Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Qurilish. Arxitektura
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Collective Wisdom from the Experts
Tap into the wisdom of experts to learn what every programmer should know, no matter what language you use. With the 97 short and extremely useful tips for programmers in this book, you'll expand your skills by adopting new approaches to old problems, learning appropriate best practices, and honing your craft through sound advice. With contributions from some of the most experienced and respected practitioners in the industry--including Michael Feathers, Pete Goodliffe, Diomidis Spinellis, Cay Horstmann, Verity Stob, and many more--this book contains practical knowledge and principles that you can apply to all kinds of projects.
Yengil atletika va uni o ’qitish metodikasi
MOF tinglovchilari umumiy o ’rta ta'Iim maktablari hamda akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari jismoniy tarbiya o ’qituvchilari hamda murabbiylar foydalanishlari mumkin.
The Wiley 5g Ref. Security
From the Section Editor's Foreword by Dr. Madhusanka Liyanage, University College Dublin, Ireland. The Wiley 5G Ref: Security offers a stellar collection of articles selected from the online-only Work, The Wiley 5G Reference. It aims to provide a solid educational foundation for researchers and practitioners in the field of 5G Security and Privacy to expand their knowledge base by including the latest developments in these disciplines. The book introduces the security landscape of 5G, and significant security and privacy risks associated with the 5G networks. Then, the security solutions for different segments of the 5G network, i.e., radio network, edge network, access network, and core network, are discussed. Since 5G is developed based on network softwarization, security threats associated with key network softwarization technologies such as SDN, NFV, NS, and MEC are also presented in detail. Then, the security issues related to the new 5G and IoT services are delivered. Finally, a detailed discussion on the privacy of 5G networks is presented by considering Datafied Society.
Introduction to Financial Accounting. Lyryx version. Version 2023 — Revision A
To adapt and redistribute all or part of this book in its original form, please follow the guide below. Clearly indicate which content has been adapted/redistributed and summarize the changes made.
Основы дорожного грунтоведения и механики грунтов
Пригодность местных дорожно- строительных материалов с учетом местных природных условий района строительства
Транзисторная т тиристорная системы зажигания автомобильных двигателей
Полупроводники как и металлы обладают электронной электропроводностью которая обусловлена перемещением электронов проводимости.
Распространение волн, вызванных разрушений линейно- упругих сред
Разрушение- комплексная проблема решающая вопросы физики твердого тела механики- сплошных сред и материаловедения.
Nima sababdan har tirik mavjudot urchish jarayonida o'ziga o'xshash formalarni hosil etadi degan masala qadimdan kishilarni qiziqtirgan bo'lsada, ming yillar davomida u jumboq bo'lib qoldi. Faqat keyingi asrda bu masalaga tabiyotshunos olimlar birmuncha oydinlik kiritdilar, natijada biologiyaning yangi shaxobchasi bo'lmish genetika fan sifaticia shakllandi. Bu esa barcha tirik organizmlarga xos irsiyat va oʻzgaruvchanlik haqidagi bilimlarni kengayishiga olib keldi. XX asrning ikkinchi yarmida o'z tadqiqotlariga fizika, ximiya, matematika fan metodlarini joriy etish tufayli genetika biologiyaning tez sur'atlar bilan rivojlanayotgan sertarmoq sohasiga
Wiring the World. The Social and Cultural Creation of Global Telegraph Networks
The successful laying of a transatlantic cable in 1866 remade world communications. A message could travel across the ocean in minutes, shrinking the space between continents, cultures, and nations. An eclectic group of engineers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and media visionaries then developed this technology into a telecommunications system that spread a particular vision of civilization--but not everyone wanted to wire the world the same way. Wiring the Worldis a cultural and social history that explores how the large Anglo-American cable companies won out over alternative visions. Bitter rivalries emerged over telegram prices, visions for world peace, scientific innovation, and the role of the nation-state. Such struggles determined the growth of cable technology, which in turn influenced world history. Filled with fascinating characters and new insights into pivotal events,Wiring the Worldtraces globalization's diverse paths and close ties to business and politics.
Автомобиль- Самосвал ЗИЛ-ММЗ-555
Специализация грузовых автомобилей отразилась в первую очередь на конструкции на кузова
Создание машин для районов с холодным климатом
Сборник предназначен для научных и инженерно- технических работников связанных с созданием и эксплуатацией строительных и дорожных машин.
Применение нефтегрунта в строительстве автомобильных дорог
Опыт устройства и эксплуатации дорожных одежд из грунтов укрепленных высокосмолистыми нефтями
Colloquial Russian 2 is intended for students who, working on their own or with a teacher, have already completed a first-level course in Russian and want to continue their study (aiming at B1/B2 level of proficiency in Russian). The book starts with a revision unit which covers all the basic structures, including cases and aspects, so it is not a problem if you are a bit rusty.