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Neural networks have been a mainstay of artificial intelligence since its earliest days. Now, exciting new technologies such as deep learning and convolution are taking neural networks in bold new directions. In this book, we will demonstrate the neural networks in a variety of real-world tasks such as image recognition and data science. We examine current neural network technologies, including ReLU activation, stochastic gradient descent, cross-entropy, regularization, dropout, and visualization.
Axborot xavfsizligi
“Axborot xavfsizligi” fani bo‘yicha darslik tayanch oliy o‘quv yurti Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitctining “Axborot xavfsizligi” kafedrasi professor-o‘qituvchilari tomonidan tayyorlangan bo‘lib, unda axborot xavfsizligi tushimchasi va uning vazifalari, axborot xavfsizligiga bo‘ladigan tahdidlar, hujumlar va zaifhklar, axborot xavfsiligi sohasiga oid xalqaro va milliy me’yoriy-huquqiy baza, xavfsizlik modellari, axborotni kriptografik himoyalash, identifikatsiya va autentifikatsiya, kompyuter viruslari va zararkunanda dasturlar bilan kurashish mexanizmlari, axborotni himoyalashda tarmoqlararo ekranlarning o‘rni, operatsion tizim himoyasi, axborot sirqib chiqish kanallari va ulami aniqlash hamda obyektlarni injener himoyalash va texnik qo‘riqlash masalalari keltiriigan.
Global iqtisodiy rivojlanish
Ushbu darslikda “Global iqtisodiy rivojlanish” faniga kirish, jahon iqtisodiyo- tining globallashuvi konsepsiyalari, globallashuv va xalqaro savdoning rivojlanish ten- densiyalari, globallashuv sharoitida ishchi kuchi migratsiyasi, transmilliy korpo- ratsiyalarning milliy iqtisodiyot raqobatbardoshligini taʼminlash muammolari ochib berilgan. Darslik magistraturaning 5А230101 – Iqtisodiy nazariya mutahassisligi talabalari uchun darslik sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
Раскрываются предмет философии, се основные функции, показываются ее роль и значение в жизни общества, сто духовной культуре. Дается развернутая характеристика истории развития философской мысли, ее различных направлений и школ (от древневосточных и античных до современных). Доступно и содержательно., излагаются проблемы социальной философии, касающиеся различных; сторон развития общества.
Tabiiy energiya tashuvchilar va uglerodli materiallar kimyoviy texnologiyasi
Mazkur darslikda erkin uglerodning tabiiy va sintetik shakllari, qattiq tabiiy energiya tashuvchilar, suyuq va gazsimon energiya tashuvchilar, ularning ke-lib chiqishi, fizik-kimyoviy xossalari, sinflanishi haqidagi ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Qattiq tabiiy energiya tashuvchilarning kimyoviy qayta ishlash jarayonla-ri, neftni qayta ishlashdagi termik va katalitik jarayonlar, uglerod oksidi va sintez gaz asosidagi sintez usullari yoritilgan.
Банковское дело и банковские операции
В учебнике рассматривается широкий круг вопросов, отражающих понятие и содержание банковской деятельности. Освещены организационно-экономические аспект банковской деятельности, заострено внимание на правовых основах банковской деятельности в России. Помимонепосредственно банковских операций, банковских сделок, услуг и продуктов рассмотрена деятельность структур, составляющих конкуренцию классическим банкам, отражающим современную систему кредитно-расчетных отношений, а также деятельность институтов, сопровождающих функционирование современных банков. Такой подход позволяет понять суть банковской деятельности в РФ, отражает все многообразие институтов, проводящих банковские операциив современном обществе
Innovatsion logistika
Ushbu darslikdagi mavzular “Innovatsion logistika” fanining maqsadi va vazifalari, innovatsion faoliyatning mohiyati va turlari, logistik innovatsion faoliyatning zamonaviy konsepsiyalari kabi masalalami kredit modul tizimida yoritishga qaratilgan.
Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring
A must-read for every language teaching professional, Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring explores the regular, predictable elements of language as well as the potential creativity of its underlying system. By combining a wide range of view points with her own personal experiences and studies, Diane Larsen-Freeman challenges the static descriptive ideas of grammar, based on rules, and promotes the more fluid and dynamic notions of reason-driven grammaring, which she defines as "the ability to use grammar structures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately." The reader is left not with an encyclopedic set of definitions, but rather with a deeper understanding of the organic nature of language and its acquisition, and a honed set of tools with which to approach language in language teaching.
Artificial Intelligence. Beyond Classical AI
Artificial Intelligence is the buzzword today. These two words have changed the way we live, work and play. It is already being used in business to automate mundane, repetitive and high-risk tasks in less time, with higher accuracy. These tasks were done by humans. Because of the massive data sets it can process, AI can also give enterprises insights into their operations they might not have been aware of. The rapidly growing generative AI tools have brought a revolution in the field of education, marketing, product design, to name a few. Advances in AI techniques has opened the door to entirely new business opportunities.
Algorithm Design a Methodological Approach 150 Problems and Detailed Solutions
A bestseller in its French edition, this book is original in its construction and its success in the French market demonstrates its appeal. It is based on three principles: An organization of the chapters by families of algorithms: exhaustive search, divide and conquer, etc. On the contrary, there is no chapter devoted only to a systematic exposure of, say, algorithms on strings. Some of these will be found in different chapters. For each family of algorithms, an introduction is given to the mathematical principles and the issues of a rigorous design, with one or two pedagogical examples. For the most part, the book details 150 problems, spanning seven families of algorithms. For each problem, a precise and progressive statement is given. More importantly, a complete solution is detailed, with respect to the design principles that have been presented; often, some classical errors are pointed out. Roughly speaking, two-thirds of the book is devoted to the detailed rational construction of the solutions.
A Russian Grammar Workbook
The Workbook to accompany the Comprehensive Russian Grammar consists of 232 sets of exercises, each keyed to a relevant section or sections of the Grammar (section numbers are indicated in brackets after the heading of each exercise). The exercises are, however, of a general nature and can be worked independently, either with or without the use of the Grammar.
Advanced Git. Understanding Git Internals & Commands
This book is for anyone who wants to leverage version control’s power with Git in their software development process. It starts with a look under Git’s hood, then moves on to more complicated scenarios including merge conflicts, rebasing and more. Finally, you’ll learn common workflows using Git. Topics Covered in Advanced Git. How Git actually works: After using Git for a while, it’s good to discover the whys behind all the things. Rebasing: A more advanced way of merging code and collaborating. Merge Conflicts & Undo: You’ll eventually run into problems while using Git. Find out how to handle them with ease. Workflows in Git: Working with Git requires some rules to ensure things go smoothly across development teams. Learn the most common workflows and how to decide which to use for your project. One thing you can count on: After reading this book, you’ll be well-prepared to use Git in your software development workflow.
Расчет железобетонных конструкций с учетом влияния усадки и ползучести бетона
Учет влияния усадки и ползучести бетона в настоящее время стал обязательной составной частью железобетонных конструкции.
Золтан кодай издание второе исправленное и дополненное
Родина Золтана кодая старинный город кечкемет расположенный
Динамический расчет автодорожных мостов
В книге изложены основные положения методики расчета автодорожных мостов на действие подвижной подрессоренной нагрузки.